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Estimated numbers of pharmacy graduates in UK.

This table is produced chiefly for the discussion of pre-registration training needs. Figures up to 2008 are based on numbers currently enrolled in Schools of Pharmacy (SoP). Most Schools expect some attrition before these cohorts graduate. Most Schools are vague on recruitment intentions beyond that; in several instances we have different figures from within a School. Later figures should be regarded as somewhat speculative and probably at the upper end of expectations. The ability of new Schools to recruit to match their intentions is unknown. Conversion courses for overseas pharmacists have not been included but the RPSGB is encouraging an expansion in provision through several SoP. It is not clear what impact this will have on total numbers of graduates but some increase should be assumed. Unless recruitment schedules change, they will still not be eligible to apply for hospital or community multiple schemes in the year they graduate. Bradford numbers for sandwich students are for final-year placements but will be similar for the early placements. Placements are becoming harder to find and more students may have to do fulltime courses in future although overall numbers will be constant. This table does not allow for such a switch.
Graduation year: Aston Bath Bradford (Continuous course) Bradford (Sandwich course) Brighton Cardiff Leicester Liverpool London, Kings London, SoP Manchester Nottingham Portsmouth Sunderland Subtotal (Established E & W SoP) UEA Kingston Medway Reading Hertford Keele Wolverhampton Central Lancs (?2010 or 2011) Huddersfield (?2011) Subtotal (All English & Welsh SoP) Belfast Aberdeen Strathclyde Total (UK) 2006 141 98 55 96 100 92 100 131 80 160 150 142 130 150 1625 0 2007 165 110 60 100 131 101 100 130 85 190 180 135 140 170 1797 68 0 0 2008 170 152 70 100 132 121 165 140 102 195 180 155 145 130 1957 90 40 65 0 0 2009 170 152 80 100 140 121 165 140 110 210 180 155 130 130 1983 90 80 120 40 80 0 0 0 0 2393 144 105 122 2764 2010 170 152 80 100 140 121 165 140 110 210 180 155 130 130 1983 90 80 120 80 100 40 50 0 2543 144 105 122 2914

1625 130 134 113 2002

1865 130 128 106 2229

2152 144 105 122 2523

David Scott.

February 2005

NHS Pharmacy Education and Development Committee.

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