Premature Ejaculation Definition:: Physical Examination

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Premature ejaculation Definition: Premature ejaculation occurs prior to when a man wishes it or too quickly during intercourse to satisfy

his partner. Causes, incidence, and risk factors: Premature ejaculation is a common complaint. It is only rarely caused by a physical or structural problem. Premature ejaculation early in a relationship is most often caused by anxiety and overstimulation. Other psychological factors such as guilt may also be relevant. With time, the condition usually improves without formal treatment.

Symptoms: Ejaculation happens before the individual or couple would like. (This may range from before penetration to a point too soon after penetration for the couple to feel fully satisfied.)

Signs and tests: A physical examination is usually normal -- abnormal findings are unlikely to be associated with the condition. Useful information is more likely to be obtained from interviewing the person or the couple.

Treatment: This version of the Encyclopedia has no treatment information. Please discuss any and all treatment options for your condition with your healthcare professional.

Expectations (prognosis): In most cases, the man is able to learn ejaculatory control through education and practice of the simple techniques outlined. Chronic premature ejaculation may be a sign of anxiety or depression, both of which could be helped by

psychiatric intervention.

Complications: Very early ejaculation, occurring prior to entry into the vagina, may prohibit a desired pregnancy.

A continued lack of ejaculatory control may lead to sexual dissatisfaction on the part of either or both partners and may be a factor in sexual tension or discord in the relationship.

Calling your health care provider: Call for an appointment with your health care provider if premature ejaculation is causing a problem and does not respond to traditional methods.

Prevention: There is no prevention for this disorder, though relaxation can reduce the likelihood of its occurrence.

The male reproductive system, viewed from a sagittal section.

The organs of the normal male reproductive system.

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