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Syrian swamp can dethrone the ayatollah's

Alexander Zanzer

There is no doubt that Iran is the biggest danger for the Middle-East. The regime of the Ayatollah's does not only enslave their own citizens. It's ambition threatens Israel, and try to proliferate political Islamic fundamentalism as the new order for the Middle East with territorial ambitions as a logical consequence; just look at Bahrein.

>>The Arab Winter has brought the biggest instability to the region since the decolonisation. The West is seeking democracy, but create a pathway for Iranian sponsored satellites. The United States try to show their supremacy, but are manipulated to react on media attention without being able to foresee the consequences of military support to rebels who have an inherited tendency to switch sides according to their ever growing ambitions. But the fuel that Iran supplies to the revolutions in the Middle East can become itself so unstable that it consumes the initiator. Syria can become the Russian Afghanistan or the American Vietnam for Iran on condition that under pressure of public opinion, The US does not interfere. Nobody denies the Domino Effect of the so called Arab Spring. All Arab regimes are in danger of being overthrown. Qatar's position in supporting the revolutions are self-destructing

"Syria can become the Russian Afghanistan or the American Vietnam for Iran on condition that under pressure of public opinion, The US does not interfere. "

unless their own ambitions concur with those of Iran. The Syrian civil unrest has taken the form of an outright war with consequences that reach far beyond the territorial borders of the country. Turkey and Lebanon feel its heat already. The unconditional support of Iran for Assad will lead to tensions inside the Iranian regime and the subsequent chaos can destabilise the Iranian government more than a military attack. The chances are high that Assad will tumble. But the longer his defeat lasts, the more involved Iran will be in supporting it. Unless the US intervenes with a no-fly zone, the Iranians will be obliged to be dragged into the swamp that any civil war produces. A civil war has much more political and military consequences than just proliferating terrorism. Iran is the destabilising factor sine qua non of the Middle East. Their Syrian involvement is their Achille's heel.

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