BBC Tews 123 Born Yesterday

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BBC Learning English The English We Speak 14 May 2013

I wasn't born yesterday


Hello and welcome to The English We Speak, I'm Feifei. And, as usual, I'm waiting for Neil, who's late. I think I'm going to get some revenge by playing a few jokes on him - especially as he forgot my birthday yesterday. Hi there, sorry, I'm late. Welcome to The English We Speak, I'm Neil and with me today is Feifei. I've done all of that. OK, how are you, Feifei? Not good Oh dear. What's the matter? I can't believe you forgot. Forgot? Oh no, what have I forgotten? What haven't you forgotten? Well, for a start, you were supposed to meet me an hour ago. Really? I thought I was only five minutes late. An hour and five minutes late. Secondly, you were supposed to be dressed smartly as we are meeting that very famous guest later. Famous guest? Yes, our very famous guest. Who's that, then? How could you forget that Justin Bieber is coming in?! What!? My hero, Justin Bieber?! Where?! When?! Hang on a minute, Justin Bieber isn't coming in. I wasn't born yesterday, Feifei. You weren't born yesterday but I was well, twenty-something years ago. It was my birthday! And you forgot! In English, if you want to tell someone that they haven't made you believe an obvious lie, you can say I wasn't born yesterday. Here are some examples:

Neil: Feifei: Neil: Feifei: Neil: Feifei: Neil: Feifei: Neil: Feifei: Neil: Feifei: Neil: Feifei: Neil: Feifei:

The English We Speak

British Broadcasting Corporation 2013 Page 1 of 2

Examples A: Did you know that I was the third man on the moon? B: I wasn't born yesterday. You're British and I know that no British people have walked on the moon. A: (Radio advert) Learn Russian in 3 days with just one minute's study an hour! B: Those adverts are so stupid! The only way to learn a language is years of hard study and practice. I wasn't born yesterday. Feifei: Neil: Feifei: Neil: Feifei: Neil: Feifei: Neil: Feifei: So, you can say "I wasn't born yesterday" to show that you are not easily fooled. And I wasn't born yesterday, so I know that Feifei's claim it was her birthday yesterday isn't true. No, that bit is true. Yeah, right. As I say: I wasn't born yesterday. I was! I really was born yesterday. I had a party and everything. Where's my card and present? You're not going to fool me. Argh, you're so annoying! I never forget your birthday, Neil. I know it wasn't your birthday yesterday It was!

The English We Speak

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