Cult Clas 27oct2008

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Onthethirdday,Leonidasledhis300Spartan hoplites(elitetroopsselectedbecausetheyhad livingsonsbackhome)plusthealliedThespians and Thebans against Xerxes and his army of "100,000 Immortals." The Spartanled5 forces fought this unstoppable6 Persian force to their deathsinordertoblockthepasslongenoughto keep Xerxes and his army occupied while the restoftheGreekarmyescaped.

In499BC,theGreekcitiesinAnatoliarebelled. Theydidn'twantPersiatorule1 themanymore. Athenssent20ships2tofightthePersiansonthe sea.TheGreeksinAnatoliaweredefeated3.The PersianKing,DariusdecidedtopunishAthens. He sent soldiers and ships to fight Athens. Athens asked for help from Sparta. Sparta wanted to help but couldn't. Athens sent her TheAristeiaofDieneces soldiers against the Persian soldiers and at the BattleofMarathon(in490BC)theydefeatedthe TheSpartanDieneceswassovirtuousthatwhen he was told that there were so many Persian Persians.ThenthehelpfromSpartacame. archersthattheskywouldgrowdarkwiththe flyingmissiles,hislaconicreplywas:"Somuch EphialtesandAnopaia thebetterwewillfightthemintheshade7." Unfortunately for Leonidas, after a couple of AfterThermopylaemanyGreeks wantedtogo days,amedizing4traitornamedEphialtesledthe southtothePeloponnese.Becauseoftheseathe PersiansaroundthepassbehindtheGreekarmy. wayintothePeloponneseisverynarrow.Many ThenameofEphialtes'pathbehindthepassat wanted to fight the Persians where it is very Thermopylae (which means "hot gates") is narrow,bythecityofCorinth.Athenswasnorth Anopaea (or Anopaia); its exact location is ofCorinthandshe8hadmanyships. debated.LeonidassentawaymostoftheGreek Athens'leaderThemistocleswantedtofightthe troops. Persians by the island of Salamis. Xerxes decidedtosendhisfleetagainsttheGreekfleet9 before the Greek ships could go to the
1 2 3 4 gobernar barcos derrotados Favorablealosmedos(persas) 5 6 7 8 Dirigidasporlosespartanos Quenosepuededetener sombra Atenas

Peloponnese and the Greek fleet defeated the Persians.Xerxesthenwenthomewithmanyof hissoldiersbutaPersianarmystayedinGreece. ThisPersianarmywasdefeated10attheBattleof Plateain479BC. 1. Copythetextinyournotebook 2. How does Ephialtes look like in the movieyouarewatching? 3. Why did the Greek Anatolian cities rebel? 4. WhydidDariusdecidetopunishAthens? 5. WhodefeatedthePersiansatthebattleof Marathon? 6. WhobetrayedtheGreeks? 7. WhatisthemeaningofThermopylae? 8. HowmanysoldiershadXerxes? 9. IsthesceneofDienecesandthearchers presentinthemovie300? 10. WholeadedtheGreeksinthebattleof Salamis? 11. Were the Persians defeated again after Salamis?

9 flota 10 Derrotada

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