Red Scarf Girl Well-Developed Paragraph-1

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Jenna Wang Feb. 9, 2011 Period 1 How is Jiang Ji-li characterized throughout the book?

Jiang Ji-li is an intelligent, responsible, and self-conscious girl. She possessed these three characteristics during the Cultural Revolution and daily life. Ji-li is intelligent as a student. She always receives good grades and everyone admires her. Both teachers and peers compliment her and offer her many opportunities. She has always been very responsible as well. She helps around the house and takes good care of her siblings, Jiyun and Ji-yong. Always a self-conscious person, Ji-li cares about what others think of her and strives to keep a good reputation among others. For example, when Ji-li's Aunt Xi-wen fell over while sweeping the streets, Ji-li had hesitated to help her up because she feared that others would see her and tease her about helping a person with a black class status. As you can see, Ji-li keeps these traits throughout the book.

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