Test 1

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Ruled by Kethu the South Node. 0'00" to 13'20" (0'00" to 13'20" Aries). The four quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon. The motivation is Dharma. Male Horse. Symbol - A head of horse. Deity - Ashwini Kumars. Dosha - Vata Rasi - Mesham (Padams 1, 2, 3, 4)


Ruled by Venus. 13'20" to 26'40"( 13'20" to 26'402 Aries). The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The Motivation is Artha. Female Elephant. Symbol - Yoni Deity - Yama Dosha - Pitta Rasi - Mesham (Padams 1,2,3,4)


Ruled by Sun. 26'40" to 40'00 (26'40" Aries to 10'00" Taurus). The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter. The motivation is Kama. Female Sheep Symbol - Amrazor Diety - Agni Dosha - Kapha Rasi - Mesham (Padams 1) Rasi - Vrishabham (Padams 2, 3, 4)


Ruled by Moon. 40'00" to 53'20"(10'00" to 23'20" Taurus). The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon. The motivation is Moksha. Male Serpent. Symbol - A chariot Deity - Brahma Dosha - Kapha Rasi - Vrishabham (Padams 1, 2, 3, 4)


Ruled by Mars. 53'20" to 66'40" (23'20 Taurus to 6'40" Gemini).

The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The motivation is Moksha. Female Serpent Symbol - The head of a deer Deity - Soma Dosha - Pitta Rasi - Vrishabham (Padams 1, 2) Rasi - Mithunam (Padams 3, 4)


Ruled by Rahu the North Node. 66'40" to 80'00" (6'40" to 20'00" Gemini). The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter. The motivation is Kama. Female Dog Symbol - Precious stone or a human head Deity - Rudra Dosha - Vata Rasi - Mithunam (Padams 1, 2, 3, 4)


Ruled by Jupiter. 80'00 to 93'20 (20'00" Gemini to 3'20" Cancer). The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon. The motivation is Artha. Female Cat Symbol - A bow or a house Deity - Aditi Dosha - Vata Rasi - Mithunam (Padams 1,2,3) Rasi - Katakam (Padam 4)


Ruled by Saturn. 93'20" to 106'40" (3'20" to16'20" Cancer). The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The motivation is Dharma. Male Sheep Symbol - A flower, circle or an arrow Deity - Brahaspati Dosha - Pitta Rasi - Katakam (Padams 1, 2, 3, 4)


Ruled by Mercury. 106'40" to 120'00" (16'40 Cancer to 0'00 Leo). The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter.

The motivation is Dharma. Male Cat Symbol - A serpent Deities - Nagas Dosha - Kapha Rasi - Katakam (Padams 1, 2, 3, 4)


Ruled by Ketu. 120'00" to 132'20" (0'00" to 13'20" Leo). The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon. The motivation is Artha. Male Rat Symbol - House or a palaquin Deity - Pitris Dosha - Kapha Rasi - Simham (Padams 1, 2, 3, 4)


Ruled by Venus. 132'20 to 146'40" (13'20 to 26'40" Leo). The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The motivation is Kama. Female Rat Symbol - A couch, platform or fireplace Deity - Bhaga Dosha - Pitta Rasi - Simham (Padams 1, 2, 3, 4)


Ruled by Sun. 146'40" to 160'00" (26'40 Leo to 10'00" Virgo). The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter. The motivation is Moksha. Male Cow Symbol - A small bed Deity - Aryaman Dosha - Vata Rasi - Simham (Padam 1) Rasi - Kanyam (Padams 2, 3, 4)


Ruled by Moon. 160'00" to 173'20" (10'00" to 23'20" Virgo). The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon. The motivation is Moksha. Female Buffalo

Symbol - The palm Deity - Savita Dosha - Vata Rasi - Kanyam (Padams 1, 2, 3, 4)


Ruled by Mars. 173'20" to 186'40" (23'20 Virgo to 6'40" Libra). The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The motivation is Kama. Female Tiger Symbol - Pearl Deity - Tvashtar Dosha - Pitta Rasi - Kanyam (Padams 1, 2) Rasi - Tulam (Padams 3, 4)


Ruled by Rahu.186'40" to 200'00" (6'40" to 20'00 Libra). The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter. The motivation is Artha. Male Buffalo Symbol - Coral Deity - Vayu Dosha - Kapha Rasi - Tulam (Padams 1, 2, 3, 4)


Ruled by Jupiter. 200'00" to 213'20"(20'00"Libra to 3'20" Scorpio). The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon. The motivation is Dharma. Male Tiger Symbol - A potter's wheel or an archway Deities - Indra and Agni Dosha - Kapha Rasi - Tulam (Padams 1, 2, 3)


Ruled by Saturn.213'20" to 226'40" (3'20" to 16'40"Scorpio). The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The motivation is Dharma. Female Hare Symbol - A Lotus flower Deity - Mitra

Dosha - Pitta


Ruled by Mercury. 226'40" to 240'00" (16'40" Scorpio to 0'00"Sagittarius). The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter. The motivation is Artha. Male Hare Symbol - An earring or an umbrella Deity - Indra Dosha - Vata


Ruled by Ketu. 240'00" to 253'20" (0'00" to 13'20" Sagittarius). The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon. The motivation is Kama. Male Dog Symbol - The tail of a lion or an elephant's goad Deity - Nritta Dosha - Vata Rasi - Dhanum (Padams 1, 2, 3, 4)


Ruled by Venus. 253'20" to 266'40" (13'20" to 26'40"). The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The motivation is Moksha. Male Monkey Symbol - Tust of an elephant Deity - Apas Dosha - Pitta Rasi - Dhanum (Padams 1, 2, 3, 4)


Ruled by Sun. 266'40" to 280'00" (26'40 Sag to 10'00" Capricorn). The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter. The motivation is Moksha. Male Mongoose Symbol - A small cot Deity - Vishwadeva Dosha - Kapha Rasi - Dhanum (Padam 1) Rasi - Makaram (Padams 2, 3, 4)


Ruled by Moon. 280'00" to 293'20" (10'00 to 23'20" Capricorn). The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon. The motivation is Artha. Female Monkey Symbol - An ear or an arrow Deity - Vishnu Dosha - Kapha Rasi - Makaram (Padams 1, 2, 3, 4)


Ruled by Mars. 293'20" to 306'40" (23'20" cap to 6'40" Aquarius). The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The motivation is Dharma. Female Lion Symbol - A musical drum or the flute Deity - Vasus Dosha - Pitta Rasi - Makaram (Padams 1, 2) Rasi - Kumbham (Padams 3, 4)


Ruled by Rahu. 306'40" to 320'00" (6'40" to 20'00" Aquarius). The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter. The motivation is Dharma. Female Horse Symbol - Hundred Flowers Deity - Varuna Dosha - Vata Rasi - Kumbham (Padams 1, 2, 3, 4)


Ruled by Jupiter. 320'00" to 333'20 (20'00" Aquarius to 3'20" Pisces). The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon. The motivation is Artha. Male Lion Symbol - A sword Deity - Aja Ekpada Dosha - Vata Rasi - Kumbham (Padams 1, 2, 3) Rasi - Meenam (Padam 4)


Ruled by Saturn. 333'20" to 346'40" (3'20" to 16'40" Pisces).

The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The motivation is Kama. Female Cow Symbol - The number two or a twin Deity - Ahirbudhyana Dosha - Pitta Rasi - Meenam (Padams 1, 2, 3, 4)


Ruled by Mercury. 346'40" to 360'00" (16'40" to 30'00" Pisces). The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter. The motivation is Moksha. Female Elephant Symbol - A fish Deity - Pushan Dosha - Kapha Rasi - Meenam (Padams 1, 2, 3, 4)

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