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Most recent books: Ed., Other Cities, Other Worlds: Urban Imaginaries in a Globalizing Age.

Durham and London: Duke UP 2008. El modernismo despues de la posmodernidad. Barcelona: Gedisa,2010. Recent essays: Geographies of Modernism, New German Critique 100 (Winter 2007): 187-207. Chinese transl. by Weijie Song and Xiaojue Wang, ConTemporary Monthly (Taipei), Issue 9, 2007: 429.Also in: Special Issue of Intellectuals on Reflections on Modernity (Nanjing: Jiangsu renmin Press, 2008): 316-335. Spanish transl.Quimera 289 (Diciembre 2007): 78-92. Danish trsl. in Mads Rosendahl Thomsen, ed., Verdenslitterr kritik og teori. (Aarhus Universitetsforlag: Aarhus, 2008) 115-135). Modernist Miniatures: Literary Snapshots of Urban Space, PMLA 122:1 (January 2007): 2742. After the High/Low Debate, Quaderns Portraits (Barcelona) 07 (2007): 3-15. Miniaturen der Moderne, in Jost Hermand, ed., Positive Dialektik (Festschrift fr Klaus L. Berghahn) (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2007) 199-214. Modernism At Large, Modernism. Edited by Astradur Eysteinsson and Vivian Liska (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2007) 53-66. Memory Culture at an Impassse: Memorials in Berlin and New York, in Warren Breckman et al., eds. The Modernist Imagination: Intellectual History and Critical Theory (New York: Berghahn, 2009) 151-161. Figures of Memory in the Course of Time, cat entry The Art of Two Germanys: Cold War Cultures (Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 2009): 224-239.German translation. Usos transnacionals del discurs sobre lHolocaust i el colonialism.//Transnational Uses of Holocaust and Colonialism Discourse. (Girona: Divermat, 2009)7-49. Aplicaciones transnacionales del discurso sobre el Holocausto y el colonialism, traducido del original ingls por Juan Julin La Memoria del Otro (Bogot: Museo de Arte Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2009), 25-43. Also in Aball del otro (Santiago de Chile: Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, 2010) 25-43. Prlogo: Medios y memoria, in Claudia Feld, Jessica Stites Mor, eds., El pasado que miramos: Memoria e imagen ante la historia reciente (Buenos Aires: EditorialPaids, 2009), 15-24. Guillermo Kuitca: Painter of Space, cat. entry in Guillermo Kuitca: Everything. Paintings and Works on Paper, 1980-2008 (London: Scala Publishers, 2009): 22-33.

Transnationale Verwertungen von Holocaust und Kolonialismus, in: Elisabeth Wagner, Burkhardt Wolf, eds., VerWertungen von Vergangenheit (Berlin: Vorwerk 8, 2009) 30-51. Oskar Schlemmer: Bauhaus Stairway, 1932, cat. entry in Barry Bergdoll, Leah Dickerman, Bauhaus: Workshops for Modernity 1919-1933 (New York: Museum of Modern Art, 2009): 318-321. Natural Rights, Cultural Rights, and the Politics of Memory, E-MISFRICA 6.2 (2010) Authentic Ruins: Products of Modernity, in: Ruins of Modernity, eds. Julia Hell and Andreas Schnle (Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2010), 17-28. The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge, The Cambridge Companion to Rilke, eds. Karen Leder and Robert Vilain (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), 74-79. Verdensbyer: urbane forestillingsverdener, Danish version of World Cultures, World Cities,Introduction to Other Cities, Other Worlds. K&K Kultur og Klasse 109 (2010):11-28. Shadows and Memories: Nalini Malani, in cat. Nalini Malani: Splitting the Other (Retrospective 1992-2009), ed. by Mus cantonal des Beaux Arts (Lausanne: Hatje Cantz, 2010), 42-49. Berlins Voids: The Tilla Durieux Park, In Favor of Public Space (Barcelona: Centre de Cultura Contempornia de Barcelona, 2010) 153-155. Urban Miniatures and the Feuilleton in Kracauer and Benjamin, (forthcoming) Shadows of War, in Isabel Gil and Adriana Martins, The (In)Visibility of War in Modern Culture(New York: Routledge, forthcoming). Spanish transl. Chile Media and journalism: Grass: Peeling the Onion, The Nation 285:5 (August 13/20, 2007): 25-28.Spanish trsl. in Otra Parte 14 (Otoo 2008): 1-6. Entrevista.La politica del pop. MACBA (Museu dArt Contemporani de Barcelona) (accessed March 2009) Entrevista, si es tv, Barcelona, May 2009 <> accessed Febr. 9, 2010. Entrevista a Andreas Huyssen, Ana Fabola Maurcio, Comnunicao & Cultura (primavera/vero 2009): 141-151.

Entrevista con Sergi Doria, Metropolis (Barcelona, Jan-Febr 2010): accessed March 10, 2010. Doria La memoria no debe ser victimologa, Revista de Cultura (El Clarn) (Buenos Aires). Interview with Santiago Bardotti. May 15, 2010: 10-11. Andreas Huyssen, el memorioso, Seales de la cultura y la sociedad (La Capital) May 16, 2010: 1, 4-5 (Rosario). Sel. from Uses and abuses of forgetting plus an article about my work by Mnica Bernab. Se produce una competencia entre distintas memorias, Interview with Silvina Friera, Pagina/12, May 24, 2010 (Buenos Aires) May 25, 2010) Lo post sigue perturbndome, Interview with Pablo Gianera, La Nacin, June 26, 2010 (Buenos Aires). (accessed July 12, 2010).

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