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Territories :Corvus Majoris Transmission from Excelsior to Contact Command Chapter Monastery Ravanna Captain Marcus Aulanius Commander

r 2nd Cohort, 1st Company Initial Drop Zones Secured - T1, 5, 6, 30 and 34 T6 lost to World Eaters Heretic Marines, T26 Space Port Secured Company Log The Excelsior battle barge and attendant escorts rendezvoused with the Crusade of Light as directed. First contact after translation to the Corvus Majoris subsector showed the system in the hands of the great enemy, Crusade renamed Crusade of Fire. Emperors Eagles requested to act as reserve and stand off during first contact at Void Span Point. The imperium was victorious with elements of Ultramarines and Imperial Guard overwhelming Ork and Chaos defenders. Planetary deployment commenced across the first 4 worlds free from the warp storm. Opposition from the great enemy is strong. Ork and Eldar raiders are present in the subsector. The Eagles landed unopposed on allocated drop zones in wastelands to the north and south of Corvus Majoris while the Excelsior maintained orbit.

First Contact A force of World Eaters attacked the advanced force. Casualties were high but the enemy warlord fell to my hand. Victory seemed assured until heavy reinforcements were reported incoming and we retreated granting the field to the enemy. Drop Strike. A rapid response was aimed at the World Eaters space port and reinforcement zone. The Excelsior laid down a withering barrage, coordinated by brother scout Severus, now accepted as Battle Brother, which destroyed much of the enemy defence force. Brother Novanus took the bastion on the left flank while Chaplain Octavius led the charge against the right. Fighting was heavy against demonic marines and warp talons. The Landraider Agrippa gave valuable support in destroying the enemy forces opposing the Eagles. The chaos gods warped one talon into some kind of spawned demon which fell to my blade. Brother Sergeant Brutus claimed the skyshield with his terminators and claimed the life of the enemy warlord in single combat. The day was ours and the support to the traitors is now cut off.

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