Claws of Furry - Book #3: The Mane Event

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Claws of Furry Book 3

The Mane Event

Spottus looked at the Bar that was on fire. Mane!, dont die, youre my protector said Spottus. The Bar smoked and was on fire. It exploded just moments before. Spottus the Leopard looked down at a newspaper is said on it: A Monster is attacking Cloudburg. Spottus looked at the Bar. Maybe the Monster made the building explode wondered Spottus. Just then someone tapped on Spottuss back. He turned around. And there was a Mountain Lion. Who are you?, did you set the Bar on fire? wondered Spottus. No, I own a Local bookstore here in Cloudburg. My name is Reole said Reole. Im Spottus said Spottus. You want to come with me to my Bookstore and Ill tell you about the Monster said Reole. Well to be honest my friend is inside that burning bar said Spottus. Well only be a minute, follow me said Reole. They ran away.

Chapter 1
Spottus and Reole went to Reoles bookstore to talk about the Monster. They walked inside and sat down.

Nice place Reole said Spottus. Thanks, now do you know why this Monster is attacking Cloudburg? said Reole. No idea, This is my very first time in Cloudburg said Spottus. Well about 50 Years ago there was a Cat in Cloudburg named Charles E. Feline. Now Charles was a scientist. One day he Created a Butler out of Slime and other things, at first Charles gave his butler about 3 Tasks a week to do, but as the months went on, Charles wanted more!, eventually he gave his butler 30 Tasks a day!, he worked it so hard!, but one day The butler was so overworked he went up to Charles and Killed him! said Reole. Whoa, what happened next? wondered Spottus. Well, The butler killed Charles, then the butler changed his name to Clyde Cooper, then was hiding for over 35 Years. While Clyde was hiding, Charles Son named Kita was hunting one day when he found Clydes hiding spot. Clyde escaped but a piece of Paper was left there. Kita Read it, it was a list of Cats Clyde wants to kill, or already has killed. Kita grabbed the Paper and gave it to me, so Today, Clyde is on the loose said Reole. Weird, Where is Kita today? wondered Spottus. He left town, hes been gone for years, last thing he did in town was give me Clydes List said Reole. Can I see the List? wondered Spottus. Sure said Reole. They walked to the table. And it was there. am I on it? wondered Spottus. They looked at the List. Most of

the cats on there Spottus had never heard of. Then Spottus saw the Name Pinn Hey I know a cat named Pinn, Im not sure if hes alive, last time I saw him a wolf pushed him off a cliff said Spottus. I Dont know why Clyde wants to Kill Pinn, He also wants Your friend Mane you mentioned earlier, and he wants to kill the king of Death island said Reole. Whoa, Really, Im sorry Reole but I have to Go, Go Save Mane, he was in the Fire said Spottus. Spottus ran away. Goodbye Spottus said Reole.

Chapter 2
Spottus ran to the Burning bar, but when he got there the Bar was gone. All that was left was ashes. MANE! screamed Spottus. Just then someone tapped Spottus on the back. He turned around and There was Mane. Mane!, your alive, how did you survive? wondered Spottus. I found a trap door out, This city is dangerous we gotta get out, Now! said Mane. Mane, Theres a monster attacking the city named Clyde, I just met a cat named Reole, he has Clydes list of People to kill!, and your on it!, The king of Death islands on it, Pinns on it! said Spottus. Your going insane Spottus, A Monster named Clyde wants to Kill me?, Lets go back to Lopegs house said Mane. Mane put on a Blowersuit (A Blowersuit was a suit used to blow yourself out of Cloudburg)

And Gave Spottus one Lets get out of Town! screamed Mane. He Pushed a button a he blew 100s of Feet high out of Town. Mane said Spottus. Spottus put on his blowersuit then pressed the button and blew 100s of feet high. They both landed at the Cloudburg lobby. Then threw their blowersuits down the canyon. Lets go back to Lopegs house said Mane. They walked threw the Rockies to get there. So Spottus, Im in danger from this guy named Clyde wondered Mane. Yes, I think he destroyed the Bar you were in, I think he knew you were in it, I think he tried to kill you said Spottus. Really in that case we should. Said Mane. Just then They heard a explosion behind them. They looked back and Cloudburg was destroyed. Clyde Destroyed Cloudburg! said Spottus. What I was going to say before it exploded was, In that case we should Hide from Clyde said Mane. Well There was at least 1000 Cats on Clydes list so he just got over that, Clyde also wants the King of Death island and Pinn Said Spottus. Oh said Mane. Well Since Cloudburg is now destroyed, I Guess Reole is dead and the List is Destroyed said Spottus. Would Clyde be dead if the city is Destroyed wondered Mane. Spottus looked at Mane.

Chapter 3
Clyde walked around the now ruined city of

Cloudburg. He walked into Reoles Book store. He saw Reoles body on the floor and saw his list very damaged on the floor. My list!, after years I find it and You Cant even read it!, well Probably most of the people on my list died in the explosion, but you gotta be a leader to. Leader!, Now I remember the King of Death Island was on it!, Im off to death island to kill the King! said Clyde. He Grabbed his lists remains and Left Cloudburg. Meanwhile Mane and Spottus were walking down the Rockies when they got to the place where they had the battle. Mane, this is the spot we had the battle with the Wolf said Spottus. They were all alone on the mountain. The rocks were covered with blood. Were alone, The rocks are all bloody, you think Kibblez or Pinn survived? wondered Mane. Maybe, Lets get home said Spottus. Mane and Spottus quickly ran back to Lopegs house. They got to the Sleeping area. They were alone. Home sweet home said Mane. Just then they heard a noise in the woods. Then a very injured Pinn walked out of the bush. Pinn, your alive said Mane. Yes, But very injured, Do you know where Lopeg or Kibblez is? wondered Pinn. No idea where Lopeg or Kibblez is said Mane. Last time I saw Lopeg was when That wolf had a battle with us, Last time I saw Kibblez was when he said he wasnt going to Cloudburg, he was going to protect me said Pinn. Oh, well we just came from Cloudburg, and

when we were leaving the Whole City Exploded said Spottus. Well Im Going to Death island, I have a feeling thats where Lopeg and Kibblez are said Pinn. Pinn walked away. Mane, Lets help Pinn, Lets go to Death island and Save Lopeg and Kibblez said Spottus. Or better yet, Lets go there and save Lopeg, kibblez and The King, hes in danger too remember said Mane. They Ran away.

Chapter 4
Clyde walked along the Rockies on his way to Death island. Meanwhile Pinn got to the Bay of Coral. He Stepped in the Water, and walked towards Death island. Then Mane and Spottus walked out of the bush. Pinn, we want to help you, were going to save Lopeg and Kibblez too said Mane. Okay, but be quiet said Pinn they slowly walked in the Water towards the island. Then Clyde walked out of the Bush. HALT!, Who are you and what are you doing? wondered Clyde. I should ask you the same question said Pinn. I am Clyde and I am looking for a bunch of people to uh, start a rock band!, yeah a rock band Said Clyde. Mane, Spottus and Pinn ran super Fast towards Death island. Clyde Jumped and Landed on Spottus and pulled him under. Clyde pulled him up. Whats your name!? wondered Clyde Okay, My name is Spottus said Spottus. Darn it!, no one on my list named

Spottus said Clyde. They ran away again. Clyde followed then a Giant Wave Hit them. And Mane, Spottus and Pinn washed up on Death island. Wahoo!, I think we lost Clyde, and I think were on Death island said Mane. They Walked into the Main room. And there was the Wolf. Hello, yes I remember you 3 said The Wolf. Were here for Lopeg and Kibblez said Pinn. Oh, Your not in luck, Right now, the King is Killing Them in the Death room! Said The wolf. No hes Not! yelled Pinn. Pinn Attacked the Wolf and Knocked him out And Ran into the Death room. Lopeg!, Kibblez! yelled Pinn. Dad? said Kibblez. Oh hello Pinn, your Son Kibblez was just telling me about this fairy tale about a cat named Clyde who wants to kill me said the King. Its no Fairy tale hes real all right said Pinn. GOODNIGHT PINN!!!! Yelled the King as he Shot Pinn in the chest with his Shotgun. Dad yelled both Lopeg and Kibblez. Pinn Fell down dead. Now its your turn said the King. Just then The king got a tap on his back. He turned around. And there was Clyde. Hello King of Death island, your on my list said Clyde. Clyde Jumped on the King and started biting him. Lopeg and Kibblez quickly ran out the door and found Mane and Spottus. Hey Guys! said Mane. hey Mane hey Spottus, Pinns Dead, He just got shot by the king. And now another cat named Clyde is attacking the King said Lopeg. Really, well we know Clyde he wants to kill

me, and he wanted to Kill Pinn said Mane. The 4 Cats ran to the Garden and saw someone flying in the sky. Who is that? wondered Kibblez. They moved into the sun. and it was Black Claw. Hello guys, yes I can fly, and what am I doing here, you thought I was headed to Cloudburg, I was headed here said Black Claw. Im Speechless Said Mane. Meanwhile The Wolf woke up from after being knocked out. He walked into the Death room. And he Saw Pinns Dead body, The Kings Dead Body and Clyde standing there all bloody, Hello Wolf, I bring no harm said Clyde. As he Jumped out the Window. Well Ill be a Son of A Gun! said the Wolf

To Be Continued

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