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1. Are you an outgoing person? Ar iu an augoin person? Eres una persona que sale mucho? a. Yes, I am.

Im laid-back and I love being with my friends in all the parties. Si, lo soy. Soy relajado y amo estar con mis amigos en todas las fiestas. 2. Do you like serious people? Du iu laik sirius pipol? Te gusta la gente seria? a. Yes, I do. That kind of people its better than lazy people. Si, asi es. Esa clase de personas es mejor que las peresozas. 3. Do you try hard to be on time? Du iu trai jar tu vi on taim? Intentas hasta lo difcil para estar a tiempo? a. Yes, I do. Im always giving my everything not be late ever. Si, asi es. Siempre doy lo mejor para no llegar tarde nunca. 4. What are people in your family like? Uat ar pipol in iur family laik? Cmo es tu familia? a. Well, my family is amazing, generous, so hepful, in my family all the people are reliable and serious. Everybody is great. Bien, mi familia es maravillosa, generosa, tan colaborativa, en mi familia todos son confiables y serios. Todos somos geniales. 5. a. My best friend is always late. Never come on time. b. But, Is your friend always free? Bat, is iur fren ol-uis fri? c. I dont know, hes always saying that he works all day. But once I went to his job, and I didnt see him. d. Well, maybe he is a hard worker? Uel, meibi hi is a jard uorker? e. Let me think, once I saw him in a coffe. And then I come back to this coffe and the waitress told me: That guy is always taking a cup of coffe in here. f. Ok. Maybe that guy is my husband. Okey maibi dad gai is mai jasban g. Ok. Bye.

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