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I come from a close-knit family have two brothers, one younger sister and a brother younger I am in the middle

of. In kindergarten it was 5 years old, had a playmate that bothered me much era of those kickers kids and one day told me today you get Christian him to see if I reach not in the hour that started recess was the first out and I hid in the game of the train and stayed the primary where I in the two first degrees was the clever child got the two first degrees with an average of 10. Until in third, I met a friend who was very violent but but one day I wanted to remove my spin I don't let me and threatened me in hit me then when I finish threaten me I gave the first blow that I broke her nose that was sent to the address was sent to bring to my mom and my friend's MOM.

high school I was a clever rebel because to much mischief, one day I I forgot a material for Chemistry Laboratory and made me jump the fence to me in the break went, one of my uncles helped, got a taxi and I jump very easy or through and arrive on time in the class. school where you start to know bad and good friends, where depends on yourself if you want to be someone in life or the typical that leaves high school and goes on Taco or pregnant to someone. I met a group of friends that I'm still seeing to talk about how go us it, play soccer and typically go to take now I am studying information technology and course the sixth semester where I'm doing my stays here at archysoft where I thank him to engineer Noe Alvarez Gutierrez accept me and giving me the knowledge that incorporates.

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