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Monster Alert: A Very High Chance of Being Killed by One of These Monsters BY Jenna Wang Be aware...

there are many dangers out there! Beasts are waiting for the right time to devour you! The ratings of the monster threat levels are from 1-10. The MinotaurThis week, seven Athenian girls and seven Athenian boys were sent to be eaten by the horrible, halfman half-bull Minotaur! Thankfully there is a willing young man, Theseus, that has volunteered to try to

kill the beast. Will he succeed? There is a 99.9% chance of him being killed by the Minotaur. He had not been able to bring any sort of weapons. Hope the best for Theseus!! The chance of being destroyed by this monster is a 9.

piece by piece. Don't think that you won't be tempted. You will be very tempted to go near them and listen to their beautiful songs. A tip is to stick beeswax in your ears when you get near them so you can't hear their singing. This is what Odysseus did to

The Sirens- These woman-headed bird monsters carry very strong temptation in their singing. They have gorgeous voices and use them to attract you towards them. Once you get near them, they snatch you, then stab you, and later, swallow you

prevent his men from becoming tempted. The chance of being killed by these monsters is an 8.

The Calydonian BoarThis over-sized boar is not any regular boar. It has evil red eyes and tough skin. Almost no

weapon can pierce it! It is roaming around in the village, destroying homes and killing livestock. What can be done? The king has sent for the heroes and heroines in Greece to try to kill the boar. The chance of being killed by this monster is a 10.

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