Viitorul Perfect Continuu

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Viitorul perfect continuu

Viitorul perfect continuu (Future perfect continuous) exprima faptul ca o actiune se va afla inca in desfasurare la un anumit moment in viitor. Viitorul perfect continuu se formeaza cu: Will + have + been + participiul prezent (-ing) al verbului. Exemple: They will have been building that house for 2 years next Christmas. - Ei vor fi construit (/ construind) acea casa de 2 ani Craciunul viitor. By five oclock she will have been selling blouses for three hours. - Pna la ora 5 ea va fi vndut (/ vanzand) bluze timp de trei ore. Forma negativa - se obtine cu will not heve been (sau won't have been inainte de participiul prezent (-ing). He won't have been reading when you come. - El nu va fi citind cand vei veni. Forma interogativa se obtine prin inversiunea auxiliarului had cu subiectul. Will they have been testing these materials before we get there? - Vor fi ei testand aceste materiale pana ce o sa ajungem noi acolo. Conjugare I will have been walking - Eu voi fi mergand you will have been walking - Tu vei fi mergand He will have been walking - El va fi mergand she will have been walking - Ea va fi mergand it will have been walking - Va fi mergand we will have been walking - Noi vom fi mergand you will have been walking - Voi veti fi mergand they will have been walking - Ei vor fi mergand Exemplu: They will have been playing tennis when you write your homework. - Ei vor fi jucand tenis cand tu iti scrii tema.

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