Metabolism, Heat Production and Physical Work

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Metabolism, Heat Production and Physical Work

Khubab Shaker


Protection from cold is directly related to the metabolic rate of human body
Metabolic rate depends on the physical activity As metabolic rate increase, our oxygen consumption increases Metabolic rate also indicates the level of metabolic heat production Metabolic heat production is calculated from oxygen consumption


Origin is Greek metabol, means to change

It is the sum of life sustaining chemical processes in an organism by which energy is made available This chemical transformation is catalyzed by enzyme Metabolism allows organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments

Metabolic rate is the amount of energy used in a certain


Factors affecting Metabolic Rate

Endotherms/Ectotherm: Endotherms thermoregulate internally

Physical Activity: Performing intense exercise will have a higher metabolic rate than when it is at rest Body size: An elephant expend a lot more energy to perform its daily activities than a rat

The more surface area is exposed to the environment, the more heat it loses and more energy it requires

Metabolic Rate by occupation

Occupation Carpenter Painter Gardener Driver Bricklayer Metabolic Rate (watt m-2) 110-175 100-130 115-190 85-110 110-160

Body Surface Area (BSA)

Man 1.9 m2 Woman 1.6 m2 Motesslar Formula:


W in kg

H in cm
BSA in m2

Classification of Metabolic Rates

Values from ISO 8996 Values refer to an ideal man with a BSA of 1.8 m2

Classification of Metabolic Rates (cont)

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