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As asked by you, PFA ppt's and articles related to topics that we have covered in Industrial Relations.

End-Term Questions will be from the following areas: 1. Globalization, Post-liberalization- Economy and Labour (casualization and tertiarization) 2. Crisis and challenges in Industrial Relations 3. Theory on Industrial Relations 4. Trade Unionism (Theories, Trade Union Act, 1926and Recent Trends) 5. Industrial Disputes (works committee, industry, workmen, strike and lockout, lay-off and retrenchment and etc.) 6. Collective Bargaining (concepts and case study discussed in the class) 7. Workers participation in management (works committee, joint management councils/committee, employees director, ESOPs, shop councils, joint councils, QWL) 8. VRS (concept) 9. Industrial Relation issues in Maruti with respect to recent events (critical analysis) 10. Case Studies on Jet Airways and Indian Airlines, Collective Bargaining, Employee buyout KDHPCL)

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