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6th year Final Exam

General Surgery
Multiple Choice Questions

Dear colleagues, this is an attempt to write down final exam MCQs, it is not that professional, but it may be useful for someone.. we advise you not to memorize the questions but to try to imagine how they will be... Do your best, never give up hope, trust Allah Your colleagues Class of 2003

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6th year final MCQ Exam 2009 Surgery

e-Copy @ Dear colleagues, this is an attempt to write down final exam MCQs, it is not that professional, but it may be useful for someone.. we advise you not to memorize the questions but to try to imagine how they will be... Do your best, never give up hope, trust Allah Your colleagues Class of 2003

Q:the most common cause of splenic abscess is A: infective endocarditis Q: U waves seen in A:hypokalemia Q:water exhaustion which is false A:specific gravity is low Q:wrong about blood products A:FFP stored at zero and used for 1 year Q:not an indication for hand surgery A:herpetic whitlow Q:fissure in crohn's disease is A:associated with perianal sepsis Q:ture about UC A:sexual incontinence is a complication Q:the best diagnosis for compartment syn is A:compartment pressure measure Q:case of calf pain after walking uphill all are initial steps in diagnosis except

A: Arteriogram Q:embolectomy then 6 hours later developed calf tenderness A:compartment syndrome Q:ture about UC A:sexual incontinence is a complication Q:SMA ischemia occurs in all except A: portal HTN Q:differentiated thyroid CA which is false A:surgical removal of one lobe should be enough Q:haydatid cyst which is wrong A:dog get infected by eating ovum in sheeps stool Q:the most common complication of pancreatitis is A: pseudocyst Q:tissue valve is indicated in all except A:younger than 30 Q:venous cath causes all except A:ture aneurysm Q: post op wound inf Rx A:remove sutures Q:in head trauma u do all except A: peritoneal lavage Q:gastroschesis which is false A:high incidence of congenital malformation Q:hyperkalemia the best Rx A:hemodialysis

Q:not an indication for splenectomy A:G6PD Q:lateral to femoral canal A:femoral vien Q:not a cancer in immunodeficiency A:hodgkin's lymphoma Q:most common bladder tumor in children A:rhabdomyosarcoma Q:not an abdominal mass in a 3 yr old A: pyloric stenosis Q:achalasia not come with A:hematemesis Q:GERD not come with A:diverticulum Q:not an indication for GERD surgery A:hiatus hernia with controlled symptoms Q:diverticulosis which is false A:many came with perforation Q:ture about hemorrhoids A:internal and external thrombosis

Q:basal cell ca melanotic type A:surgery Q:most common type of clefting A:unilateral CL and CP Q:not ass with increased risk of clefting

A:increased maternal folate intake Q:skeletal muscle amino acids A:glutamine and alanine Q: question about GCS, A: 8 Q:not a RF for gastric CA A:MEN1 Q:a cause of strangulated bowel loop A: obstructed hernia Q:first sign of strangulation A:local tenderness Q: diaphragmatic hernia surgery done outcome A: progress branching with distal lag 5 yrs behind proximal A2:irreversible pulmonary hypoplasia Q: pulmonary contusion which is false A: order cardiac enzymes for sternal injurey A2:sternal injury at junction b/n maneburum and body Q:aortic dissection not a complication A: pulmonary infarction Q: brown sequard syndrome which is false A:.....with ipsilateral pain and temperature Q:umbilical hernia A:conservative Tx in the first yr of life Q:female most common hernia A:inguinal Q:carotid body tumor A:higly vascular

Q:Subarachnoid Hge which is false A:amount of blood correlates with prognosis A2:normal CT excludes SAH Q: branchial cleft cyst which is false A:2nd and 3rd in the lower third of the neck A2:3rd in pyreform fossa Q:fetal prostate development A:inhibin A2: testosterone A3: dihidrotestosterone Q:after filling defect on IVU A:non inhanced CT scan Q:urethral injury A:retrograde urethrogram

Q:no skin retraction A:fibroadenoma Q:not indicated in 20 yr old with breast mass A:mammogram Q: phylloides tumor false A:70% with axillary lymph node mets Q:inflammatory Ca in breast Tx A:hemotherapy!!! Q:fat embolism best preventive Rx A:steroid A2:fat droplets in the blood Q:laceration wound A:wound irrigation

Q:microorganisms ass with UTI A: proteus and pseudomonas Q: prognosis of colon ca depends on A: chromosomal .... Q: pheochromocytoma which is false A:caused by solitary adenoma Q:cause of colon ca A:mutations Q:isotope scan shows all except A:malignant nodule Q: hypergastrinemia A:hypocalcemia A2: bowel resection Q: post op wound inf most commonly caused by A:endogenous Q:all hormones increased in trauma except A:GH A2:TSH Q: paralytic ilius caused by all except A:tetanus Q:invasive anal epidermoid ca Rx A:chemo then local excision Q:all in diabetic foot except A:venous stasis Q: prostatitis doesn't cause A:erectile dysfunction

Q:most important in falling from a hight is A: orientation of ur body Q:most common cause of hyper ca in hospitalized pts is A:mets Q:assessing nutritional status which is wrong A:creatinine Q:hyperparathyroidism u do surgery in all except A: older than 60 Q: cryptorchidism all r true except A:commonest site suprapubic Q:FFP not given in A:heparin overdose Q:appendicitis wrong A:30% with anorexia Q:which is false A:escharatomy only done in burn unit Q: uro trauma which is false A: intraperitoneal extravasation more than extraperitoneal (not sure and not remember the other options) Q:splenic trauma A:CT scan Q:contrast material causing ARF in A:dehydration Q: most important function of spleen A:hematopoeisis A2:filtration A3:IgM produciton

Q:true about anal fissure A:surgery is the best Tx A2:tear above and blw dentate line both options r not the answer but they r the only i remember Q: duodenal atresia which is wrong A: common distal to ampulla of vater A2: due to vascular insult A3: one third with down syndrome A4:vomiting is the presenting complaint A5: dudenodudenostomy is best Rx it's either A2 orA4!!! Q: all are indication of surgery in AS except A:gradient 35 no Sx A2:CHF Q:true A: endothelium .....NO synthase

Q: portwine stain which is wrong A: normal endothelial cover Q: partial thickness burn which is false A:aggresive scar if not treated??? Q: pancreatic cyst adenocarcinoma which is false A:most common in the body and tail this is true it's opposite to pancreatic adenocarcinoma Q:to differentiate b/n tortion and epididymitis A:colored doppler i wish u all the best luck in this and the coming exams Sarah N. Rawashdeh

Q: sympathetic innervation for kidney a. celiac b. superior /inferior hypogastric c. superior mesentric Q: adaptation for resection of small bowel: a. increase in villi length b. increase secretion c. hyperplasia 3. lung contusion a. resusicate blood loss b. usually need assissted ventilation c. improve within 3 to 5 days Q. hand infection false a. acute paronychia ,develop tenosynovitis? Q: regarding wilms tumor false a. usually present with hematuria Q. not present in early wound healing a. lymphocyte b. collagen Q: angiodysplasia a. acquired arteial venous connection Q. regarding disk prolapse a. surgery is indicated if positive Straight leg raise

Q. 45 yr female did femoral artery embolectomy ,6 hours later she had tense swelling and loss of pedal pulses .this is most likely? a. re embolus b. re thrombus c. compartment syndrome


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