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Charis May S.



THE PRACTICE (season 2 episode 13)

I learned meanings when I enrolled the subject law 1. Sentence that I will never forget that I learned from law 1 was Obligation is a juridical necessity to give, to do, or not to do. I can apply the things that Ive learn. Its not easy to learn about our constitutional law but atty. Roco makes us easily understand the meaning about the article. Words that are unfamiliar to us, he tries his best in order for us to understand. Words that we dont know we can apply it for the future.

When I saw the practice (season 2 episode 13) I discovered that there are two cases that are handled by the different attorney of a firm. Atty. Jimmy is furious when his mother reveals her love for another woman. He feels obligated to represent her in court when she requests he argue her right to marry her lover. Bobby and Rebecca deal with a large crowd that is responding to Jimmy's grunt commercial. Meanwhile, Eugene refuses to defend a rapist after he runs into one of his client's victims in a clothing store. Case rape gives a moral damage to the victim.

When I was still in 1st year college I heard about atty. Roco some says hes different from the other instructor. When I was in 2nd year and we pass by the room of sir Roco we were so silent because at first our impression to him is that he is strict. But definitely it was opposite, he is a jolly person. There are many things that Ive learn from him not just from law 1 but also in economics and international trade. He is a big help to me to know more things about our economy and from own law. Because of that I thank him for everything. Sir Roco is also our motivator, who helps us encourage going out from our shells.

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