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Humanity We are created in the ___________ of God, yet because of the Fall we are ______________.

(Genesis 1:27, Romans 7:5) Why are we sinful? Because Adam sinned against God, he caused all of humanity to be born sinful by his inheritance. (Romans 5:12) What is sinful nature? Since we are born into sin, we have a natural inclination toward sin rather than toward righteousness. This is our sin nature, that nothing in us can spiritually redeem us. (Romans 7:18) Is the flesh the same thing as the sinful nature? Not all the time. Paul uses the flesh as a physical metaphor to refer to his sinful nature many times, but not every time the word flesh is used is it intended to refer to sinful nature. (Ex: John 1:14) What is Spiritual Inability? Some people use the term total depravity to describe the sinfulness of humanity. Humanity is steeped in sin, but it is important to define what exactly this means. A woman may sacrifice her life for that of her child with no thought or inclination to her own well-being, and do this with no knowledge of Jesus Christ. This virtue is evidence that she is not morally depraved. Yet it does not mean that her virtue has the capacity of salvation and is able to save her. (Ephesians 2:8-9) What are we made of? The general agreement is that we are made up of two distinct substances. The Material We were created from dust into a physical body. The Immaterial We possess a soul, spirit, and mind. (possibly three names for the same thing) We do know that a body without the soul is just as unnatural as an ethereal spirit without a body. (Genesis 2:7, 1 Corinthians 14:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:23) Related Terms and Definitions Salvific refers to the quality and/or ability of providing salvation. Spiritual Inability refers to the belief that we are incapable of redeeming ourselves by our own virtue or prowess. Total Depravity refers to the belief that there is absolutely no good within humanity to be spoken of at all. Relative Virtue would describe those commendable acts that cannot be ignored and cannot logically or ethically be resigned to moral depravity. Relative virtuosity is not salvific. Redemptive Virtue would describe the work of Christ that is imputed to us by grace through faith, enabling us to do good works as the Spirit ministers to and through us. Redemptive virtue is salvific.

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