Elizabeth Palos Camino.: ND RD ND

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This is a little reflection about my last practices in secondary school, I didnt make an essay because this need the ideas of an author, and I didnt have any. But only, I have the reflection how I make my English classes. I think my classes were very bad, because I had a lot mistakes, and my abilities, skills really were bad in my practice. For example, I reflect about my mistakes, I was really nervous with the class and the observation of my Opd teacher, and the fist class for me all the time is difficult, for me was terrible, and I cant make sequence of my English class. Other mistakes were the activities in the school, for example a reading of every Monday, making in the school, I think this activity change the sequence of my practice. Another was the previous knowledge of students, I observed the difference between 2nd an 3rd grade, for example in 2nd grad I was really angry because I didnt have control group, students were lazy for everything, only few students work in the activities, but not only the students have the blame, I know I need to motive the students and observed more likes an dislikes. I think a teacher need to have a lot abilities to have an excellent class, the language, vocation, love for teach, group control, and voice, with this practice, I know I dont have all these things to be a teacher. Some classes were good, but the my school the E.N.S.F.A dont make me feel like a teacher, I dont have the vocation to be an English teacher, I think I need more preparation, strategies, practice more my English, reinforce all my skills. I think these things help me to be a better human and to be a teacher. Only I say the last classes were really bad, I need practice more in my abilities and security in the language, and make me feel good with my work. Everything costs in this life, I need to pay for that.


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