University of Essex: Introduction To Film

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1st Year Examinations 2011


Time allowed: 3 hours.

Candidates must answer THREE questions, ONE from EACH section. Do not write on the same film twice. The paper consists of SIX questions, divided into THREE sections. Candidates are advised that they not write substantially on the same authors or works in more than one answer. Candidates are advised not substantially to repeat material used elsewhere in answers to examination

Please do not leave your seat unless you are given permission by an Invigilator. Do not communicate in any way with any other candidate in the examination room. Do not open the question paper until told to do so. All answers must be written in the answer book(s) provided. All rough work must be written in the answer book(s) provided. A line should be drawn through any rough work to indicate to the examiner that it is not part of the work to be marked. At the end of the examination, remain seated until your answer book(s) have been collected and you have been told you may leave.


SECTION A 1. Write a concise description of THREE of the following concepts, and give specific examples where necessary: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) montage; Expressionism; cinema of attractions; widescreen; melodrama; star theory; three-point lighting; synchronised sound. (END OF SECTION A) SECTION B 2. Assess the contribution to film history of ONE of the following films: a) b) c) Breathless; The Great Train Robbery; Un Chien Andalou.


What is classical about classical Hollywood cinema? Base your answer on Some Like it Hot. (END OF SECTION B)

SECTION C 4. Make a case for regarding any director you have studied during the spring term as an auteur, referring in detail to auteur theory. Discuss the narrative worlds of EITHER Mulholland Drive OR Run Lola Run. Explore the motif of the return of the repressed in Black Narcissus OR The Ring, illustrating your answer with details of cinematography and mise-en-scne. (END OF SECTION C) END OF PAPER

5. 6.

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