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CONDUCT GRADE PROCEDURES: 1. Classroom rules are posted on the closet doors of each room. 2.

Anytime you choose to be inconsiderate or fail to represent yourself well, you will enter the date and details in the Behavior Log. 3. Your teacher will also record dates and details of times during the year that you have wisely chosen to be SUPER CONSIDERATE, or have worked very hard to accomplish something. 4. Notes in the Behavior Log will be used to fulfill conduct grades on your report card each trimester, and to determine privileges in the classroom. Possible Consequences for poor choices: Verbal warning Private conversation with your teacher Written apology to person offended Walking laps during recess Written explanation to parents Parents contacted by teacher Private conversation with Mrs. Vandeventer Private conversation with Mrs. Harr Possible Rewards for good choices: Treat from your teacher Homework pass Extra privilege in the classroom Positive note to parents

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