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Contemporary texts Oswald Mosley (1934), The Greater Britain (2 copies) Oswald Mosley (1947), The Alternative (2 copies)

Week six: communism and the new civilisation

General commentaries on the Webbs (see above) usually have some discussion of their attachment to Soviet communism. For more specific discussions see. Barbara Drake, The Webbs and Soviet Communism in M. Cole, The Webbs and their work . Norman and Jeanne Mackenzie, eds, The Diaries of Beatrice Webb. Vol. 4 192443 . Entries from 1932 contain many references to Soviet Russia Kevin Morgan, The Webbs and Soviet Communism (2006), ch. 10 and passim

For general texts about attitudes of the British (and international) left David Caute (1973) The Fellow Travellers. A postscript to the enlightenment. Peter Clark (2002), The Cripps Version. A life of Sir Stafford Cripps, pt. 3: Russian myths 1940-1. P. Deli (1985) The image of the Russian purges in the Daily Herald and the New Statesman, Journal of Contemporary History 20, 261-82. Martin Durham (1985) British revolutionaries and the suppression of the left in Lenins Russia 1918-24, Journal of Contemporary History, 20, 203-19. Stephen Graubard (1956) British Labour and the Russian Revolution James Hinton (1994) Shop Floor Citizens. Planning and democracy in the British engineering industry 1941-47. Ben Jackson (2007), Equality and the British Left, ch. 4 . Bill Jones (1977) The Russia Complex. The British Labour Party and the Soviet Union James Jupp (1982) The Radical Left in Britain 1931-41 L.J. Macfarlane (1967) Hands Off Russia. British Labour and the Russo-Polish War, 1920, Past and Present, 38, 126-52. Stuart Macintyre (1977) British Labour, Marxism and working-class apathy in the 1920s, Historical Journal, 20, 253-73. Stuart Macintyre (1980) A Proletarian Science. Marxism in Britain 1917-1933. Sylvia R. Margulies, The Pilgrimage to Russian. The Soviet Union and the treatment of foreigners, 1924-1937. Kevin Morgan and Gidon Cohen (2003), Rose Cohen (1894-1937), communist in K. Gildart, D. Howell and N. Kirk, eds, Dictionary of Labour Biography vol. XI, 31-9.


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