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Jerry H. Brookshire (1995), Clement Attlee, esp. ch. 1: British socialist and British politician.

John Campbell (1987) Nye Bevan and the Mirage of British Socialism. Peter Clarke (2002), The Cripps Version. The life of Sir Stafford Cripps. Elizabeth Durbin (1985) New Jerusalems. The Labour Party and the Politics of Democratic Socialism, pts 2-3. Nicolas Ellison (1994) Egalitarian Thought and Labour Politics. Retreating visions Steven Fielding (1992) Labourism in the 1940s, Twentieth Century British History, 3, 2, 138-53. Steven Fielding, Peter Thompson and Nick Tiratsoo (1995) England Arise! The Labour Party and popular politics in the 1940s. Michael Foot (1962) Aneurin Bevan. Volume 1. 1897-1945. Michael Foot (1975) Aneurin Bevan. Volume 2. 1945-1960. Martin Francis (1995) Economics and ethics. The nature of Labours socialism 1945-51, Twentieth Century British History 6, 220-43. Martin Francis (1997) Ideas and Policies under Labour 1945-1951. Building a new Britain. Jim Fyrth (ed.) (1995) Labours High Noon. The government and the economy 1945-51. Jim Fyrth (ed.) (1995) Labours Promised Land. Culture and society in Labour Britain 1945-51. E.HH.H. Green (2001), Searching for the middle way: the political economy of Harold Macmillan in Green, Ideologies of Conservatism, ch. 6 James Hinton (1994) Shop Floor Citizens. Engineering democracy in 1940s Britain. David Howell (2006), Clement Attlee. Ben Jackson, Equality and the British Left. A study in progressive thought, 190064 . Kevin Jeffreys, The Attlee years in Brivati and Heffernan, The Labour Party: a centenary history Rodney Lowe (1990) The Second World War, consensus and the foundations of the welfare state, Twentieth Century British History 1, 152-82 David Marquand (1988), The Unprincipled Society, ch. 1: Keynesian social democracy Kenneth O. Morgan (1984) Labour in Power 1945-51. Ben Pimlott (1977), Labour and the Left in the 1930s Ben Pimlott (1985) Hugh Dalton. Ben Pimlott (ed.) (1986) The Second World War Diary of Hugh Dalton 1940-45.


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