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Jonathan Schneer (1988) Labours Conscience. The Labour left 1945-51.

Noel Thompson (1996) Political Economy and the Labour Party, part 2. Andrew Thorpe (2008), A History of the British Labour Party, esp. chs 4-5 Nick Tiratsoo (ed.) (1991) The Attlee Years. Nick Tiratsoo and Jim Tomlinson (1993) Industrial Efficiency and State Intervention: Labour 1939-1951. Jim Tomlinson (1997) Democratic Socialism and Economic Policy. The Attlee years 1945-1951. Peter Weiler (1993) Ernest Bevin. Matthew Worley (2005), Labour Inside the Gate: a history of the British Labour Party between the wars, esp. pt. 3: In search of a solution

Contemporary texts C.R. Attlee (1937) The Labour Party in Perspective. Let Us Face the Future (1945 Labour general election manifesto),

Week eight: the end of ideology? Labour revisionism and the New Left
Tony Crosland and revisionism Raymond Plant et al (eds) (2004) The struggle for Labour's soul: understanding Labour's political thought since 1945 Lawrence Black (2003), The political culture of the left in affluent Britain, 195164 : old Labour, New Britain? Brian Brivati (1996) Hugh Gaitskell. Susan Crosland (1982) Tony Crosland. Radhika Desai (1994) Intellectuals and Socialism. Social Democrats and the Labour Party. Martin Francis (1997) Mr Gaitskells Ganymede? Reassessing Croslands The Future of Socialism, Contemporary British History, 11, 2. W.H. Greenleaf (1983), The British Political Tradition. Volume two: the ideological heritage, ch. 13, pp. 466-87: The nationalization controversy. Stephen Haseler (1969) The Gaitskellites Anthony Howard (1990) Richard Crossman. The pursuit of power. Ben Jackson (2007), Equality and the British Left, chs 5-7 Douglas Jay (1962) Socialism in the New Society. (Part 1). (LSAC) Tudor Jones (1996), Remaking the Labour Party. From Gaitskell to Blair, chs 14. Tudor Jones (1997) Taking Genesis out of the Bible. Hugh Gaitskell, Clause IV and the socialist myth, Contemporary British History, 11, 2.


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