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Your task is to create a film (maximum 3 minutes) using the footage you filmed in class.

Movie content
Movie content is
Movie content is lacks cohesiveness
overall Movie content
MOVIE very informative, necessary to make
informative, does not make
CONTENT appealing, and it informative,
appealing, and sense.
effective. appealing and/or

A variety of
transitions were Transitions were
There were few
used to enhance, used fiarly
SCENE transitions or little No transitions
but not consistently used
TRANSITIONS variety in their were used.
overwhelm, the throughout the
overall interest of movie.
the movie.

Images were An attempt was

Some video
greatly enhanced made to use Little or not
effects were
with video effects, effects on attempt to use
VIDEO EFFECTS added to enhance
adding to the scenes/clips, but video effects was
parts of the
overall movie more work is evident.
appeal. needed.

Contains complete
Contains partial
and original title Title page is
title page with all Does not contain
TITLE SLIDE page and missing important
required title page.
identifies author of information.

Contains all
Credits lack No credit is given
information giving
important to contributors of
credit to owners of Credits are mostly
CREDITS information about the intellectual
pictures, music, filled out.
intellectual property used in
and information
property. this movie.

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