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1 Bismihi Ta`ala

MONDAY 26-12-2012

Grade 3
Instructions :

Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) Talimi Board

Final Examinations - 2012

Seerah of Nabi J

Time: 1 hour

1. Begin with Bismillah. 2. Read the questions carefully before answering - Think before you ink. 3. Please write your name and the name of your Madrasah NEATLY.


Name of Madrasah:____________________________

Question One Underline whether TRUE/FALSE

1. The first Hijrat of the Muslims was to Abyssinia 2. The King of Abyssinia was called Firoun 3. Abu Jahl was the uncle and neighbour of Nabi J 4. The Quraish planned to kill Nabi J. 5. Hadhrat Jafar spoke to the king of Abyssinia TRUE/FALSE TRUE/FALSE TRUE/FALSE TRUE/FALSE TRUE/FALSE [10]

Question Two Underline the correct answer in the brackets

1. The boycott lasted for (3; 5; 7) years. 2. The King of Abyssinia was a (Christian, Hindu, Jew). 3. (Tabook; Taif; Tongaat) is 100km from Makkah. 4. Nabi J reached Madinah on the (11th; 12th; 13th) Rabi-ul Awwaal. 5. The kuffar offered a reward of (10, 100, 1000) camels. 6. Abdul Talib passed away in the (10th, 11th, 12th) year of Nabuwat. 7. Another name for Madinah was ( Yarmook; Yamammah; Yathrib). 8. Hadhrat (Ali, Jafar, Zaid) was left in charge of the goods the people left with Nabi J. 9. Altogether 83 men and 18 women left for (Abyssinia; Egypt; Syria). 10. A group of people from Madinah met Nabi J at (Arafah; Aqabah). [10]


MONDAY 26-12-2012

Question Three

Match the blocks by drawing one line between them

Nabi b was Six years old Went to Syria with Abu Taalib

Nabi b was Twelve years old

Became a Nabi of Allah

Nabi b was 25 years old

Aaminah Passed away

Nabi b was 40 years old

Khadijah (RA) passed away

10th year after Nabuwat

Married Khadijah (RA) [10]

Question Four Fill in the blanks with the words given in the blocks
Gift Madinah Miraaj Masjidul Aqsa Buraaq Jerusalem Jet Five Seven Makkah Ambiyaa Salaah Heavens. in

means the Journey of Nabi J to the Nabi J was taken from on the He met all the Allah Taala gave Nabi J the a to the Muslims daily to



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