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las tribus nativas del noreste de los Estados Unidos como piezas importantes de la colonizacin de los Estados unidos

Student________________________ Teacher Fadia Ruiz. Date________ Mark__________

1. CHOOSE THE CORRECT CHOICE FOR EACH QUESTION: 1. The first native Americans that helped pilgrims in a hard winter, were from: a. The southeast tribes. b. The northeast tribes c. The southwest tribes. 2. The ___________tribe is called the Islanders: a. Mahican b. Fox c. Huron 3. This tribe is called people of the Great River, and are located in New York: a. Mahican b. Iroguois c. Fox 4. The Iroqouis tribe is very known because they made big and long houses with natural materials, thats why they are called: a. People of long Houses. b. The People of War c. The People of Big Houses. 6. The First thanksgiving day was celebrated to be thankful of the first harvest, the Indian that helped the pilgrims to sow and to fish was: a. Squanto b. The Chief. c. The Mohawk Tribe. 7. The tribe which helped the pilgrims in that hard winter was: a. The fox. B. The wampanoaq c. the Shawnee.

INDICATOR No 2: identificar las caractersticas de la regin sureste de los Estados Unidos, landforms, lakes and rivers, resources, actividades econmicas, states and capitals, touristic places.

2 3 5 4 6

1______________________ 4______________________

2______________________ 5______________________

3_______________________ 6_______________________

B. ANSWER CORRECTLY: 7. This river is the biggest one in USA, and is located in the southeast region:__________________ 8. This state has a peninsula:__________________________________ 9. In this part get formed the biggest hurricanes and Tornados :___________________________ 10. This New Orleans is called the French quarter and is located in the state of:_______________ 11. In this state is the birthplace of the blues genre:____________________________________ C. CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER: 12. In this place is located the NASA , and is where the first astronaut launched to the space: a. Disney Land b. Cape Canaveral c. Portland.

13. Florida is very know because of its land, there you can find to many: a. Parks b. Buildings c. Swamps.

14. The first settlement in America was in: a. Jamestwon b. South Carolina c. Cape Canaveral.

15. This state is very known because is and important Port: a. New Orleans, Louisiana b. Memphis, Tennessee c. Montgomery Alabama.

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