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CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013


Conservative Party of Canada 2013 Convention

CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

On behalf of the entire Conservative Party and its membership, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of the hard-working members of the National Constitution Committee: Chair of the NCC The Territories British Columbia British Columbia Alberta Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Ontario Ontario Ontario Ontario Quebec Quebec Quebec New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Newfoundland and Labrador Cecil Taylor Conrad Tiedeman Nicole Hackett Jeffrey Griese Debbie Janzen William McBeath Lyndon Dayman John Alexander Daniel Dickin David Gentili Cheryl Banier Jai Bhatti Benoit Larocque Alexandre Meterissian Andrew Swidzinski Thomas Christie Jeffrey Hunt James Travers Nicholas Crosbie

Special thanks to Ian Baird who acted as Chair until January 2013. The committee sought feedback from EDAs on potential Constitutional Amendments in a fair and open process. After an extensive process of collecting proposed Constitutional amendments, the attached resolutions have been ranked by EDAs across the country into 4 priority groups based on strength of support. This will ensure that amendments with the greatest amount of support will have the greatest amount of time for debate during the breakout sessions.

CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013


Conservative Party of Canada 2013 Convention

CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-101 (Principles) Add new section 2.1.17 and renumber the remainder 2.1.17 A belief that Canadian Jurisdiction extends beyond the coastline to include the internationally recognized regions of the Territorial Sea, Exclusive Economic Zone (ETZ) and Continental Shelf;

The commonly used saying from shore to shore to shore fails to recognize that Canadian jurisdiction extends far beyond the coastlines. The International Community recognizes that Canadian jurisdiction is from Continental Shelf to Continental Shelf to Continental Shelf. Canadas ocean estate covers a surface area of approximately 7.1 million square kilometers. This represents an area equivalent to about 70% of Canadas land mass. The Canadian government has to make decisions and conduct international negotiations on numerous issues related to this jurisdiction. It is appropriate that the CPC Policy Declaration also addresses issues related to them. The NPC should insure that this jurisdiction, which does not have an EDA representation gets adequately policy review.

CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-102 (Definitions) Add new section 3.14 3.14 Term means the period of time from one National Convention of the Party to the next National Convention of the Party. Where someone is elected part way through that period of time to fill a vacancy, their time shall count as a term if they have served at least one year of their term. If they serve less than 365 days then their time served shall NOT count as a term against their term limits.

Currently the constitution is silent on what constitutes a term, the normal term is from one convention to the next but it is unclear of what happens inbetween conventions so be defining what counts as a term when part of the time is filled.

CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-103 (Membership) Add new section 4.1.6 4.1.6 There will be no cash memberships purchased during the candidate selection process.

This is in keeping with the Canada Elections Act but may go one step beyond. It is a strict safeguard for participation in the candidate selection process to ensure the identity and source of funds of our members.

CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-104 (Membership)

Delete the words that are struck through and add the words that are underlined in Article 4.2 as follows: 4.2 Subject to minimum periods of membership which may be set out in the Constitution, or in a by-law or otherwise by National Council Twenty- one (21) days after payment of a membership fee in the amount and in the manner specified by by-law, every member is entitled to: 4.2.1 participate in any meeting of the electoral district association in which that person resides; 4.2.2 vote for, and stand for election to, the board of directors of any electoral district association in which that person resides; 4.2.3 attend any national convention upon payment of the prescribed fee; and 4.2.4 vote for, and stand for election as, a delegate or alternate delegate at any meeting called by an electoral district association in which that person resides, for the selection of delegates or alternate delegates to any national convention of the Party. 4.2.5 Any member whose membership has expired within the previous ninety (90) days of an event may participate in any event specified hereunder provided that the member pays the appropriate membership renewal fee at the door in the amount and in the manner specified by by-law.

Our constitution must clearly and simply set out the rights of members to participate in the Party. These articles are the root of most controversy at the meetings of members. Clarity and simplicity is imperative.

CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-105 (Membership)

Delete the words that are struck through and add the words that are underlined in Article 4.2 as follows:

4.2 Subject to minimum periods of membership which may be set out in the Constitution, or in a by-law or otherwise by National Council, every member is entitled to: 4.2.1 participate in any meeting of the electoral district association in which that person resides or serves as a board member; 4.2.2 vote for, and stand for election to, the board of directors of any electoral district association in which that person resides; 4.2.3 attend any national convention upon payment of the prescribed fee; and 4.2.4 vote for, and stand for election as, a delegate or alternate delegate at any meeting called by an electoral district association in which that person resides or serves as a board member, for the selection of delegates or alternate delegates to any national convention of the Party; 4.2.5 stand for election to the board of directors of an electoral district association other than the one in which that person resides; 4.2.6 A member can stand for election as a delegate or alternate for any one meeting in a single EDA.

CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-105 (Membership) Rationale

After the 2011 convention, Section 4.2 and 4.3 of the Constitution (membership) were changed in a way that was particularly difficult for students, political staff members, and others to maintain connections and participation with "home" EDAs. The change was meant simply to avoid confusion about the nature of party membership (i.e. it had to be clear that membership was in fact in the national party and there was no riding-level membership system). Unfortunately, by removing the term "holds membership" and replacing it with "resides" in the sections below, the effect was to disenfranchise members who may serve on a riding board in a riding other than the one in which they reside (as is often the case for political staff, students, and other activists). The objective of trying to avoid confusion about the nature of national membership is important, but given that serving on a board of one EDA while residing in another is still a permitted (Article 7.4 of EDA constitutions) and often necessary activity, there should be some recognition of the reality that such board members should be able to participate in the proceedings of the EDA on whose board they serve.

The proposed changes would bring the membership section in alignment with section 7.4 of the existing EDA Constitution document, which does permit for a certain number of board members to be from an electoral district association other than the one in which they reside.

CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-106 (National Conventions)

Add new Section 7.7 7.7 Proposals to amend the policy declaration or constitution which are not passed at a national convention shall not be reintroduced in the same or similar form or intent at the following two national conventions.

Rationale A few of the same proposals occur time and time again at national conventions, expending significant political capital, fatiguing our membership, and garnering negative media attention. If the will of the delegates at a national convention is to not adopt a certain proposal, then that will should be respected.

This will keep our national conventions fresh, forward-looking and focused on new proposals rather than proposals which have already been rejected by our members.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-107 (National Council)

Add the words that are underlined in Article 8.1 as follows: 8.1 The following and the spouses of the following may not hold office as an elected member of National Council: 8.1.1 Members of Parliament or Senators, except the Leader; 8.1.2 employees or contractors of the Party; 8.1.3 employees or contractors of Senators or Members of Parliament including political staff of Ministers of the Crown; 8.1.4 individuals holding a membership in another federal political party; 8.1.5 Directors of Conservative Fund Canada; 8.1.6 Members of Provincial or Territorial Legislative Assemblies. Rationale The partys constitution currently sets out certain limitations on eligibility to serve on National Council in section 8.3 which operate in the spirit of the separation of powers that pervades our partys traditions and its written constitution: the caucus, the Conservative Fund Canada and the National Council each exercise a certain sovereignty within its respective area of responsibility. This amendment would extend the preclusion from serving on National Council to the spouses of the persons already deemed to be ineligible to serve on the National Council. This resolution closes a loophole that leaves us vulnerable to conflict of interest in our governance. It is important that we remain clear of such conflictindeed even the perception of it


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-108 (National Council)

Insert new 8.18 and renumber the rest 8.18 A quorum of National Council is a majority of National Council.

Rationale EDA Board meetings are required to have quorum in order to conduct business, as should National Council. As most National Council meetings are by teleconference, this majority requirement is not burdensome.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-109 (Conservative Fund Canada)

Add new Section 9.9 9.9 A representative of the Conservative Fund Canada will provide a financial report to the delegates at each national convention and at that time be prepared to answer questions the delegates may have on it.

Rationale This Amendment ensures the current practice of open and transparent financial reporting at National Conventions by the Conservative Fund Canada will continue in the future.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013 Resolutions C-110, C-111 deal with the same issue but in different ways. At most one of these will go to plenary.

RESOLUTION C-110 (Policy)

Delete the words that are struck through and add the words that are underlined in Article 13.2 as follows:

13.2 The National Policy Committee shall consist of: 13.2.1 a chair appointed by National Council elected by the members of the Committee at their first meeting; 13.2.2 the President of National Council; 13.2.3 two members of National Council to be selected by National Council; 13.2.4 the same number of representatives from each province as the number of members of National Council from that province, selected by the presidents of the electoral district associations in each province, and; 13.2.5 one representative for the three territories elected by the presidents of the electoral district associations from the territories, and; 13.2.6 with the exception of the President of the National Council, the election and appointment of its members will be staggered with half the members appointed or elected after having submitted to the National Council the consolidated text of the Policy Declaration referred to in Article 13.1.5 following each national convention. 13.3 The term of the National Policy Committee shall begin upon the election and appointment of its members and shall terminate upon the submission to National Council of the Consolidated text of the Policy Declaration referred to in Article 13.1.5. The term of the membership on the National Policy Committee shall begin upon the election or appointment of the member and shall terminate after the second national convention upon the submission to the National Council of the consolidated text of the Policy Declaration referred to in Article 13.1.5


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-110 (Policy)


The grassroots need to strengthen their authority over the policy making process that is intended to allow members to shape the Partys Policy Declaration by ensuring that the National Policy Committee is responsive to the Committee members not to any other body or authority. This can best be achieved by having the Chair elected by the Committee itself rather than appointed by the National Council. An elected Chair will be more responsive and accountable to the Committee; particularly its elected members. The functioning of the NPC would be greatly improved by ensuring some continuity in its membership. The amendment would double the membership term to two conventions. It would then have half of the committee members elected or appointed after each convention. This would ensure that the NPC always has some experienced members.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013 Resolutions C-110, C-111 deal with the same issue but in different ways. At most one of these will go to plenary.

RESOLUTION C-111 (Policy)

Delete the words that are struck through and add the words that are underlined in Article 13.2 and add 13.7 as follows:

13.2 The National Policy Committee shall consist of: 13.2.1 a chair appointed by National Council elected by the Committee members at their first meeting; 13.2.2 the President of National Council; 13.2.3 two members of National Council to be selected by National Council; 13.2.4 the same number of representatives from each province as the number of members of National Council from that province, selected by the presidents of the electoral district associations in each province; and 13.2.5 one representative for the three territories elected by the presidents of the electoral district associations from the territories. 13.7 with the exception of the President of the National Council, the election and the appointment of members is scattered, half of the members being elected or appointed upon the submission to National Council of the consolidated text of the Policy Declaration referred to in Article 13.1.5. following each national convention.

Rationale Support to the status of the Policy Committee as a more autonomous and permanent entity of the Party.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-112 (Policy)

Add new Section 13.10 13.10 The National Policy Committee shall send guidelines pertaining to the amendment of the party policy declaration to all EDAs. These guidelines shall be developed by the Committee and distributed through the Executive Director of the party, no later than 365 days before the next national convention.

Rationale There is currently no nation-wide guiding document which guides an EDA through the policy renewal process. This leaves different EDAs, regions, and provinces to develop their own separate processes. This creates the possibility that our members are being treated differently in different parts of the country. This document should establish one standard for submitting amendments, holding EDA and regional meetings, communicating with members, electing delegates, and so forth, so the process is clear for all EDAs, members, and participants involved.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-113 (Provincial Parties)

Add new Section 15.2

15.2 The Party shall not use Party assets, including databases, and Party staff in the course of their employment, to assist provincial parties.

Rationale The information collected for use by the Conservative Party of Canada is obtained for the sole use and benefit of the Party. The Party must ensure it maintains its neutrality in all respects.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-114 (Constitutional Amendment)

Insert new 16.4 and renumber the remainder

16.4 The National Constitution Committee shall not accept for consideration any constitutional amendments that deal with subject matter that has been considered by but not adopted pursuant to the rules of section 16.1 of the Constitution in any of the previous two (2) National Conventions.

Rationale This amendment will help the party to avoid repeating divisive debates about the constitution at subsequent conventions, and discourage the introduction of resolutions that have narrow support among EDAs and delegates. It will encourage broader coalition-building among EDAs.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-115 (Constitutional Amendment) Add new Section 16.8 16.8 The National Constitution Committee shall send guidelines pertaining to the amendment of the party constitution to all EDAs. These guidelines shall be developed by the Committee and distributed through the Executive Director of the party, no later than 365 days before the next national convention.
Rationale There is currently no nation-wide guiding document which guides an EDA through the constitution renewal process. This leaves different EDAs, regions, and provinces to develop their own separate processes. This creates the possibility that our members are being treated differently in different parts of the country.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013


Conservative Party of Canada 2013 Convention


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-116 (Principles)

Delete the words that are struck through and add the words that are underlined in Article 2.1.19 as follows:

2.1.19 A belief that the greatest potential for achieving social and economic objectives is under a global trading regime that is free and fair provides a net benefit to Canada.

In April 2008 the Conservative Government of Canada, under federal Foreign Investment Rules of 1985, determined there to be a lack of net benefit to Canada in the proposed takeover of MacDonald Dettwiler Associates Ltd, a Canadian space technology company, by the U.S. firm Alliant Telesystems, Inc. Accordingly the takeover was not approved. Similarly in November 2010 they also blocked on the same grounds the takeover of Potash Corporation, a Canadian world supplier of potash, by the Australian firm of BHP Billiton. The intent of this resolution is to correct the idea within the Constitution that a Conservative Government will allow unrestricted "freedom" of investment in Canada when in actual practice, it does not. Adoption of this proposal also eliminates the inconsistency of intent now existent between the free and fair language of Principle 2.1.19 and Conservative Policy No. 26 (iii) which states: We support amending the Investment Canada Act to expand the review process to include not only the net benefit to Canada in reference to our industrial, economic and cultural policies, but also a consideration of our national security interests. This would include security of supply, technology transfer and any anti-trust implications.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-117 (Principles)

Add new Section 2.1.20

2.1.20 A belief that a responsible government will protect individuals, secure borders, and defend our nation from any threats, whether they be domestic, foreign, immediate or foreseeable.

Rationale To clearly define the importance of national security and sovereignty and allow a basis for future policies and/or legislations concerning Canadian interests like defence, foreign intelligence, and border security.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-118 (Definitions)

Add new Section 3.14

3.14 For greater certainty, those entitled to participate (to attend, speak or visit) an EDA AGM (annual general meeting) shall be the following: members of the EDA, those invited by the EDA executive to attend, those nominated for positions on the board or executive and members of the Board of Directors.

This would limit attendance at EDA AGMs to EDA members and/or invited persons.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-119 (Membership)

Delete the words that are struck through and add the words that are underlined in Article 4.1 as follows:

4.1 Membership in the Party is open to every citizen or permanent resident of Canada who: 4.1.1 has attained the minimum age specified by by-law is at least fourteen (14) years of age; 4.1.2 actively supports the principles of the Party; 4.1.3 signifies their intention to join the Party by signing a prescribed membership form, or by paying the membership fee in the amount and in the manner specified by by-law; 4.1.4 has personally paid the Partys national membership fee in the amount and in the manner specified by by-law specified by National Council which shall set rules and procedures to provide reasonable assurance that the membership fee was paid by the member personally; and 4.1.5 is not an individual holding a membership in another federal political party.
4.1.1 - we have no reason to hide the age at which people can join the Party. It is wrong to do so. 4.1.3 - There is no provision for changing article 4.1.3 by by-law. Members have the right to know what the rules are; they should be set out in the constitution. 4.1.4 - There is no provision for changing article 4.1.3 by by-law. The wording in the Membership By-law is clearer than that in the constitution and should be adopted.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013 Resolutions C-120, C-121 deal with the same issue but in different ways. At most one of these will go to plenary.

RESOLUTION C-120 (Membership)

Add new Sections 4.2.5 and 4.2.6

4.2.5 Memberships will expire at the end of the month of the anniversary date of membership purchase in the year of expiry, depending on how many years of membership are purchased.

4.2.6 Membership in the Party may only be cancelled at the request of the member, or as provided by the revocation procedure set out in the by-law concerning membership revocation.

Rationale These articles from the membership by-law need to be incorporated into the constitution. Members have a right to know factors that concern them.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

Resolutions C-120, C-121 deal with the same issue but in different ways. At most one of these will go to plenary.

RESOLUTION C-121 (Membership)

Add new Sections 4.2.5

4.2.5 All Party memberships shall expire on June 30. Any memberships purchased on or after March 1st shall be valid for that year and the following year(s) to June 30th. All memberships can be renewed without loss of voting privileges up to and including October 31st. (Exceptions can be made for Sections 7 and 14) Rationale
Members rarely know when their memberships expire. If the membership director of the local EDA is not active, the memberships may lapse causing the individual to be ineligible to vote and be notified of meetings and events. The current system of 12-month memberships makes life for candidates for nomination difficult. The person at the door often thinks he or she is a member and will be a member at the time of the nomination meeting but shows up at the meeting only to find out the membership has lapsed. Membership drives and events get the members involved in the process and builds team participation. One membership drive a year is cost effective. Newsletters and event notifications can be sent out at the same time. Random renewals mean letters are sent out throughout the year often with no enclosures. To reduce the work load in December, the expiry date should be June 30th. This would encourage EDA events such as picnics and socials to involve the members and sign them up. Most AGMs occur prior to June 30. All members showing up at the meeting would be eligible to vote. Memberships could be renewed for the following year at that time.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-122 (Governance Objectives)

Add the words that are underlined in Article 6.1 as follows:

6.1.2 direct regular communication from National Council, Conservative Fund Canada and the Leader to electoral district associations (EDAs) and members and from the EDAs to the above to ensure accountability and to provide regular feedback; 6.1.3 maintenance of a policy development process which respects and encourages the participation of all members and which culminates in the adoption of policy resolutions at national conventions that will become the Partys Policy Declaration from which the Partys election campaign platform, legislative initiatives and government policy will be developed; 6.1.4 reporting to the National Conventions on policies from the Partys Policy Declaration that have been implemented.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-122 (Governance Objectives)


There is a need to enhance the link between the Policy Declaration document of the Conservative Party and the actual implementation of those policy statements by the Government. Notwithstanding the above, there must be a recognition that for financial, operational and other reasons, not all policy declarations can be implemented at this time and that the government cannot be absolutely bound to all or any aspects of the Partys policy declarations The subsection 6.1.2 should be extended to include regular feedback from EDAs The subsection 6.1.3 should be extended to include the situation when the Party is in power. This proposal will enhance the implementation of the policies contained in the Policy Declaration and provide organized feedback from the Party grassroots to the Party leadership on a regular basis, in-between the National Conventions.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-123 (National Conventions)

Add the words that are underlined in Article 7.2 as follows:

7.2 Subject to Article 7.3, a national convention has the power and responsibility to: 7.2.1 amend the Constitution, as well as any by-laws, regulations, rules or other instruments issued under the authority of the constitution, including the Electoral District Association Constitution;

Rationale Unless the Delegates at Convention have the power to amend by-laws, regulations and rules and other instruments promulgated under the authority of the constitution, Section 7.1 is meaningless and the National Council can operate outside the terms and conditions of the constitution and outside the scrutiny and authority of delegates at convention. Either the governance, management and control of the activities of the Party are vested in the members at national conventions as expressed under Article 7.1 or not. The current wording is not clear.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-124 (National Conventions)

Delete the words that are struck through and add the words that are underlined in Article 7.5 as follows:

7.5 The following shall members are entitled to vote as delegates at a national convention: Rationale
Every voting member at national conventions should be a member in good standing of the Conservative Party of Canada.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-125 (National Conventions)

Delete the words that are struck through and add the words that are underlined in Article 7.5 as follows:

7.5.5 leaders of provincial parties who are members of the Party; and 7.5.6 former leaders of the Party; and 7.5.7 Elected members of the National Policy Committee and National Constitution Committee. Rationale
Currently, members of the National Policy Committee and the National Constitution Committee do not receive automatic delegate spots for the national party convention. These individuals do not work exclusively within their home EDAs and hence may have difficulty in getting elected as a convention delegate in a heavily contested Delegate Selection Meeting. It is unfair that these hard working CPC members have to set aside their national committee responsibilities to challenge for delegate spots in their home EDA. We propose these committee members be given automatic delegate spots. This will ensure that party members who have taken an active role in the policy making and constitutional process will be certain to participate at the national convention. Our national conventions main purpose is to provide policy guidance and amend our constitution as needed. Under the current delegate selection system those who participate at the highest level of the policy and constitutional amendment process could be left out of the national convention.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-126 (National Conventions)

Add new Section 7.7

7.7 That the National Council establish clear rules and procedures for debate and voting in a fair and transparent manner on policy proposals and constitutional changes at national conventions. Rationale
It is necessary to establish transparent and firm guidelines to ensure all policy and constitutional proposals have equal consideration, are fairly debated and voted upon and that the level of support by percentage and total vote are announced during the policy and constitution working (breakout) sessions. Proposals that have the required support to advance to the plenary session should also be announced at the policy working (breakout) session.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-127 (National Council)

Delete the words that are struck through and add the words that are underlined in Article 8.4 as follows:

8.4 The Conservative Fund Canada appoints the Returning Officer for the election of the National Council. The Returning Officer establishes the rules and procedures governing every election, subject to the scrutiny of the National Council. The rules shall establish that no member of the National Council can be elected for more than three (3) consecutive mandates and that the election is held by preferential ballot by a multiple constituency majority vote. Rationale
A multiple constituency vote allows members of every province electing more than one member of the National Council to vote for as many candidates as the number of members of the National Council representing their province. For example, every delegate from Ontario would vote for four candidates, and the four candidates having the greatest number of votes would be elected. With the current preferential system, a delegate votes only for a first choice. If the first choice is elected, the second, third and fourth choices are not accounted for. The vote will be transferred to subsequent choices only if the first choice is eliminated. A multiple constituency majority system, as the one used at Convention 2005 and still used to elect members of the National Policy and Constitution Committees by EDA Presidents, will increase the choice and the weight of the vote of the delegates.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-128 (National Council)

Add the words that are underlined in Article 8.7.6 as follows:

8.7.6 the establishment of such other committees as National Council may determine for the conduct of its responsibilities; Rationale To add clarity.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-129 (National Council)

Insert new 8.7.7 and renumber the rest

8.7.7 the appointment of an independent ethics committee that will report and make recommendations annually to National Council on the Partys compliance with ethical best practices in its fundraising and campaigning activities; Rationale
The Party has always believed and continues to believe in ethical political practices, and this provision would establish it as a leader in the political sphere in adopting the increasingly common business practice of having an ethics committee.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-130 (National Council)

Delete the words that are struck through and add the words that are underlined in Article 8.8 as follows:

8.8 Rules and procedures enacted under Article 8.7.7 and bylaws enacted under Article 8.7.8 shall be circulated to all electoral district association presidents within 7 days of enactment by National Council and shall take effect on the date of enactment. If written notice of objection from more than 99 electoral district association presidents has been received by National Council within 30 90 days of the rule and procedure or by-law being distributed to the electoral district associations, it shall be deemed repealed. Alternatively, National Council may propose rules and procedures and by-laws to a national convention, which, if approved by a simple majority of delegates voting, will not be subject to subsequent review and repeal by the presidents of electoral district associations. 8.8.1 Rules, procedures and by-laws enacted under Article 8.8 may be amended, changed, expanded or repealed at any convention following enactment in accordance with Article 16 hereof.
Rationale The powers vested in the National Council cannot exceed the oversight of members set out in Article 7.1 of this constitution: 7.1 Subject to Article 12, the governance, management and control of the activities of the Party are vested in the members at national conventions.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013 Resolutions C-131, C-132 deal with the same issue but in different ways. At most one of these will go to plenary.

RESOLUTION C-131 (Leader)

Delete the words that are struck through and add the words that are underlined in Article 10.10.2 as follows:

10.10.2 Each electoral district will be allocated 100 points a minimum of 100 points. For each ballot cast in an electoral district over 100, an electoral district will be allocated an additional point, to a maximum of 200. Rationale
This proposal allows members who live in ridings with more than 100 members to have a slightly increased say in the election of the Leader. It partially addresses the problem in the party where smaller ridings, regardless of the size of their membership, have equal say in the election of the leader as larger ridings with many more members. In effect, what the present system does is discriminate against members in large ridings by making their votes worth less. This proposal is a compromise between a one member one vote system, and the unfair system we have presently.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013 Resolutions C-131, C-132 deal with the same issue but in different ways. At most one of these will go to plenary.

RESOLUTION C-132 (Leader)

Delete the words that are struck through and add the words that are underlined in Article 10.10 as follows:

10.10 The election of the Leader shall be by way of a direct vote of members in every electoral district, as follows: 10.10.1 Each member of the Party will have one vote. 10.10.2 Each electoral district will be allocated 100 points. 10.10.3 Leadership candidates will be assigned a point total based on their percentage of the vote in each electoral district. 10.10.4 To win the leadership, a candidate must obtain a majority of the points votes from across the country. 10.10.5 Voting will be by preferential vote (single transferable ballot). 10.10.6 Each leadership candidate is entitled to have scrutineers present at all stages of the vote count. 10.10.7 At each count round, both the weighted national results and the results by electoral district shall be made public.
Rationale Democracy is best served when members choose the leader and when leadership candidates seek support from and serve the membership. Small electoral district associations have an incentive to increase their membership when there is one-member-one-vote for leader. More trust is placed in members across the country and in the Conservative Party; when non-existent members and back-room decisions are not included in choosing a leader, corruption is averted.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-133 (Polls, Petitions, Referenda)

Delete the words that are struck through and add the words that are underlined in Article 12.6 as follows:

12.6 The results of a referendum shall be binding if at least one two-thirds (12/3) of the membership cast ballots, and the majorities required by this Article have been achieved. Rationale
A vote of a minority of the membership should not be able to pass a binding referendum.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-134 (Policy)

Add the words that are underlined in Article 13.6 as follows:

13.6 At a national convention, a policy resolution must receive a majority of votes cast by delegates and a majority of votes cast by delegates from each of a majority of individual provinces by means of an open, recorded, and instantly verifiable vote. For the purpose of this provision, the territories together shall constitute one province. Rationale
Voting is a cornerstone of the democratic process. It is used to select one of options different parties propose. The parties monitor the process and participate in verification of the result. Recording the votes makes verification unambiguous. If the votes are not recorded at a Party National Convention, the voting process can be abused by the Convention Chair and the Party is embarrassed. The latest example of such an embarrassment was pushing the word 'God' in to the Platform of the Democratic Convention in 2012, when the Chair claimed he had heard more delegates said 'aye', than 'no', while the opposite was evident. (youtube video: As the same 'aye' and 'no' voting was used at the Conservative Party of Canada Conventions, some of the results were not clear to the delegates. This proposal creates a mechanism which will ensure the voting process is democratic: open, recorded and verifiable. At CPC Conventions delegates travel long distances, come together for a short period of time and vote on hundreds of proposals, i.e. there is no time for lengthy vote verification, therefore the voting results should also be instantly verifiable.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-135 (Policy)

Add new Section13.7

13.7 On at least an annual basis, the Party shall report to the membership on actions taken to implement all recommendations contained in the CPC Policy Declaration. Rationale

The Party Leadership stresses the importance of Conservative Party Policy and the essential role grassroots input plays in the process of developing that Policy. As a result, party members across the country spend a great deal of volunteer time at local and regional party forums debating, drafting and re-drafting possible new policy initiatives and possible amendments to existing policy. The activity leads to a Policy Declaration which states on its cover-"as amended by the Delegates to the National Convention" and "as consolidated by the National Policy Committee and approved by the National Council". And there it all appears to stop-there being no requirement for the Party Leadership to provide feedback in the form of progress reports to those whom the party considers so "essential" to the drafting of the document-namely, grassroots party members. The proposed clause, if accepted, will require the Party Leadership to provide party members with a regular report on the status of all recommendations in the Policy Declaration. This feedback is an indispensable component of a genuine two-way exchange (leadership-grassroots) on policy issues.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-136 (Policy)

Add new Sections

13.7 The following may propose amendments to the policy declaration for consideration at a national convention: 13.7.1 National Council; and 13.7.2 any four electoral district associations from at least two provinces, on approval of a majority vote of the board of directors or membership of each of those electoral district associations at a duly constituted meeting of each called for that purpose, subject to such requirements as may be set out by by-law or the rules and procedures for the national convention. 13.8 The text of any proposed amendment must be received by the Executive Director within such time and in such manner as set out by by-law or in the rules and procedures of the national convention. The Executive Director shall cause the text of all proposed amendments duly received to be posted forthwith on the public website of the Party. 13.9 In lieu of the prior notice provided for in Article 13.8 and subject to the rules and procedures for the national convention, a proposed amendment will be put to a vote at a national convention where policy declaration amendments are being considered if it has the supporting signatures of delegates from at least one hundred electoral district associations.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-136 (Policy)

The policy declaration document currently has no set proposal formula. This leaves individual provinces and regions to create their own formulas, which can lead to different support requirements in different parts of the country. This proposal mirrors the proposal formula for the constitution. As both the constitution and policy declaration are equally as important to our party, they should follow the same formula for required support.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-137 (Candidates for Parliament) Add new section 14.4 14.4 The national party may not appoint a candidate in any electoral district unless the local EDA fails to do so. Rationale
Our amendment clarifies that the responsibility for candidate selection falls first to the local electoral district association. This should help keep the grass roots membership motivated to be active members.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-138 (Constitutional Amendment)

Add the words that are underlined in Article 16.4 as follows:

16.4 In lieu of the prior notice provided for in Article 16.3 and subject to the rules and procedures for the national convention, a proposed amendment will be put to a vote at a national convention where constitutional amendments are being considered if it has the supporting signatures of delegates from at least one hundred (100) electoral district associations. However, it must follow the same process as the other proposed amendments, i.e. be debated and adopted at the corresponding session before going to plenary. Rationale
The purpose of Article 16.4 is to allow a direct vote on an emergency resolution signed by the delegates of 100 ridings, and not to override the normal process used to reintroduce a new version of a resolution already defeated in a breakout session. The amendment clarifies this goal.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-139 (Constitutional Amendment)

Add the words that are underlined in Article 16.6 as follows:

16.6 The term of the National Constitution Committee shall begin upon the election and appointment of its members and shall terminate after the second national convention upon the submission to National Council of the consolidated text of the Constitution referred to in Article 16.5.3. Rationale
This amendment will guarantee an ongoing balance of experience and renewal on the NCC.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-140 (Constitutional Amendment)

Delete the words that are struck through and add the words that are underlined in Article 16.7 as follows:

16.7 The National Constitution Committee shall consist of: 16.7.1 a chair appointed by National Council elected by the members of the committee at their first meeting; 16.7.2 two members of National Council to be selected by National Council; 16.7.3 the same number of representatives from each province as the number of members of National Council from that province selected by the presidents of the electoral district associations in each province; 16.7.4 one representative for the three territories elected by the presidents of the electoral district associations from the territories; and 16.7.5 one representative of the parliamentary caucus of the party appointed by the Leader.;and 16.7.6 with the exception of the President of the National Council, the election and appointment of its members will be staggered with half the members appointed or elected after having submitted to the National Council the consolidated text of the Constitution referred to in Article 16.5.3 following each national convention. Rationale This amendment will accomplish two things: a) enable the NCC to have a greater degree of autonomy and democracy in executing its mandate b) guarantee an ongoing balance of experience and renewal on the NCC


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Conservative Party of Canada 2013 Convention


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RESOLUTION C-141 (Definitions)

Delete the words that are struck through and add the words that are underlined in Article 3.10 as follows:

3.10National Council National Board of Directors throughout the entire constitution.

Rationale The name National Council does not convey the true nature of what National Council actuallay does and is in fact confusing. National Council is elected to govern, manage and control the activities of the Conservative Party. This is reflected in 7.6 of Constitution which states, Between national conventions, the governance, management and control of the activities of the Party are vested in National Council. Changing the name to National Board of Directors will bring defined clarity to the role that the elected members of the Party fulfill. With this change, members of the National Board of Directors would be referred to as National Director of the Conservative Party of Canada.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-142 (Electoral District Associations) Insert new Section 5.4 5.4 Associations must give the Party Headquarters important documents such as copies of minutes. In return, they will have access to their information in the future.
Rationale It is important to keep information in an orderly and permanent manner, and to help future boards of directors.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-143 (National Conventions)

Add the words that are underlined in Article 7.4 as follows:

7.4 There shall be a national convention with a National Council election at least every second calendar year, subject to such reasonable extension not exceeding nine months as may be necessary due to the conduct or threat of a federal election or conduct of the leadership selection process. National conventions shall not be held in the same year as a federal election. Rationale
Preparation for a Party national convention should not detract from our election efforts, and an election should not interfere with the preparations for a national convention. With fixed election dates, there is no need to have both occur in the same calendar year. Ensuring that conventions and elections occur in separate years will enhance the strength of the Party.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-144 (National Conventions)

Add new Section 7.7

7.7 Each province may submit up to 10 proposals to amend the policy declaration and constitution in accordance with Section 7.2. For the purposes of this provision, the territories together shall constitute one province. Rationale
There is currently an unwritten rule that only the top 100 policy and constitution proposals may be discussed at any one national convention. This has left the National Policy and National Constitution Committees and other party officials to personally choose and vet which proposals are discussed at a national convention and which proposals are not. This is an unaccountable and non-transparent process which needs to change. Thus, this proposal removes the ability of the NCC or NPC to vet or select which proposals make it to the national convention under the guise of choosing the top 100 and imposes a limit of only 10 proposals per province (plus the territories, meaning up to 110 proposals are discussed at a national convention). With each province being afforded the same number of proposals, it becomes a provincial issue between that provinces National Councilors and NCC and NPC representatives to determine how to select their top 10 proposals. These proposals are then guaranteed to go directly to the national convention, without secret meetings or vetting processes.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-145 (National Council)

Delete the words struck through and add the words that are underlined in Article 8.7 as follows:

8.7 National Council has the following powers and responsibilities: 8.7.1 the establishment and recognition of electoral district associations and the terms of Sections 1, 7 & 8 of their constitutions, including the processes for the conduct of founding meetings, and the transfer of assets in the event of redistribution; National Council will consider amendments to Article 7 (Board of Directors) and Article 8 (Executive Committee) of the EDA constitution. National Council will also entertain amendment requests to Article 1 from EDAs whose Elections Canada registered name does not match Article 1. Rationale
In keeping with Article 7.1 of this constitution, the electoral district association constitution must form part of this constitution and be subject to amendment at convention. It is not rational or reasonable that the constitution that governs ongoing operations of 308(and growing) associations of party members cannot be discussed, debated and amended at convention.


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RESOLUTION C-146 (Policy)

Insert new 13.1.4 and renumber the rest.

13.1.4 Ensure the Federal Jurisdictions which exist outside of the boundaries of any EDA have adequate policy review; Rationale
There are large areas of Federal jurisdiction recognized by the UN and ratified by Canada under UNCLOS where there is no population. There is no guarantee that policy related to these areas will be adequately addressed in the National Policy Declaration. The NPC should be asked to ensure that policy review related to these areas are reviewed. The government negotiates internationally on issues related to the offshore oceans, but the governing party does not have sufficient direction in this area. It should provide some insight to the direction of negotiations related to these federal jurisdictions. This year, Canada has to present a major report to the UN related to Canadian Sovereignty to the outer limits of the Continental Shelf etc.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-147 (Candidates for Parliament)

Delete the words struck through and add the words that are underlined in Article 14.1 as follows:

14.1 National Council shall create rules and procedures for the selection of candidates. The rules shall provide that only a member of the Party may seek nomination as a candidate. National Council shall establish the National Candidate Selection Committee that shall have the right to disallow the candidacy of any person before or after authorize and approve the candidacy of any person before nomination by the electoral district association, subject to the appeal of such a decision to National Council whose decision shall be final and binding or who may refer the matter to the Arbitration Committee for decision by a panel. Rationale
Our amendment ensures that the National Candidate Selection Committee does an in-depth review of potential candidates before the nomination meeting to reduce the chance of a candidate having to be replaced.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-148 (Candidates for Parliament)

Add the words that are underlined in Article 14.1 as follows:

14.1 National Council shall create rules and procedures for the selection of candidates and be directly responsible for the oversight and timing of the nominations process as reflected in the rules and procedures. The rules shall provide that only a member of the Party may seek nomination as a candidate. National Council shall establish the National Candidate Selection Committee that shall have the right to disallow the candidacy of any person before or after nomination by the electoral district association, subject to the appeal of such a decision to National Council whose decision shall be final and binding or who may refer the matter to the Arbitration Committee for decision by a panel. Rationale
The members of National Council are unpaid volunteers who are elected by the membership of their respective province or territory. They are in direct contact with their membership and understand the activities, and pressures at the EDA level. Rather than having rules imposed on our EDAs in a nondebatable fashion, National Council can offer a consultative approach to an orderly role out of nomination dates and candidate nominations across the county. By re-establishing the founders view of the role of National Council within the Constitution we ensure that Political Operations becomes accountable to National Council and by extension to the membership of the Conservative Party of Canada.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-149 (Candidates for Parliament)

Add the words that are underlined in Article 14.2 as follows:

14.2 The rules shall provide for a candidate nomination committee in each electoral district that shall, subject to the rules, be responsible for the administration of the candidate selection process in the electoral district. The electoral district association can appoint the candidate nomination committee and set the start date of the candidate selection process and the nomination, 12 months after the last general election.

Since candidates must be seen in advance in order to be known by the public and to better understand local issues, it is desirable that the nomination occurs well before the election call, and that the electoral district has the power to appoint the candidate nomination committee and to fix the nomination date according to its needs.


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RESOLUTION C-150 (Candidates for Parliament)

Add new 14.3 and renumber the rest.

14.3 The process of choosing a candidate from the approved list is in the power of the electoral district association

Our amendment places the authority and responsibility for choosing the candidate with the local membership. This should help keep the grassroots membership motivated to be active members.


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RESOLUTION C-151 (Candidates for Parliament)

Add new section 14.4

14.4 An appeal on the results of a nomination meeting would be dealt with by the electoral district association executive and one representative of National Council. Rationale
Our amendment clarifies the role the electoral district executive has in an appeal process. This helps to make sure that locally elected members play a key role in an appeal. This should help keep the grass roots membership motivated to be active members.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-152 (Candidates for Parliament)

Add new section 14.4

14.4 A candidate nomination selection meeting shall take place at least every fifty-four (54) months. This amendment will take effect at the time the next candidate nomination selection meeting is held by each EDA. Rationale
The existing Constitution does not provide for set timelines for nomination meetings. As a result, there are a number of EDAs that have not held a nomination meeting since 2004. The democratic process is the backbone of the Conservative Party of Canada; nomination meetings engage membership, increase membership, and ensure our members have a voice in the Party. It is anticipated that every EDA will hold a nomination meeting in the immediate months prior to the next general election; allowing for four years between general elections and lead-up time, we arrived at the figure of fiftyfour months.


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Conservative Party of Canada 2013 Convention


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RESOLUTION C-153 (Electoral District Associations)

Add new section 5.4

5.4 The riding association has no obligation to send a notice to the Party HQ to hold a valid meeting.

For not invalidating associations meetings and considering the existing situation.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-154 (National Conventions)

Delete the words struck through and add the words that are underlined in Article 7.3 as follows:

7.3 The date, location(s), business to be transacted, and the rules and procedures for any national convention of the Party will be as determined by National Council. One or more of the matters set out in Article 7.2 need not be conducted at a national convention if less than eighteen months have passed since such a matter was conducted at a national convention. National Council may convene a national convention upon 90 days notice to the membership. Add new section 7.3.1 Subject to overriding considerations as may be determined by National Council, the national convention shall be held in the National Capital Region.

Rationale The intent is to centralize the location of the Convention in an attempt to limit travel cost for delegates. When the national convention is held in locations other than central Canada, the cost of attending as a delegate can present a financial hardship on those must travel great distances to attend. In addition, the high cost of travel may also be a factor in preventing those who might otherwise wish to participate in the national convention but cannot due to the expense. The proposed amendment is intended to foster participation and make travel costs more reasonable.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-155 (National Council)

Delete the words struck through and add the words that are underlined in Article 8.1 as follows:

8.1 National Council shall be composed of: 8.1.1 four members elected from a province with more than 100 seats in the House of Commons; 8.1.2 three members elected from a province with 51-100 seats in the House of Commons; 8.1.3 two members elected from a province with 26-50 seats in the House of Commons; 8.1.4 one member elected from a province with 4-25 seats in the House of Commons; 8.1.5 one member elected from each territory; 8.1.6 the Leader; 8.1.7 the Chair of Conservative Fund Canada or his or her designate, in a non-voting capacity; and 8.1.8 the Executive Director or his or her designate, in a non-voting capacity. 8.1.1 one member shall be elected to the National Council for every 10 seats a Province or Territory holds in the House of Commons; 8.1.9 In any event, no province or territory shall have less than one National Council member.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-155 (National Council) Rationale

This will expand the size of National Council; and make it more fair a democratic...a better reflection of the population of Canada similar to the adjustments that have been made in the redistribution process.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-156 (National Council)

Add new section 5.4

8.2.4 That representatives from Ontario for the National Council be elected to represent specific geographic regions, each region having approximately the same population. Rationale
The constitution groups of Toronto Centre and of St. Pauls ask that all future elections to the national council from the province be for regionally elected councilors from regions of the province of approximately equal population. The present authorization is for four Ontario councilors elected at large. The analysis on a map of the province which we have drafted is for five regions, since with the substantial increase in electoral districts in Ontario it seems probable that a fifth Ontario councillorship may be authorized by the national party. e.g. Toronto, the Golden Horseshow, Eastern Ontario and North & Southwestern Ontario. The representatives need not live in their region but would be accountable to it. This would also facilitate campaigning for election as a representative for a smaller region, rather than over the entire province.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-157 (Policy)

Add the words that are underlined in Article 13.2.4 as follows:

13.2.4 the same number of representatives from each province as the number of members of National Council from that province, selected by the presidents of the electoral district associations in each province. A majority of EDA Presidents must have cast ballots for an election to be valid; otherwise, the representative will be appointed by the National Councilor member(s) in consultation with the regional party organizer(s) in each province; and Rationale
Most EDA presidents do not know or have only limited knowledge of the individuals seeking to be selected as provincial members on the National Policy Committee. Few EDA Presidents will even bother to vote. National Councilors and regional party organizers know and work with all EDAs within a particular province. They will know which individuals will be actively involved with and best represent the EDAs on the National Policy Committee.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-158 (Policy)

Delete the words struck through and add the words that are underlined in Article 13.2 as follows:

13.2 The National Policy Committee shall consist of 13.2.4 the same number of representatives from each province as the number of members of National Council from that province, selected by the presidents of the electoral district associations in each province, appointed by National Council members in consultation with the regional party organizer(s) in each province; and

Most EDA presidents do not know or have only limited knowledge of the individuals seeking to be selected as provincial members on the National Policy Committee and the National Constitution Committee. Few EDA presidents will even bother to vote. National Councilors and regional party organizers know and work with all EDAs within a particular province. They will know which individuals will be actively involved with and best represent the EDAs on the National Policy Committee and the National Constitution Committee.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-159 (Policy)

Add new section 13.7

13.7 After every 4th National convention, the Parliamentary caucus of the party in cooperation with the National Policy Committee, will prepare an updated edition of the Policy Declaration for amendment at the next national convention, subject to the following directions: 13.7.1 The updated edition will be based on the existing Policy Declaration but will remove redundant items, spent items, and items that are no longer at issue before Canadians. 13.7.2 The updated edition may not contradict specific decisions of the previous National Convention. 13.7.3 sections. The updated edition will contain no more than 100 This limitation does not prevent the members from adding sections at subsequent National Conventions. 13.7.4 National Council will circulate the updated edition to all electoral district association presidents no later than eight months before the National Convention at which it comes into force. If written notice of objection from more than 99 electoral district association presidents has been received by National Council within 30 days of the edition being distributed to the electoral district associations, it shall be deemed rejected and the existing Policy Declaration will be considered still in force.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-159 (Policy) Rationale

Once a decade we need a process to go through the Policy book and deal with policy statements that are 1)redundant, 2) that have become spent because our government has actually accomplished them, or 3) that are issues that have been overtaken by events and are no longer at issue. The truth of the matter is that no EDA actually works hard at removing items from the policy declaration so it keeps on growing. Also the delegates at conventions tend to read the resolutions as presented and not to consider whether they are redundant when compared to existing resolutions. There are currently 128 sections in the Policy Book in categories A to W. Before the 2005 Convention there were only 96 sections in categories A to T. So we have added 32 sections and 3 categories in just three conventions. We now have several overlapping sections in the Policy declaration, see for example the section on Long Term Energy Framework (38) and the sections on Alternative Energy and Transitional Fuels (47) and the section on Clean Air and Green House Gas reductions (46). Or consider the overlap between the section on Tax Relief and the section on Tax Code Simplification. We also have several spent sections or sections that are no longer debatable issues. The Wheat Board is no longer a monopoly. The gun registry is no more. No one talks about the Fiscal Imbalance any more. We are not having debates about Mapping Canada's Aquifers. Ultimately, we need a concise Policy Declaration that a normal Canadian would want to read. It shouldn't have too many categories and it probably should have fewer than 100 sections. Updating the policy declaration once a decade seems reasonable. The process proposed is designed to prevent mischief: The updated edition must be based on the current edition. The changes wouldn't be allowed to cancel out the effect of votes made at the previous convention. The document would have to be circulated early and would be subject to the same constitutional procedures as rules drafted by National Council. Ultimately, the members would have lots of opportunities to correct any mistakes made by the update committee at the subsequent convention.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-160 (Candidates for Parliament)

Add new sections 14.1, 14.2 and renumber the rest

14.1 In majority situations a sitting MP must advise the EDA of their intention to seek re-election 18 months prior to the election date. 14.2. In minority situations a sitting MP must advise the EDA of their intention to seek re-election in the next election at least quarterly.

EDAs require a sufficient amount of time to commence and complete a thorough candidate search and to arrange and hold a candidate nomination meeting with members of the EDA. Additionally, a new candidate must have a reasonable amount of time to connect with and become known to the constituents in the riding prior to an election.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-161 (Candidates for Parliament)

Add new section14.2.1

14.2.1 In the rules set by the National Council for the selection of candidates, the candidates must be able to talk and write in the official language(s) of the province where they run.

Whereas Canada has two official languages. Whereas each province has an official language, except for NewBrunswick. Whereas the Conservative Party recognizes the particularities of each province.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-162 (Candidates for Parliament)

Insert new 14.4

14.4 The rules shall include the provision that to be eligible to vote for a candidate at a nomination meeting the members shall meet the minimum age criteria for eligibility as set by Elections Canada for federal elections.

Only those who are eligible to vote for the candidate in the federal election should have the right to select the candidate to represent the Party. Eligible voters have a stake in selecting the representative and are old enough to have felt the personal impact of taxation. Age restrictions are part of the constitution as it stands now. Why is 14 the minimum age? There are age restrictions for drivers licenses, alcohol consumption, military service, and voting in elections. Voting is a privilege that comes with maturity.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-163 (Candidates for Parliament)

Insert new 14.5

14.5 The rules shall include the provision that to be eligible to vote for a candidate at a nomination meeting the members shall meet the citizenship criteria for eligibility as set by Elections Canada for federal elections. Proof of citizenship shall be part of the identification process.

Only those who are eligible to vote for a candidate in a federal election should have the right to select the candidate to represent the Party. Eligible voters have a stake in selecting the representative and have been in the country long enough to have a grasp of the issues. Instant membership of non eligible federal voters is a growing problem. People who have not had time to take out citizenship are often influenced by people in their own community and are often coerced into joining the Party to vote for a particular candidate with no knowledge of the issues or the candidate. Frequently these same people produce membership cards for another party as they have been victimized in the past and are afraid of displeasing their local leaders.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-164 (Candidates for Parliament)

Add new section 14.4

14.4 Notwithstanding 14.1 or 19.6 in the case where a National Selection Committee disallows the candidacy of any person and that decision is upheld in an appeal to National Council or in a reference to the Arbitration Committee, at a meeting called within 10 days of such final decision, the members of an Electoral District Association may reverse or change such decision on approval of 2/3 of the membership entitled to vote (as at the time of the decision of the National Selection Committee) at a meeting called for that purpose. Notice of the meeting shall be no less than 10 days and no more than 15 days. A meeting may be called by the president of the association or by the secretary upon written request of at least 5 directors or 50 members of the Electoral District Association. Rationale
We feel we must maintain the grass roots principle that our party was founded upon. Currently sec.14 says the EDA's choice of a candidate can be over ruled by national council and the only appeal will be to national council. This amendment would give the EDA a final say if they can get 2/3 of all eligible members in the entire EDA to show up, and vote, as such at a meeting called for the purpose. Subject to leader of party signing candidate nomination paper.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013

RESOLUTION C-165 (Constitutional Amendment)

Add the words that are underlined in Article 13.2.4 as follows:

16.2.1 National Council, subject to gaining the support of any four electoral district associations from at least two provinces, on approval of a majority vote of the board of directors or membership of each of those electoral district associations at a duly constituted meeting of each called for that purpose, subject to such requirements as may be set out by by-law or the rules and procedures for the national convention; Rationale
Level the Playing Field - This amendment will strengthen the relationship of party members and our National Council. Furthermore, it will prevent unilateral, time-constrained amendments from reaching the floor of the National Convention. It will reinforce the following Founding Principle: 2.1.4 The Conservative Party of Canada will operate in a manner accountable and responsive to its members.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013 Resolutions C-166, C-167 deal with the same issue but in different ways. At most one of these will go to plenary.

RESOLUTION C-166 (Constitutional Amendment)

Delete the words struck through and add the words that are underlined in Article 16.7 as follows:

16.7 The National Constitution Committee shall consist of: 16.7.3 the same number of representatives from each province as the number of members of National Council from that province, selected by the presidents of the electoral district associations in each province, appointed by National Council members in consultation with the regional party organizer(s) in each province; and

Most EDA presidents do not know or have only limited knowledge of the individuals seeking to be selected as provincial members on the National Policy Committee and the National Constitution Committee. Few EDA presidents will even bother to vote. National Councilors and regional party organizers know and work with all EDAs within a particular province. They will know which individuals will be actively involved with and best represent the EDAs on the National Policy Committee and the National Constitution Committee.


CONSTITUTION FLOOR RESOLUTIONS Conservative Party Convention 2013 Resolutions C-166, C-167 deal with the same issue but in different ways. At most one of these will go to plenary.

RESOLUTION C-167 (Constitutional Amendment)

Add the words that are underlined in Article 16.7.3 as follows:

16.7.3 the same number of representatives from each province as the number of members of National Council from that province, selected by the presidents of the electoral district associations in each province. A majority of EDA Presidents must have cast ballots for an election to be valid; otherwise, the representative will be appointed by the National Councilor member(s) in consultation with the regional party organizer(s) in each province; and

Most EDA presidents do not know or have only limited knowledge of the individuals seeking to be selected as provincial members on the National Constitution Committee. Few EDA Presidents will even bother to vote. National Councilors and regional party organizers know and work with all EDAs within a particular province. They will know which individuals will be actively involved with and best represent the EDAs on the National Constitution Committee.


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