Two Women On Les Misérables

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Two Women on Les Misrables

by Robert Grenier

Mirabelle: What a load of crap! Soon-Yi: Tell me about it Mirabelle: I mean, male-centric narrative much? Soon-Yi: And so French! Mirabelle: Who was I supposed to relate to? The sweet-butairheaded mother, or the sweet-but-airheaded daughter? Soon-Yi: And it was all like France is so great, nobody has a clue but the French. Mirabelle: Its likesure, theres some heart in the storyand a few moments of poetry. But guess what, there are thousands of books like that that dont belittle women as well! Soon-Yi: I dont even care for French culture that much. I mean there are a few highlights, but not more than any other country. Mirabelle: Ughthe whole thing elevates female submissiveness and frivolity. We are not just here for men to delight in! Soon-Yi: Who even cares about the so-called French Enlightenment anyways? Its totally obsessed with ancient Greece and Rome. Mirabelle: Look at me, I have such finery in my trousseau! And what hosiery! Soon-Yi: Oh please Mr. Hugo, tell us backwards people how to be more French! Please free us from our non-French worldview! Mirabelle: By the time he wrote this, there were plenty of precedents for a nuanced female character.

Soon-Yi: Not to mention great works outside of the Enlightenment meta-narrative! Mirabelle: I think Im done discussing this. Its making me tired. Soon-Yi: Me too. Grab a bite to eat? Mirabelle: Sure, any suggestions where? Soon-Yi: Anything but French food!

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