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CESTODES (40 pts) Instruction: For items 1-,5 match the tapeworms in Column A with their corresponding Intermediate

Host in Column B. For items 6-10. Match the items in Column A with their corresponding infective stage in Column C. Column A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. T. solium D. latum H. nana D. caninum T. saginata A. B. C. D. E. Column B dog flea fish pig beetle cattle Column C A. cysticercus bovis B. hydatid cyst C. plerocercoid D. cysticercoid E. cysticercus cellulosae

For items 11-20, arrange the chronology of events in the life cyle D. latum after the embryo is hatched in water. Use letters A-E to designate chronology of events. __ 11-12. Human infection begins upon the consumption of nd infected fishes which contain 2 stage larva. __ 13-14. Eggs are released from the gravid proglottid and embryonates in water. __ 15-16. Coracidium is taken in by copepods which st develops into 1 stage larva. ND __ 17-18.. 2 stage larva grows to become an adult worm in the small intestine of humans. __ 19-20. Cyclops are eaten by bigger fishes. For items 21-25, use the following choices (parts of cestodes) A. scolex B. neck C. strobila D. gravid proglottid E. mature proglottid

21. apolysis 22. the body of the cestode 23. region of growth

24. developed sexual organs 25. region of attachment

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