Stress Assignment in English Words

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If the second(penult)

syllable has a long vowel or a diphthong other than/ / or has a consonant cluster coda, it is stressed. E.g tor`nado, po`tato, sy`nopsis, di`saster .etc.

iv. If the final syllable has a

consonant cluster or a diphthong, the first(initial,antepenult) syllable is stressed. E.g `marigold, `intellect .etc.

In trisyllabic or four syllable nouns, stress is assigned to the syllable immediately before the suffix. E.g .a-ic,scien`tific, orga`nic, chao`tic .b ify-soli`dify, perso`nify , humu`dity. c-ical, technolo`gical econo`mical,theore`tical,d-ity,mino`rity, possibi`lity,e.-tion-,distri`bution ,permi`ssion,etc.

Some rules for stress assignment in English words

Assignment of stress on disyllabic verbs

a.If the nucleus of the second disyllable of a disyllabic verb has the diphthong//,stress goes to the first syllablee.g `follow,`borrow

b.If the nucleus of the second syllable of a disyllabic verb is not// but
any other vowel or a diphthong or if it ends in a consonant cluster, the stress goes to the second syllable e.g a`pply en`gulf,a`gree, in`vite, im`pound, in`cite, de`pend, en`joy, ar`rive etc.

If the second syllable of a disyllabic verb has a short vowel or a zero or one consonant coda, stress goes to the first syllable e.g `enter, `open, `answer etc

If the last syllable of a trisyllabic or a four syllable verb has a short vowel or one consonant coda, stress is assigned to the second syllable.e.g en`counter, con`sider, so`licit, im`pregnate. etc.

If the third syllable of a trisyllabic or a four syllable word has a long vowel or a diphthong, or a consonant cluster coda, the stress goes to the last syllable. E.g enter`tain, ascer`tain, resu`rrect, under`stand etc.


If the last syllable of a disyllabic noun has a short vowel, stress goes to the first syllable. E.g `asset, `money, `pidgin, `focus, ``premise, `ticket, `toddler.etc.

In all other cases, that is those with final long vowels or diphthongs, the final or last syllable is stressed, . Eg es`tate de`gree, ba`lloon, ma`chine, can`teen, de`sign. Etc.

In trisyllabic nouns, a final or last syllable with a short vowel or the diphthong// is not stressed.

If the final and ult(second) syllable has a short vowel or one consonant coda, they are not stressed but stress goes to antepenult(first) syllable. E.g `emperor, `qualify, `president, `chancellor, `custody, `quantity, `scholarship.etc.

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