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Hardware Design Studio 3

HDS3 for Agilent SystemVue comprises fixed point simulation and analysis capabilities through FXP-Lib, a fixedpoint simulation library, and automatic HDL generation. Automatically generate HDL code for your FXP-Lib designs with HDL Design Studio (HDS); a powerful hardware design tool which extends the capabilities of SystemVue. HDS bridges the gap between DSP simulation and FPGA/ASIC implementation greatly increasing productivity. HDS is IC manufacturer and tool-flow independent giving you full control at every stage. Use FXP-Lib for SystemVue to design, simulate, analyze and optimize bit-true fixedpoint DSP systems. Then at the click of a button HDL Design Studio will automatically convert your design to synthesizable RTL VHDL. Furthermore HDS will generate a test bench to match the parameters of the SystemVue simulation and automatically invoke an HDL simulator.

Supported platforms:

Agilent SystemVue

z z z z z z z z z z z z Automatic RTL-VHDL generation from SystemVue designs Easy to use - HDL code is generated with just one mouse click; Generation of suitable test bench based on system level simulation; Powerful macro-based scripts to control third-party tools; Vendor independent IP support; Automatic intelligent creation of clock, ready and enable signals; Multiple enable domains for multirate signal processing; Support for hierarchical systems; Bit true operators; Fully parameterisable blocks; Signed and unsigned support; Bit true, cycle accurate fixed point simulation library; z z z z z z z Fixed point analysis automatically collects and compiles vital statistical information about each simulation; Automatic detection of underflows & overflows; Base-2 histogram generation wordlength optimization; Double precision override; floating for point

z z z

Rounding, truncation, wrap-around and saturation modes; Fully parameterisable wordlengths; Pipelined models; square root and division

FIR and IIR filter structures with single rate, decimation and Interpolation optimization; Decimation and interpolation CIC filter; Powerful fixed point numerical analysis capability.

Steepest Ascent Ltd., 94 Duke St., Glasgow, G4 0UW, Scotland, UK +44 141 552 8855

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