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Is 9th house represents father? - Astrological Discussion.

Maharishi Parasara holds the view that 9th house represents father and the matters pertaining to father has to be studied from 10 th house. In Chapter 11(Judgment of Houses) of Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra refers to 10 th house and Chapter 12 (Effects of houses) 9th house is considered for father. Varaha Mihira judges the actions of ones father from his 10th house. When we consider 4th house as mother, the 7th from 4th will represent father and hence it should be 10th house for father. The classical texts however take both the houses for father for assessment as said earlier. The present authors such as Umang Taneja holds the view that if one is dependent on father, 9th house is to be reckoned other wise 10th house for father. If we analyze Vedic Astrology and KP system, we find that the 9th house is considered for father as the father used to be the guru for the son. In KP system, the readers suggest the use of 9th house for father and 10th house will be the maraca for both parents i.e. 2nd to 9th (for father) and 7th to 4 (for mother). Late M.P.Shanmugam, KP astrologer was however of the view that 10th house should be studied for father as 4 th house is given to mother. Obviously for mother, father is the spouse. The argument of Late M.P.Shanmugam has not been found any favour in the readers published by Prof. K.S.Krishnamurthi. The westerners however hold the view that father should be represented by 10th house (7th house from 4th ) . In India, it is also said that the Planet Sun is for the father and Moon is for the mother. There is a controversy among the Indian astrology and western astrology in that the western astrology agrees to the Planet Sun for the day born natives only. The western astrology suggests moon for the night born people.

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