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The Soul


the bear had eaten Odd's father and brother, Odd himself became invested with their strength and certainly their vital principle, hence the increase of his inner shape's vigor ( hamrammr ). One final example confirms the hamr's possibilities for action. Lodmund possessed the ability to change his shape at its highest degree and was a great wizard {fyolknnigr). He threw overboard into the sea the posts of his high seat and declared that he would dwell where they came to shore He colonized Lodmund Fjord and lived there that winter. He then learned that the posts of his high seat were in the south of that land. He carried all his equipment onto his ship and, once the sail had been raised, lay down and commanded that no one should have the audacity to utter his namebecause his inner shape would be leaving him to fulfill his desire. He had not been stretched out long when a huge din erupted. It was then seen that a huge avalanche had fallen on the farm where Lodmund had lived. Lodmund then sat upright and said: "The spell I cast is that no ship that ever ties up here will find a safe and sound berth."37 The text does not explain why Lodmund sends his hamr to trigger the avalanche that destroys his former farm. Undoubtedly, it is to prevent anyone else from living in it, as confirmed by the curse he makes. It is also instructive to compare this passage from the Book of Sturla to that in the book of Haukr Erlendsson: the expression "he possessed the ability to change his shape at its highest degree" ( hann var ramaukinn) has vanished and is replaced with "He was well-versed in sorcery" ( var mjok trollaukinn). The perspective has changed, and Erlendsson attributes Lodmund's power to witchcraftan art and acquired power and thereby erases an important testimony of ancient beliefs. As a reflection accompanying the human being as dynamic principle or as inner shape, the soul (fylgja, hugr, hamr) was considered independent. It followed the individual, lent itself to him for his use, and determined his personality. It was an emanation from the invisible world,

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