BSIT Nov 2010

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BSIT- 63

6th Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, November/December 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) ADVANCED COMPUTER NETWORKS
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part A Compulsory. 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part B. PART A Answer all FIVE full questions: 1. What is POP ? Explain the working of POP ? 2. What is the purpose of time out timer ? 3. Discuss in detail the architecture of WWW ? 4. What is cryptography ? List the different cryptographic algorithms. 5. Explain IEEE 802.11 standard ? PART B Answer any FIVE full questions : 1. a) With suitable example explain DNS. b) What is iterative solution ? 2. a) Explain the client and server side events when user click on a URL. b) What is routing ? 3. a) Explain any one routing algorithm with the help of an example. b) Discuss IR RIP packet format. (15x5=75) 10 5 10 5 10 5 P.T.O. (5x5-25) Max. Marks : 100

BSIT - 63
4. Discuss the various features of WLAN and its protocol architecture. 5. What is Multimedia ? What is streaming server ? Explain audio streaming process. 6. Explain any one cryptographic algorithm with suitable example ? 15

15 15

7. What is video ? List and explain the drawback of the current internet to drive the multimedia data. 15 8. Write short notes on a) RTSP b) SMTP c) CSMA/CA mechanism. ____________________ (5x3-15)

IV Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, November/December 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) ALGORITHMS
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Inst ructions : 1) Part A : Compulsory. 25 M. 2) Part B : Answer any 5 questions. 75 M PART A 1. Write an algorithm to find largest number among two integers. 2. Explain the working of Circular Queue. 3. List the various properties of an Algorithm. 4. Define Full-Binary Tree. Give example. 5. Define Complete-Binary Tree, Give example. 6. Define the following : a) Recursion b) Binary Tree c) Stack d) Dynamic Allocation e) Depth of the Tree. PART B 1. Design iteractive and recursive algorithm to find the maximum number among given set of n elements. 2. a) Write an algorithm to generate all prime numbers between 20 and 50. b) Write an algorithm to check a given number is prime or not. 3. Design and trace out the Binary Search algorithm with example 3 3 3 3 3 (2x5=10)

15 8 7 15


4. Draw a Binary Tree of level 7, having atleast 20 nodes and obtain the In-order, Pre-order and Post-order sequence of the tree. 15

5. a) What is Binary Search ? Develop a recursive algorithm for the Binary Search. 8 b) Trace out the algorithm Quick-Sort on the following data set : {7, 4, 6, 1, 5, 2}. 6. a) Write an algorithm to check a given number is a Palindrome or not. b) Write an algorithm to find nth Fibonacci number. 7. a) Trace the Quick-Sort algorithm with following data set : b) Write the Selection-Sort algorithm. 8. Write a note on (5 marks each ) : a) Incidence Matrix. b) Binary Tree Representation. c) Graph.

8 7 8 7 15

BSIT- 24
II Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, Nov./Dec. 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) BASICS OF DBMS
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : Max. Marks : 100 1) Part - A : Answer all the questions. 2) Part B : Answer any FIVE full questions. PART A I. Answer to all the questions: 1) All data in computer must be represented using only 2 symbols namely _____ and _______________ 1

2) The technique used to represent and store the recorder on a file is called _____ 1 3) ___________ are examples of direct storage devices. 4) The index provide the _____________ access to records. 5) A key consists of two or more attributes is called as ________ 6) A relationship in network model is called a _______ 7) Table name can be upto ___________ characters. 8) Same data stored in many places, leading to duplication of data is called _____________ 9) Hashing is very good for _____________ keys. 10) The ________ notations are used for representing ER Diagram. 11) Attributes that are not divisible further are called _______ 12) A record is a collection of ____________ that describes an entity. 13) ______________ committee proposed network model. 14) The hierarchical data model organized data in a __________ 15) Forms and queries present the data on _________ II. 1) Explain briefly the disadvantages of file oriented system. 2) Explain internal and external hashing. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 P.T.O. 1 1 1 1 1

PART B Answer any 5 full questions : 1. a) What are the objectives of DBSM ? b) Explain the concept of direct file organization. 2. a) Explain the structure of index sequential file b) What are different types of attributes that occur in ER model ? 3. a) Explain the following terms : i) Binary Relationship iii) Degree of relationship ii) Ternary Relationship iv) Cardinality ratio. 7 7 8 10 5 8 8 7 8 7 8

b) Explain the different phases of DB development life cycle. 4. a) What are primary and secondary indexes ? Explain b) List different types of attributes, give at least two examples for each. 5. a) Explain three important data models. b) Explain clearly the properties of relational tasks. 6. a) Explain the following with respect to Microsoft Access i) tables ii) queries iii) forms iv) reports

b) Explain how do you create table with an example. 7. a) What is meant by database security ? Why it is needed ? Explain its issues. b) Briefly explain discretionary access control and mandatory access control. 8. Write short notes on : i) Data Independence ii) Hashing iii) Database System Development Process. ________________

7 7 8


BSIT- 14
First Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, Nov./Dec. 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) BASIC OF SYSTEM SOFTWARE
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part - A : Answer all questions. 2) Part B : Answer any 5 full questions. PART A Answer all the questions. Fill in the blanks : 1. 2. 3. A language processing program where the parser directs the translation process is said to be a _________________ The process of peeking a head at the next lexeme is called ________________ For a program to process, _______________ is the mechanism used to associate symbolic names with their abstract values. An approach used to maintain linked list of items which hashed to the same slot in the hash table is called _____________ are defined with PUSH and POP operations. Max. Marks : 100



Answer the following : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. List the problems faced in memory allocation. What are the functions of semaphores ? What are loaders and linkers ? Differentiate between direct and indexed addressing modes. Name the different types of registers available in CRAYI architecture. What is MASM and TASM ?


7. 8. 9. What are the main parts of O.S. ? What is error handling ? What is page fault ?

10. Describe RTN notation. PART B Answer any 5 full questions : 1. a) What is an assembler ? Explain the process of one pars assembler. b) Explain lexical analysis phase. 2. a) Describe the implementation of symbol table. b) Explain assembler directives with example. 3. a) How are macros designed ? Explain. b) Explain top down parsing technique. 4. a) What are the functions of the loader ? Explain with an example. b) What is dynamic linking ? How linking is executed in loader ? 5. a) What is operating system ? Explain its main functions. b) Describe process management. 6. a) Discuss, how memory allocation is done in the operating system. b) Explain the principles of Buddy system storage allocation. 7. a) What is semaphore ? How it is implemented ? b) Explain the main operations of a devices drivers. 8. Write short notes on : a) Virtual memory b) Code optimization c) Semantic analysis. _________________ 7 8 7 8 7 (3x5=15) 8 7 8 7 10 5 8

BSIT- 61
VI Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, November/December 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) BASIC OF .NET
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : Max. Marks : 100 1) Answer all questions from Part A. 2) 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part - B. PART A 1. Explain different features of .Net 2. How window programming is different from .Net Programming ? 3. What is the importance of atomatic memory management ? Explain with example. 4. What is the use of attributes in .Net programming ? 5. How does C# supports multiple inheritances ? PART B 1. a) What us .Net frame work ? Explain. b) What is the functions of CTS ? Explain the classification of types of CTS with a diagram. 2. a) Write a program in C# to calculate factorial of given number and explain the program. b) Explain different types if constructors used in C# program. 3. a) What is operator overloading ? Explain with an example. b) How does C# supports multilevel inheritance ? Explain 4. a) Explain different types of arrays present in C#. b) What is data provider ? Explain. 10 5 (5x5=25)

10 5 10 5 10 5


5. a) What are methods in C# ? Explain methods with passing value and by passing references. b) Explain the following with an example i) Structs ii) Enums. (4x2=8) 10 5 7

6. a) Mention the different preprocessor directives of C#. Give an example each. b) What is the use of multiple threading ? Explain. 7. a) Explain the steps or phases involved in implementing .Net remoting applications. b) Explain remoting architecture. 8. Explain the following : i) Unsafe code ii) Exception Handling iii) JIT compiler.

10 5 (5x3=15)


B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, November/December 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) BRIDGE COURSE
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : Max. Marks : 100 I) Part A is compulsory. II) Answer any 15 questions from Part - B PART A I. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences. 1) What is an algorithm ? 2) What is a high level programming language ? Mention any four of them. 3) Define Quene Data Structure. 4) Distinguish between constants and variables. 5) What is a control statement ? Give examples. 6) What is a protocol ? 7) What is a token ? II. Write brief answers to the following questions. 1) Distinguish between multiplexing and demultiplexing. 2) Give the symbols with description used in a flowchart. 3) Explain the concept of recursion. 3+3+3

2 3 2 3 3 2 1

PART B Answer any 15 questions. 1) Give the structure of a C program. 2) Mention the rules for framing variables. 3) List some of the library functions available in C. Explain one of them. 4) Distinguish between conditional and unconditional control statement. 5) Write a recursive C program to find GCD of numbers. 6) With the help of an example describe SWITCH statement. 7) Explain the concept of assembly language and assembler. 8) With examples explain infix and postfix expressions. 9) Differentiate between while and Do loops. 10) What are time and space complexities of an algorithm ? 11) Explain the data communication model. 12) Explain circuit switching. 13) Explain the terms bandwidth and datarate. 14) Mention the features of RDBMS. 15) Explain the protocol architecture. 16) What is sorting ? Explain any one of the sorting techniques. 17) Explain the concept of digital modulation. 18) What are the operations performed on a stack ? Write an algorithm for any one of them.


BSIT- 64
IV Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, November/December 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) COMPUTER ETHICS AND CYBER LAWS
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1) Answer all questions from Part - A 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part - B PART A 1. 2. 3. 4. Define computer ethics and give classification of ethical issues. Explain the different sources of law. How is professional code distinguished ? What is meant by unauthorized access to a computer under the provisions of the I.T. Act 2000 ? What are the essentials of a cyber contract ? PART B 1. 2. Explain with the help of historical milestones, the evolution of computer ethics. 15 a) Explain the impact of internet on the economy of the country and the society at large. 10 b) Discuss the impact of globalization on computer ethics. 5 a) What ae the fundamental conceptions regarding the evaluation of individual actions ? 10 b) How do professional code address issues from the view point of computing profession ? 5 a) Discuss the classification of crimes under the I.T. Act 2000 ? b) Discuss the essentials of a valid contract. 8 7 P.T.O (5x5=25)




BSIT - 64
5. a) Explain the term digital signature. What is a digital signature certificate ? b) What is cyber privacy ? Explain 8 7

6. 7.

Explain principles of computer ethics. a) What are the amendments to the Indian penal code b) Explain how computer ethics is related with internet.

15 8 7 (3x5=15)


Write short notes on : a) Source of law b) Cyber crimes c) Electronic governance. __________________

I Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, November/December 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : 1) Part - A : Answer all questions. 2) Part - B : Answer any 5 full questions. PART A Answer all the questions : Fill in the blanks : (1x5=5) 1. __________ is approximately a billion bytes. 2. _______________are physical components or equipment which make up the computer. 3. ____________translates the program line by line. 4. The performance of the CPU may be increased by providing a small memory known as __________ 5. __________ is an acronym for modulator demodulator. True or False : 6. Compiler translate program line by line. 7. The disadvantage of magnetic tape as secondary storage device is no direct access to data. 8. A peer to peer network have dedicated server. 9. A dairy wheel printer is a character printer. 10. The word data is the plural of datum.


BSIT - 12
-2Answer the following : (2x5=10)

11. Define computer and list its parts. 12. What is the difference between data and information ? 13. What are the advantages of high level languages ? 14. List the three access methods. 15. Name the different types of printers.

Give one word for the following :


16. Informs the printer to skip ove line on the paper. 17. A single user operating system that is command oriented. 18. A device that generates signals so that the signal can travel on additional cable segments. 19. A device that make communication possible between systems that use different communication protocols. 20. The geometric arrangement of the network.

PART-B Answer any 5 full questions. 1. a) Describe the data processing activities. b) Compare and contrast data versus information. c) Write a note on software applications. 2. a) What are the limitations of computer ? b) Explain the classification of computers based on their size, cost and configuration 9 6 4 5 6


3. a) What are the functions of : i) System software ii) Operating systems. b) What is an interface ? What are the different types of interface ? c) List the basic characteristics of a printer. 4. a) Explain the working of scanner in detail. b) Explain the classification of memory. 5. a) With a neat diagram describe the different network topologies. b) Define the following terms : i) Repeaters iii) WAN v) Internet 6. a) What is multimedia communication ? What are the requirements of multimedia communication from user point of view and network point of view ? b) List the advantages of magnetic storage. 7. a) Describe OSI reference model. b) Explain the basic network components. 8. Write short note on : a) Types of network b) Cache memory c) Software piracy. _____________________ 10 5 7 8 (5x3=15) ii) Bridges iv) ISDN 5 4 9 6 5 10 6

BSIT- 34
Third Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, November/December 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) COMPUTER NETWORKS
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part - A answer all the questions. 2) Part - B answer any FIVE full questions. PART A 1. 2. OSI is a protocol model standardized by the _________ The ________ layer is responsible for delivering data framer from one station to next without error. At the receiving end, the data is passed to transport layer from ___________ TCP/IP has ____________ layers. RFC stands for ___________ What is an IP address ? What is a subnet mask ? Why is it necessary ? What are private networks ? What is IP multicasting ? 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Max. Marks : 100

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. Identify the class of the following IP address : a) b) c) 1 1 1


11. A device whose primary function is routing the IP datagrams over the physical network is called as ____________ 12. Protocol used for reporting the errors occurred during the datagram transfer is _____________ 13. In the sending system, UDP receiver data unit from the ___________ layer. 14. UDP needs the ____________ address to deliver the data to the correct process. 15. UPD has the fixed header size of ______________ bytes. 16. _____________ field in the TCP header is used to detect errors in the TCP segment. 17. TCP offers ___________ duplex data transfer service. 18. In TCP/IP model, the session and presentation layers are integrated with _____ layer. 19. In client-server, the ________ programme is always running. 20. In client-server model, an user wanting a particular service runs the _________ program. 21. Connection-oriented concurrent server uses the services of __________ transport protocol. 22. Information reading the file, such as file type, structure, transmission mode are sent to the server _______ the data transfer takes place. PART B 1. a) What are the functionalities offered by transport, session and presentation layer of the OSI reference model ? b) With neat diagram explain TCP/IP protocol architecture a) Explain internet protocol with internet (IP) addressing. b) What are multihomed device ? Explain in brief. 7 8 8 7 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



a) What is routing of IP packets ? Bring out the differences between direct routing and indirect routing. b) With neat diagram explain IP datagram header. 8 7 7


a) Briefly explain internet control message protocol (ICMP). Also explain types of ICMP messages. b) Bring out the difference between Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) and Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP).


a) Explain how UDP checksum is calculated at source as well as destination host. 7 b) What are the services offered by TCP ? 8 a) With neat diagram explain TCP segment. 7 b) Bringout the difference between connectionless iterative server and connection oriented concurrent server. 8 a) Write a brief description about control connection and data connection used in FTP. b) Write a brief note on the commands processing. Describe the groups into which commands (that are sent from client and server ) can be divided.




Write short notes on : a) Private networks. b) Fragmentation. c) UDP datagram. __________________ 5 5 5

BSIT- 23
Second Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, Nov./Dec. 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) DATA COMMUNICATION
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part - A : Answer all the questions. 2) Part B : Answer any 5 questions. PART A Answer all the questions. 1. Differentiate between a continuous signal and discrete signal. 2. Describe the concept of circuit switching 3 3 Max. Marks : 100

3. What is FDDI ? Describe how it is used in practice. 4. What are the devices available to interconnect LANS ? How do they differ ? Explain. 5. Describe the Nyquist Sampling Rate. 6. Define the terms data rate and error rate 7. Discuss the Shannons channel capacity 8. Explain briefly switched network. PART B

3 3 3 3 3 4

Answer any 5 full questions. 1. a) List the various tasks involved in data communication system and briefly explain them. b) Briefly discuss the OSI and TCP/IP protocol models. 2. a) Explain any two line coding technique with a suitable example. b) What is periodic signal ? Explain. 8 7 10 5 P.T.O.

3. a) Discuss the working of time division multiplexing. b) Explain the following : i) Coaxial Cable ii) Optical Fibre 4. a) Explain any two modulation techniques b) Explain single parity check error detection technique in detail. 8 7 7 8

5. a) What is ARQ protocol ? Explain their mechanisms and elements in detail. b) Explain the HDLC frame structure in detail.

8 7

6. a) What are the functions of MAC layer in a LAN ? Explain. b) List out various network topologies. Explain any two of them. c) Explain different Asynchronous medium access control mechanisms.

5 5 5

7. a) What are the types of services provided by LLC layer ? Explain. b) Explain the various fields in CSMA/CDMAC frame format.

5 5

c) Explain token bus MAC protocol. Mention its advantages and disadvantages. 5 8. a) Explain the design aspects of a bridge b) Explain Go-back N protocol with a neat figure. _________________ 7 8

BSIT 22 II Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, Nov./Dec. 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) DATA STRUCTURES USING C
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part A Answer all the questions. 2) Part B Answer any 5 full questions. PART A I. Answer all the questions : 1) What is a pointer ? 2) Define a storage class. 3) Define an enumerated constant 4) Define a data structure. 5) What do you mean by Abstract data type ? 6) What is a stack ? 7) What is a recursion ? 8) What is a queue ? 9) What is a circular queue ? 10) What is a linked list ? 11) What is a linear list ? 12) What is a root node ? 13) What is circular list ? II. Answer all questions : 1) What are the various basic data types available in C languages ? 2) Classify the data structure. 3) List out the stack applications. 4) Differentiate between stack and queue. 5) Compare and contrast arrays and linked list. 6) List out the applications of linear linked list. P.T.O. (6x2=12) (13x1=13) Max. Marks : 100

BSIT - 22 PART B Answer any FIVE full questions : 1. a) List and explain the different storage classes available in C. b) Write a program to test if a string entered from a keyboard is a palindrome note. a) How do you compute the complexity of an algorithm ? b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of stack ? c) Write a program to convert the infix to prefix expressin. 3. a) What are the various operations performed on Queue ? Explain. b) Write a flowchart to implement the circular queue, also write the program in C. 4. a) Differentiate static and Dynamic memory allocation techniques b) What are the advantages of circular linked list as compared to singly linked list ? c) Write a program for adding and deleting nodes from an ascending order l inked list. 5. a) Define the following with respect to Graph, with example : i) Directed graph ii) Edge and verticles iii) Adjacent vertices b) Explain the BFS algorithm. 6. 7. Explain the various traversals techniques of a binary tree. a) Explain the searching techniques with an algorithms. 15 8 iv) Cycle v) Connected graph (5X15-75) 8 7 5 5 5 6


9 5

5 5


b) Implement the binary search algorithm in C to search a list implemented as an array. 7 8. a) Explain the merge sort technique and give its algorithm in C. b) With an example explain the Bubble sort technique and give its algorithm in C. ____________________ 8

BSIT- 53
V Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, November/December 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) DATA WAREHOUSING AND DATA MINING
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : Max. Marks : 100 1) Part - A is Compulsory. 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part B. PART A Answer all the questions. I. a) What is database ? What is the function of a database query language ? b) List the function of query manager. c) Distinguish between facts and dimensions. 25 4 4 4

d) What is the need for aggregation ? Give the trade off involved in aggregation. 4 e) What is data marting ? List the reasons for data marting. f) Multimedia databases include__________, __________,_________ and ___________ g) There are two types of users in data mining system they are ________and __________ PART B II. Answer any FIVE full questions. 1) a) With the help of diagram explain typical process flow in a data warehouse. b) Write the steps in designing of fact tables. 2) a) Explain with the help of an example the meaning of horizontal and vertical partitioning. b) List and explain the aspects to be looked into while designing the summary tables. (15x5=75) 8 7 3 4 4

8 7 P.T.O.

BSIT - 53
3) a) Explain the role of access control issues in data mart design. b) What is metadata ? Explain various purpose in which metadata is used. 4) 7 8

a) What is data mining ? What kind of data can be mined ? 8 b) List the application and reasons for the growing popularity of data mining. 7 a) Explain the meaning of data cleaning and data formating. b) Give the top level syntax of the data mining query languages DMQL. a) Explain the meaning of data mining with apriori algorithm. b) Explain the working principle of decision tree used for data mining. a) What is Bayes theorem ? Explain the working procedure of Bayesisan classifier. b) Explain how neural network can be used for data mining ? Write a short notes on : i) Back propagation neural network ii) K-means algorithm iii) KDD environment. ____________ 7 8 7 8




7 8


BSIT- 62
Sixth Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, November/December 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) E-COMMERCE
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : Max. Marks : 100 1) Answer all questions from Part A. 2) 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part - B. PART A (5x5=25)

1. Define e-commerce. Name any two areas which are reasons of worry in e-commerce ? 2. List three basic banking activities ? 3. Name a few operations performed by e-commerce. Explain. 4. Explain basic goals of electronic security. 5. What is meant by integrityw of data ? PART B 1. a) Explain different categories of operations comes under E-commerce. b) What are the desirable characteristics of E-commerce ? 2. a) Explain the architecture frame work of E-commerce ? b) List the OMCs [Order Management Cycle] generic steps ? 3. a) Why are information brokerage and management needed ? Explain. b) Explain software agent and middleware. 4. a) What are the normal constraint put on e-cash ? b) Name any four issues addressed in a e-payment system ? 5. a) Explain any four components of E.D.I. implementation. b) List the advantages and disadvantages of Internet. 8 7 10 5 10 5 7 8 7 8 P.T.O.

BSIT - 62
6. a) Explain the primary elements of SCM. b) Explain horizontal and vertical organization. 7. a) Explain reason for information security ? b) Explain different security tools 8. Write short notes on the following : i) Kinds of shopping ii) Unix security ii) Viruses and worms ____________________ 7 8 8 7

B.Sc. (IT) Examination, Nov./Dec. 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) ENTRANCE TEST
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part - A is compulsory. 2) Answer any 5 questions from Part - B . PART A I. Read the following passage and pick out the correct answer out of the given alternatives for the questions. One day a wolf caught a fat rabbit. While he was eating it, a sharp bone stuck in his throat. He was in great pain. He went from animal to animal begging them to remove the bone from his throat. None came near him. They were afraid of him. At last he came to a crow and begged her to remove the bone and promised a reward. The crow agreed. The bold crow put her beak into the throat of the wolf and pulled out the bone. She then asked for the promised reward. " You silly thing", said the wolf furiously. "Don't you know that you are lucky enough to thrust your neck in my throat and that I did not bite it ? That reward is enough for you". 1) The wolf was in pain because a) He caught a fat rabbit c) A bone stuck in his throat 2) b) He was eating a rabbit d) He was hunting for a rabbit Max. Marks : 100

The wolf went from animal to animal because a) He wanted some food c) He wanted to make friends b) He wanted the bone to be removed d) He was searching for a crow


The animals did not help him because they were a) Afraid of him c) Not promised a reward b) Not his friends d) Not ready to help him


4) What do you think the crow was ? a) Stupid c) Intelligent and greedy 5)


b) greedy d) Bold and greedy

From the story we can say that the wolf was a) Intelligent c) A liar b) Ungrateful d) Untruthful (5x1=5) (5x1=5)


Give the opposite word of the following : 1) Suitable 2) Follow 3) Give 4) Increase 5) Familiar

III. Match the following : Word 1) Edible 2) honorary 3) Inaudible 4) Notorious 5) Obsolete Meaning A) That which cannot be heard B) That which is fit to be eaten C) That which in no longer in use D) Having a bad name E) An office without any pay (5x1=5) (5x1=5)

IV. Fill in the blanks by selecting the suitable article - a, an, the 1) He is eating __________ apple. 2) I have a copy of _________ text book 3) A dog is _____________ useful animal. 4) Deserts are _______________hottest areas. 5) She is ___________pessimistic person.

BSIT- 51
Fifth Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, November/December 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : Max. Marks : 100 1) Part A is compulsory. 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part B. PART A I Answer all the questions : 1) Expand Pixel 2) List the computer languages that support graphics. 3) What is multimedia ? List the main components of multimedia. 4) What is the meaning Gamut in photoshop. 5) What is file format ? List the different file formats. 6) Explain in detail the textmode ( ) of C programming language. 7) List the various applications of computer graphics 25 1 4 4 4 4 4 4

PART B Answer any FIVE full questions. 1. a) Explain how operating system support computer graphics. b) Explain why C programming language is popular in graphics 2. a) Explain the various graphics input interactive techniques. b) Explain the working principle of Light Pen with the help of a diagram. 3. a) Explain the principle of DVST system. b) Compare raster and scanning system. (15x5=75) 7 8 7 8 7 8


BSIT - 51
4. a) Explain initgraph () function with the help of an example. b) Write a C program to animate a circle with the help of suitable C functions 5. a) What is digital imaging ? Explain the various digital imaging techniques. b) Explain the following with the help of a diagram : i) Rendering 6. ii) Morphing 8 7 8 7 iii) HSB 8

7 7 8

a) Explain in detail focus tool with the help of a diagram in photoshop. b) Name and explain various selection tools in photoshop software.


a) List the steps to be followed for Image printing utility of Photoshop. b) Explain the following color models : i) RGB ii) CMYK


Write a short notes on : i) Lasso tool of photoshop ii) Animation iii) Light Pen.


BSIT- 42
IV Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, Nov./Dec. 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) JAVA PROGRAMMING
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : Max. Marks : 100 1) Part - A : Compulsory. 25 marks 2) Part B : Answer any 5 questions. 75 marks PART A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How Java is said to be platform-independent ? Explain. What is Polymorphism ? Explain. Why main method in Java program is defined as static ? Write a Java program to display all even numbers between 10 to 50. Define the following (2 marks each): a) Data abstraction b) Exception c) Applet d) Conditional operation e) Instance variable f) Input and output streams. PART B 3 3 2 5


a) List the basic features of Java Technology. b) Explain with example, the typical structure of a Java program.

7 8 7 8 P.T.O.


a) List and explain the primitive data types of Java. b) List and explain various looping statements in Java

BSIT - 42
3. a) With example, explain the Switch Statement in Java.7 b) Write a program to compute sum of the individual digits of a given integer. 4. a) Describe the life-cycle of a Thread. b) Explain with example how exceptions are handled in Java. 5. a) List various forms of inheritance supported by Java. b) Explain method over-ridding with example. 6. 7 8 8 7 5 10

a) What is a Stream ? List the different stream classes in Java. Explain how the input/output handled in Java. 15 Write a java program to multiply two matrics. Write a note on (5 marks each): a) Access modifiers b) Synchronization c) Break and Continue Statement. 15

7. 8.


BSIT- 33
Third Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, November/December 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) OPPs WITH C++
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part - A answer all the questions. 2) Part - B answer any FIVE full questions. PART A 1. List the differences between the following : a) Pointers v/s arrays. b) Structures v/s unions. c) Void pointers v/s null pointers. 2. Say true or false. a) In the union all the variables share same physical storage and only one variable is defined at a time. b) Enumerated data types helps to define set of integer constants but does not impose any type checking. c) The constants of one structure can be assigned to another as long as they are of the same type. d) Constructor is invoked explicitly. e) The initial values are passed as arguments to the constructor function in case of parameterized constructor. f) The objects are destroyed in the order of their creation. 3. 4. Write the syntax of switch construct in C++ ___________ is also known as first value assignment. 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Max. Marks : 100


BSIT - 33
5. 6. 7. 8. ______________ can be used to operate over multi-dimensional array. Goto statement is rarely used in C++ because ___________ A single function name can have multiple ____________ Name the following : a) An argument passing mechanism which requires the formal variable to be considered as a pointer. b) The function which is expanded when invoked. c) Default argument passing mechanism in C++ 9. 1 1 1 1 1 1

The _________ and __________ of the arguments used to select the best match from the candidate function. 2

10. A friend function will have ________ argument for unary operator and _________ for binary operators. PART B 1. a) With example explain shift operators in C++ b) Explain dynamic memory management operators in C++ 2. a) Write a C++ program to search a given number in the list of numbers. The user should supply the list of numbers as well as the key element. c) Develop C++ program to find the LCM and HCF of 2 numbers. 3. a) Explain pass by value, pass by address and pass by reference in C++ with example. b) Write C++ functions for finding the length of the string, reversing a string, compare two strings. Do not use built in functions. 4. a) With neat diagram explain modular programming b) With the help of program demonstrate the concept of arrays of objects.

7 8 7 8

8 7 8

BSIT - 33
5. a) By writing a program explain dynamic constructors. b) What are the characteristics of the destructors ? 6. a) With example explain overloading binary operators. b) What are the rules for operator overloading ? 7. Write conversion function for the following by giving example. a) Conversion of basic data type to object. b) Conversion of object to different classes. 8. a) Explain protected access rights and protected derivation. b) What is single inheritance ? Illustrate by writing program. 7 8 7 8 8 7 7 8


BSIT 21 II Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, November/December 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) OPERTING SYSTEMS
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part A Answer all the questions. 2) Part B Answer any 5 full questions. PART A I. Answer all the questions : 1) What is MWU ? 2) What is CPU scheduling. 3) What is PCB ? 4) An I/O-bound job will have ____________ CPU burst. 5) Round Robin scheduling algorithm is basically designed for __________ systems. 6) Expand MAR. 7) A logical address generated by CPU consists of ________ and _________ 8) File access is in terms of _________ 9) FAT in DOS users ________ allocation. 10) List the different views that can be choosen to display icons. 11) Screen Savers prevent monitors burn-in. True/false. 12) What is the disadvantage of contiguous allocation ? 13) List the common components found in a GUI environment. 14) Mention any two network protocols that Windows NT support. 1 2 1 1 Max. Marks : 100

1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 P.T.O.

-2BSIT 21 15) Define Thread. 16) Define a process. Explain the process state diagram. 17) Compaction is a solutions for _____________ fragmentation. PART B Answer any FIVE full questions : 1. a) Briefly explain the concept of CPU Switch from process to process b) What is the control panel ? Describe the 2 ways to access the control panel. c) Explain the concept of multiprogramming technique. 2. a) Differentiate between pre-emptive and non-pre-emptive scheduling. b) Explain FCFS and STF scheduling algorithm in detail. Give an example for each. 3. a) Explain demand paging virtual memory system. b) Write a note on shared pages. c) Briefly explain the multi threading. 4. a) Calculate the average waiting time and illustrate process scheduling using FCFS and SJF on the following data. Process Burst time (M sec.) P1 P2 P3 P4 5 7 8 2 6 7 8 9 (15x5=75) 7 4 4 5 1 4 1

10 5 5 5

b) What is the need for a directory ? Explain the different directory structures. 5. a) b) What are the requirements of a good window base GUL ? Explain different properties associated with files in Windows 98.



a) Explain paging hardware used to map pages to frames. b) With a neat figure explain single partition allocation.

8 7


a) With example explain following DOS commands : i) XCOPY ii) ATTRIB ii) RESTORE iv) DISKCOPY. 8 7 (5x3=15)

b) Explain the features of Windows NT. 8. Write short notes on : 1) Spooling 2) Memory hierarchy 3) Inverted page table.


BSIT -11
I Semester B.Sc. (IT) Examination, Nov/Dec. 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME I
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : Max. Marks : 100 1) Answer all questions from Part - A. 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part - B . PART A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What are your special abilities ? How would your teacher/classmates describe you ? Who are the most important people to you ? Why ? How to assess time management ability ? What does "Be Pragmatic" means ? Define Etiquette. What are the advantages of effective communication ? Read the clues given and complete the words : i)A period of ten years - - - - D - ii) An insect with a hundred feet ----- I--- E. 9. Identify the voice in the following sentences : i) An amount of 10 million has been set aside. (AV/PV). ii) Einstein led a simple life (AV/PV). 10. What is simple sentence ? Give an example. 11. How to build vocabulary ? 12. What is interrogative sentence ? Give one example. 13. What determines a person's progress ? 14. What are the most important thing you do in a job ? 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2


BSIT - 11
PART B 1. a) How do you propose to overcome the deficient potentials ? b) What are the main characteristics of successful people ? Discuss. 2. a) Describe the basic aspects of personality development. b) List the 10 successful traits for an IT - TYRO. 3. a) Explain Twelve tips for time management. b) How to estimate time efficiency ? 4. a) What are the do's and dont's of informal etiquette ? b) List the rules of etiquette in using cell phone. 5. a) What are the requirements to improve to speak better ? b) Give some tips for writing good paragraphs. c) List the differences between personal and official letters. 6. a) Imagine you are Ankith / Anusha and write a letter to your friend for inviting her/him to your place for Mysore for holiday for side seeing. b) What is skimming ? What are the two basic features of skimming ? c) What is the difference between language skills and communication skills ? 7. 8. What are the essential qualities for success in an organization skill ? Explain. a) Discuss the number of factors which help to develop creativity. b) Make a detailed plan for conducting an inter-collegiate debate competition. c) Differentiate formal and informal etiquette. 5 5 5 15 5 5 5 7 8 10 5 12 3 10 5 5 5 5


BSIT- 31
Third Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, Nov./Dec. 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME - II
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : Max. Marks : 100 1) Part - A : Answer all the questions. 2) Part B : Answer any FIVE full questions. PART A 1. What are the common short-comings of Interviewer ? 2. Briefly write out a preparation plan for an interview for the job applied. 3. Prepare an action plan to achieve your goals. 4. Explain Maslows hierarchy f needs theory. 5. What are nine ways to change people without giving offence or arousing resentment ? 6. Explain Herzhergs motivation hygiene theory. 7. Write the checklist for revising drafts. 8. What are paragraphs ? Why do we need paragraphs ? PART B 1. a) If you are un-married, prepare a word-portrait of yourself as well as your 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3

prospective life partner that you look forward to. b) What are the suggestions and tips that are useful for most job interviews ? 2. a) What are the tips for stress management of job interviews ? b) How do you propose to overcome your deficient potentials ? 3. a) Identify your weakness on time management and put in a plan to overcome it. b) What are the principles of human management ?

7 8 10 5 7 8


BSIT - 31
4. a) What are the characteristics of successful people ? b) What are communication skills ? Mention certain DOS to improve communication skills. 5. a) What are writing skills ? Give the importance of acquiring writing skills. b) Why do many of us find it difficult to speak English ? Name any four reason why English is important for us. 6. a) What are the parts of a formal letter ? Explain with example. b) Write a paragraph on the topic Email and posts are similar in some respect but differ in others by using information given below: Feature Transmission Speed Quality of Information Data Management Transmission to one or many Security Formality Accountability Email Moderate Large Very easy Very easy Low Moderate Moderate Post Low Large Not so easy Easy High Varies High 8 8 7 8 7 7

7. a) What is reading ? What are the different kinds of reading ? Why is reading important ? b) What are the features of presentation and public speaking 8. Write short notes on : a) Dos and Donts about body language in presentations. b) Use of visuals c) Vocabulary building _______________ 5 5 5 7 8

BSIT -13
First Semester B.Sc. (LT.) Examination, November/December 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALS AND C
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : Max. Marks : 100 1) Part - A : Answer all questions. 2) Part - B : Answer any FIVE full questions. PART - A Answer all the questions. Fill in the blanks. 1. ____________ is the diagramatical representation of a program. 2. ______________ symbol is used for the house keeping operations. 3. stands for _____________ 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1

4. ________________ is used as an address operator. 5. ________________ and _____________are used to represent comments. 6. ________________ stands for not equal to. 7. _________________ and ____________ are entry controlled loop structures. 8. _________________ "C" language is developed by _____________

True or False : 9. The logical operators are and ||


10. Do-while is a exit controlled loop structure. 11. Structure is a collection of heterogeneous elements. 12. The output of a ++ + ++b when a = 6 and b = 8 is 16. 13. A file is a collection of records. P.T.O.

BSIT - 13
Answer the following : 14. What is the key formula for matrix multiplication ? 15. How to access particular field of a structure ?Give one application. 17. What are the datatypes supported by C ? 18. Define fibonacci series. PART - B Answer any 5 full questions. 1. a) What is a flow chart ? Describe the commonly used symbols. b) Write a flow chart to check whether the given year is a leap year or not. 2. a) What is a variable ? Give the rules for framing a variable. b) Write a program to find the area of a rectangle. c) Write a program to find the LCM of two numbers. 3. a) Write a program to find roots of a quadratic equation. b) Compare and contrast If then-else and switch statements. 4. a) Explain Loop control structure. b) Write a program to search an element in an array. 5. a) Write a program to add two matrices. b) Write a program to sort given set of 'n' number. 6. a) Explain with an example the sequence of control flow when a function is called. b) Write a 'C' program to find factorial of a given number. 7. a) What is pointer ? Why they are needed ? b) Write a program to read a line of text and count number of vowels, consonants, digits and blank spaces. 8. Write short note on : (3x5=15) a) Preprocessor statements b) Files c) Linked links. ______________________ 9 10 5 5 5 5 10 5 9 6 8 7 8 7 6 (2x5=10)

BSIT- 32
III Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, November/December 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) RDBMS
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : Max. Marks : 100 1) Part - A answer all the questions. 2) Part B answer any FIVE full questions. PART A 1. __________ in a table corresponds to a tuple in relational algebra 2. The relations involved in union operation should be of the same _______ 3. rxs between two relations r and s means _________ 4. The division operation is suitable for queries that include the phrase ________ 5. ________ command is used to add attributes to an existing relation. 6. The _______ clause causes the tupler in the result of a query to appear in sorted Order. 7. The predicate ______ tests for the absence of NULL values. 8. The ______ connective tests for set membership. 9. Data normalization techniques are based on _______ theory 10. Redundant data wastes _________ and creates maintenance problems. 11. In 2NF tables are related using _______ key. 12. Database instance is also known as _________ 13. Main memory area in ORACLE database is called as _______ 14. A set of memory structures and background process constitutes a _______. 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


BSIT - 32
15. ____________ used in a PL/SQL block are called lexical units. 16. ____________ data type stores fixed length character data. 17. ____________ is used as exponentiation operator in PL/SQL. 18. The client calls a local procedure called the _________ 19. Relational database management systems are the result of _____ vision. 20. The technique to access the remote database by the user is called _______. 21. The ________ is the cornetstone of electronic commerce, abbreviated as E-commerce. 22. The use of a _______ to invoke a program at a remote site leads us to the role of database on the web. 1 1 1 1 1 1

23. The _______ delivers static HTML or XML pages directly to the client i.e., to a Web browser. 1 24. ______ makes it easier for users to understand the information in large complex data sets. 1 25. ______ has emerged as an ideal field for the application of information technology. PART B 1. a) Briefly explain the basic structure of relational data model. b) What are assignment and rename operations ? Give examples. c) With example explain set difference operations. 2. a) Explain insertion, deletion and update operations of the database. b) Explain set membership and set comparison operation. c) Explain with example drop command and the alter table command. 5 5 5 7 4 4

BSIT - 32
3. a) What is normalization ? What are three basic steps of normalization ? b) Explain first normal form with example. 4. a) With neat diagram explain background process. b) Write the architecture overview of ORACLE database. 5. a) Explain data types and operators of PL/SQL. b) Explain iterative control in PL/SQL. 6. a) With neat diagram explain Remote procedures calls. b) With neat figure explain three tier database design. 7. a) With neat diagram explain process structure in the application server architecture. b) Write a brief note on search engines. 8. Write short notes on : a) Mobile databases. b) Genome data management. c) Digital libraries. _____________ 5 5 5 8 7 8 7 7 8 8 7 7 8

BSIT- 44
Fourth Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, November/December 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) SOFTWARE ENGINEERING
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : Max. Marks : 100 1) Part - A : Compulsory. 25 M. 2) Part B : Answer any 5 questions. 75 M. PART A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 Define Software Engineering. What is internal documentation ? Differentiate verification and validation. Explain, why do we need data dictionary. What is Baseline ? Give example What is Prototyping ? Give its significance. Define the following (2 marks each) : a) b) c) d) e) SQA plan Prototyping Specification language Change control Cohesion. PART B 1. With neat diagram, explain the waterfall model of software process. List it limitations What is SRS ? Explain its characteristics. List and explain software design principles. 2 2 2 3 3 3 10

15 15 15 P.T.O.

2. 3.

BSIT - 44
4. a) What is functional dependency ? Explain b) What is DFD ? Give example. a) Explain Program Design Language (PDL) with example. b) Explain Unix Testing Environment. a) Describe the different kinds of software development team structures. b) What is COCOMO Model ? Explain Basic COCOMO Model. a) Explain the RMMM Plan. b) Explain PERT chart with example. Write a note on (5 marks each) : a) McCalls software quality factors. b) Programming Tools. c) Aggregate Objects. 7 8 8 7 7 8 7 8 15






BSIT- 54
Fifth Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, November/December 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) SOFTWARE QUALITY AND TESTING
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Part - A answer all the questions. 2) Part B answer any FIVE full questions. PART A Answer all the questions: 1. List the Hurdles in software testing. 2. List any ten different types of software testing. 3. What is meaning of Quality and software quality assurance ? 4. List the guidelines for formal technical reviews. 5. List the checklist for computational errors. 6. List the differences between software verification and validation. PART B Answer any FIVE full questions: 1. a) What is software testing ? What is need for testing ? b) Explain the different approaches for software testing. 2. a) Explain the following software testing : i) Platform testing ii) Smoke testing iii) User testing b) What are the encompasses of SQA ? 6 (3x3=9) (15x5=75) 7 8 4 5 4 4 4 4 Max. Marks : 100

3. a) Explain the meaning of software defect amplification and removal. b) List the steps of Statistical Quality Assurance. 4. a) List the requirements delineated by ISO 9001 standard. b) Can a program be correct and still not exhibit good Quality ? Explain. 5. a) What is the process involved in inspection and walkthroughs. ? b) Explain white box testing with the help of an example. 6. a) What are the different techniques available to conduct black box testing ? b) List the guidelines to be followed for software testing documentation and help facilities. 7. a) Explain the need for GUI testing and its complexity. b) With the help of a diagram explain software testing strategy. 8. a) List the checklist for interface tests. b) What is debugging ? Explain why debugging is so difficult. __________ 8 7 8 8 7 7 8 8 7 7 8 7

BSIT- 43
IV Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, Nov./Dec. 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) UNIX AND SHELL PROGRAMMING
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : Max. Marks : 100 1) Part - A : Compulsory. 25 marks 2) Part B : Answer any 5 questions. 75 marks PART A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. Why computer requires O.S. ? Explain. What is Real Time O.S. ? List the functions of Unix Kernel. What are Hard-links and Soft-links ? Give example. What is Daemon Process ? Define Process. List various attributes of a process. Explain the process of changing file permissions in Unix with an example. Define the following : a) b) c) d) e) Shell script Child process Inodes Relative Path POSIX. PART B 1. a) Explain the Unix architecture with neat diagram. b) What are internal and external Unix commands ? Give example Explain the working of the following commands with example : a) lock b) ps c) umask. 10 5 (5 marks each) 3 2 3 4 2 3 3

(1 mark each)



BSIT - 43
3. 4. What are wild-cards ? Explain with example, how they are used in Unix shell 15 Explain the following control structures used in the shell programming : a) case b) while c) until. 5. 6. Explain sort command with its various options a) What is difference between pine and mailx ? b) Explain set command. 7. a) Explain the process creation mechanism. b) How to run a background process ? Explain. 8. Write a note on : a) Shell variables b) vi-editor c) Positional parameters. 15 10 5 10 5 (5 marks each)

(5 marks each)


BSIT- 52
Fifth Semester B.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, Nov./Dec. 2010 (Directorate of Distance Education) WEB PROGRAMMING
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : Max. Marks : 100 1) Part A is compulsory. 2) Answer any FIVE full questions from Part B. PART A Answer all the questions : (5X5=25)

a) What is the meaning of Web ? Give the differences between internet and intranet. b) List the different classification of HTML tags. c) Explain with example query string. d) What is JSP ? How it is different from CGI programming ? e) Explain with example the meaning of servlet.

PART B Answer any FIVE full questions. 1. a) With the help of an example explain GET and POST Methods. b) HTML is the language of Web. Explain (15x5=75) 8 7

2. a) With the help of an example explain any four HTML tags. 8 b) Demonstrate the use of anchor tag with the help of a simple HTML page. 7 3. a) Explain CSS with the help of an example. b) What are the main differences between HTML and DHTML. 4. a) Briefly describe the working of web server. b) Explain the important of web.xml. 7 8 7 8


BSIT - 52
5. a) Explain various JSP directives. b) Explain implicit object out, request response in a JSP page. 6. a) Which two packages implement the servlet APL ? b) Explain the semantics of the HTML FORM element 7. a) With the help of an example briefly the hidden control in a web page. b) What are the main difference between sessions and applications ? 8. a) Explain working of SSL with the help of an example. b) What is EJB ? Briefly describe the roles of remote and home interfaces in EJB. _____________________ 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8

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