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Nick Bourbeau Bourbeaurocker@gmail.

com Red Wedding Three clinks rang through the decorated banquet hall, it pushed a hush on the room. Ivan placed the glass down on the table. Sonya sat in her wedding dress next to him. Ivan stood from the table in his finest suit, his looks were quite distinguished. Short well managed black hair, broad chin, and green eyes. He looked down at his beautiful new wife, she was young and petite, she had icy blue eyes, and long silky blonde hair. Attention everyone, Ivan began speaking to his guests, I would like to thank you all for coming to the happiest day of our lives. he said while caressing Sonya's hand. I am so pleased to be standing here with my new bride and to be in the company of our closest friends and family. he stopped a moment while the applause rang. He sat down and his brother, the best man, stood up holding a glass. Some beautiful words Ive. To start off welcome to the married world buddy. he chuckled, But seriously, that woman with you, she's a beauty quite a keeper. Ivan's mother chuckled audibly in the background. He cleared his throat, well, I'm wishing you many many happy years together. And, hey, make mom a grandmother, yeah? he laughed, their mother choked for a second and regained composure. Will do, big brother. Ivan said they all raised their glasses and drank to the toast. Well, without further ado, let's make the most of the mansion for the night and dig into the food. The sound of silverware clanking resonated throughout the building. Edna Salas stood up and walked over to the happy couple. May I borrow my son for a minute? Edna asked with a chuckle Of course mom in-law. Sonya said with a smile. Edna forced a smirk and pulled Ivan away by the arm. Listen, as your mother I will trust anything you do but, I can't believe you married this girl. You could do so much better. Edna said Mother, how can you say that? That woman is perfect in my eyes I love her with my whole heart. Ivan responded. His mother grunted and stormed away back to Mr. Salas. Ivan sat back down with his new wife, I'm sorry about that darling. he said as he kissed her. After they kissed Sonya looked down at the table. Your mother doesn't like me at all, does she? No, that's not it, she just needs a little time to get to know you; I am sure with a little time she will learn to love you almost as much as I do. he grabbed her hand gently and kissed it softly. Sonya blushed. Okay, I need to use the little ladies room real quick. she kissed his hand, be right back, I promise. She stood up fixed her dress and started walking away. Several minutes passed by, and she

was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, the lights shut off, casting the room in pitch black. Several woman's screams were heard. Silverware and plates hit and broke on the floor. Then, everything became silent. The smell of chicken wafted through the air. It was soon overpowered by a strange scent. Blood. Then, in a flash, the lights turned on, blinding the guests. Ivan's eyes adjusted and set on his parents. He noticed they weren't moving. Their chests were stained red. His eyes widened and he bolted towards them. Mom! Dad! he screamed. He shook their bodies, how... how did this happen? tears began flowing from his eyes. His brother ran to his side. Oh my God. How... Who could have done this? he began to cry too. Sonya entered the room to see her dead in-laws and her crying husband. She formed tears and ran in to hold him. I can't believe this, I'm so sorry. She said. Ivan turned to her and held her close. She wrapped her hands around him, I love you honey, we can make it through this. he continued to wail in pain. They sat motionless for what seemed like hours. I know you're hurting, but there is obviously a murderer in this house, let's get out of here. She jumped to her feet and ran straight for the door, when the lights blacked out once more. Shrieks of terror echoed loudly again. Footsteps running on the tile. Sonya!! Ivan screamed running through the darkness. The lights returned and blinded him. His wife lay dead on the her hand on the door. A note taped to her. Ivan screamed and laid his head on her chest. No heartbeat. He looked at her head. A slice across her neck. Blood flowing. He laid his head down, pouring tears on his dead wife. His brother walked over, and patted him on the back sympathetically and grabbed the note. He shook in fear and read the note aloud. No one leaves the mansion alive any who tries to escape will die. Besides, isn't it a nice day for a Red Wedding? The words red wedding were written in blood. Thanks Oliver. Ivan said. Bro, we need to think this out, people are dieing, and we are the only ones in this building. Someone here is a murderer. he turned to the crowd of 5 people, listen, no one is leaving, and we must all remain in the dining room, one of us is a murderer. he announced. The group began chattering amongst themselves in fear. Ivan lay motionless on his dead wife. I still remember all the times we spent together. Ivan lifted his head tears flowing, he looked back on the time they spent together, that trip to the beach. Suddenly, he felt the warmth of the sun, the heat of the sand, the smell of the ocean breeze. Ivy, are you daydreaming again? Sonya asked with a giggle. She reached out a hand to Ivan and pulled him out of the sand. Come on, catch me if you can. she winked and ran away from him. I still remember how beautiful she was running in the sand, almost in slow mo. he began chasing her, laughing. I will get you my dear! he yelled. They ran and laughed together until he finally grabbed her by the waist, picked her up, and spun around with her. They turned their heads towards each other and kissed. A Frisbee fell at their feet, and Ivan bent down to pick it up. Hey, I think you missed it. He laughed as he threw back at some high school kids. They caught it and thanked him. One turned around at him.

Why don't you guys join us? We could use a couple more people. He said Ivan smiled and waved. Yeah, sure, just give us a second. Ivan said back. Sonya grabbed his arm and brought his ear down so she could whisper. What about us? I thought we were having a moment? She asked. She started to frown. Yeah, but I love Frisbee and I love you, so it's the perfect combo. she crossed her arms and pouted. I see that puppy lip he kissed her. Fine, we can play for a little bit. She sighed. They threw the Frisbee back and forth with the kids Ivan laughed the whole time, Sonya was less interested in playing. Suddenly the flying disk nearly missed her head, Hey! Watch where you're throwing that you little shit! The boy's face filled with fear. I'm sorry lady, I didn't mean to. he said. I'll leave, can I just get my disk back? Sonya's face turned red. She picked up the Frisbee and flung it as hard she could at him, it hit him with a loud thud. The boy picked up the flying disk and ran kicking up sand on his way. Baby, what was that all about? Ivan said. Little jerk threw it at my head, I just know it. she said. Sonya grabs his hand. I can only trust you. she kissed him gently. I trust you too baby. Their lips touched once more. Suddenly Ivan was thrown back into reality. A child walked up next to them. Eww, gross, cooties. He said Hey, what do you mean by that? Sonya yelled. She walked toward the child, the little boy ran back to his mother. Sonya, he was probably only 6 or 7. Are you okay? Ivan asked. I'm fine if I've got you. she hugged him tight. Suddenly she was ripped from his arms as he returned to reality. Little brother, there's a murderer in here, this is no time to daydream. I know this turned into the worst day of your life, losing her, but I need your head here, you're the only one smart enough to catch the killer. Oliver said. Ivan lifted his head and sniffled. Figure it out yourself. he said. Oliver scoffed at him and walked away. I remember she always did the craziest things with make-up. he closed his eyes softly and was greeted to the wails of pain and sorrow. He saw a black coffin in the front of the room. Where is that girl? I thought she'd be here on time. I asked her to help console me, my best friend died. A tear rolled down his cheek. Suddenly the doors to the room flew open. Groans were heard. A zombie? he turned to look at the door in fear. His sight was greeted by Sonya, with her head down. She lifted her head in a swift motion and began limping towards Ivan. Her cheeks appeared to have holes exposing her teeth. Her clothes

tattered. Skin turned green. Blood oozing from several gashes. Sonya! he screamed I...van. she moaned. br...brains. Ivan grabbed her hands. ha ha pretty great costume huh? she giggled. That isn't funny Sonya, we are at a funeral. Ivan frowned It is a little funny. she said, and laughed. Sonya! He yelled, she silenced and lowered her head. Okay, I took it too far, I'm sorry. she grimaced. She hugged him in a rush. It's okay. I see you were just trying to cheer everyone up, but this isn't the time. Sonya nodded. Ivan stood up as he returned to reality. She was taken from me. he turned to the crowd, one of you is a murderer and to avenge my parents and wife I swear I will catch you. And you will die. This I swear! he yelled, his voice carried out through the house and echoed through the empty halls. But first. He turned and picked her lifeless corpse, I must bring her to a better resting place for now. he slowly carried her up the stairs. Look honey, we crossed the threshold like I promised. a tear rolls down his face. Her mouth seemed to be positioned in a smile, like a child while it sleeps. He brushed her hair back as he laid her on the master bed. I'll miss you. he said he turned and left the room closing the door behind him. Once he reached the kitchen he rested a hand on his brother's shoulder, So, this is everyone? Oliver silently nodded. Listen everyone, I am sorry for my outburst earlier. However, I have regained my composure, I honestly can not imagine any of you, my closest friends, to be a killer. He looked every guest in the eye. As he passed one slightly pudgy woman, Jessica's nose twitched as she looked away from Ivan's gaze. What was that Jessica? Ivan pointed at her as he started walking towards her. W-what? No! she exclaimed as she drew back. Oliver ran to her side and gently grabbed her hand. Ivan! I know this woman she wouldn't hurt a fly. She has been known to be very nervous, especially in high pressure situations. You're tired, everyone's tired, and we can't allow suspicion over take us. Oliver pulled the ring of keys of the hanger by the door. Each room has a lock, we'll pass them out and we can each get some rest in our own rooms. Ivan objected. How the hell do we know there aren't copies of those? he yelled. Little brother, remember I used to own this mansion? I know for a fact there are no copies. Oliver responded. Ivan contemplated the options. Okay then. If you're sure, let's get some sleep and in the morning, I find which of you is a killer. Ivan grabbed the keyring. Everyone gets one and everyone gets their own room. he grabbed a key off the ring and passed them out. Goodnight everyone. He said and he headed to his room. Ivan paced back and forth in his room with a locked door. He picked up the phone, Oliver? Listen, you are the only one in the house I can trust. We need to work together and keep each other alive.

You got that right bro, I'm behind you, get some sleep. Ivan hung up the phone he began pacing once more, and he started speaking to himself. Who could it be? Could it really have been Jessica? Ivan slammed his foot, I just don't get it. he said. He laid down and fell fast asleep. Suddenly a bone chilling shriek came from down the hall that he recognized, Janet! Another scream, a male. Bob! Three other guests were by the door shocked and frightened, Ivan threw the door open and raced down the hallway. Once he got to the end of the hallway he saw an open door he barged in. Bob! Janet! he yelled as he turned on the light. He was greeted by the sight of his in-laws laying on the couch contorted. My god, what is that stench? he covered his face. It was familiar. Blood. They were dead. No, no, how? It couldn't be Oliver? He would be the only one with the keys... he said. Ivan turned and sprinted down the hall. Oliver! he yelled. He pounded his door. Get out here! Oliver opened the door yawning. What is it bro? he said. Ivan jumped at him. He pinned him to the bed his hands threatening to strangle him. What the hell are you doing? Oliver panicked and grabbed his hands. It's you it has to be you murderer, how could you do that to mom and dad? Ivan said. Oliver raised an eyebrow in confusion. I would never kill anyone! Especially not mom and dad. Get off me! Don't act innocent. The in-laws were found dead and you were the only one that could have a copied key! Oliver pushed Ivan off. No, I know there are no keys, I only have mine, it's in that drawer there all my belongings for tonight are. Ivan looked and opened the drawer there was a pair an outfit and a single key in there and his cell phone. If you aren't the killer, why have you got this cell phone and not called the police? He asked. Try and turn it on. I don't have a charger. Ivan tried to turn on the phone. The screen lit up for a second and showed please connect to an outlet. I'm sorry, I jumped to conclusions. It's okay. Get some rest, we'll figure this out tomorrow. Without a word Ivan left the room and closed the door. I will find her killer. he whispered as he walked to his room. The rest of the night went by uneventfully. Ivan woke up to the sounds of crying down the hall. We need to find a way out of here. yelled a guest. Ivan sprang from his bed and raced to the hallway. No one leaves until we find her killer. There's only three guests, Oliver, and me; it's only a matter of time before I figure this out. Now, I want everyone down in the kitchen in five minutes. they all dispersed. Ivan walked into the kitchen to see everyone there. Now, we need to think this through while we are together for safety. The guests all glanced at each other then at Oliver.

Listen, Jessica started, we all talked and, we think you're the killer. Ivan's eyes burned in rage. I would never kill the woman I love! he grabbed Jessica's shirt, causing her to shriek.Besides, did you forget both mine and her parents were brutally killed? Jessica looked at the floor. He released her and paced the doorway. I need clues. he thought to himself. He motioned everyone to take a seat as he walked to the door, there was a red stain on the floor. The puddle of blood Sonya had been laying in dried over night. The stain had cause the carpet to get crusty and clump together. A tear rolled down Ivan's face when he looked down, he stood up and walked out into the reception room. He looks at the table where his parent's once laid, there was a couple chips in the table. there, they were laying on the table and stabbed repeatedly. Straight through too. he looked under the table to find a long knife, the blade turned red. Oliver! Get a glove or bag or something. Oliver rushed over with a ziploc freezer bag. Ivan delicately placed the knife into the bag to keep it sterile. you always did love those crime shows. Oliver said it's paying off now. Ivan responded. He hid the knife bag in his coat as he walked upstairs into what was his parent in-laws' room. The white sheets were crimson slashes through them. they bled to death, they were sliced like pigs and left for dead. he saw a blood trail lead to the wall. He lifts a painting but the trail stops. He yells frustrated as he throws the painting. He heard screams so he runs down the stairs What was that? Jerry tried to run! Jessica said, He jumped out the window, he left me all alone here. Ivan looked out the window to see a corpse on the lawn, he was shot by an arrow. Ivan looked around the room. where's Emily? Ivan asked She said she needed to go the bathroom. Oliver said. Ivan grabbed his shirt. Are you serious? That must mean she did it Ivan said as he rushed up the stairs. He thought to himself, to shoot him she had to be on the roof. Ivan burst through the door on the roof but there was no one there. When he returned to his brother Emily was still gone. Let's check the bathroom. Oliver said. The three people went upstairs and found the bathroom, and Emily sitting on the sink leaning her face on the mirror. Ivan stepped forward. My god what is that smell? he covers his face in disgust. He turned Emily around, spilling blood on the floor. Her stomach was ripped open, organs were exposed. Jessica ran into the hall with Oliver. There was a scrap of paper in the corpse's hand, she must have written the killer's name! he opens the note and reads the name, Oliver. Ivan you find anything? Oliver asked in a flash Ivan grabbed Oliver by the collar. Why do all the clues constantly point to you? Ivan yelled. what are you talking about? here! Ivan shoved the note into Oliver's hands leaving him shocked.

I'm innocent you know that, I was with you the whole time. Ivan released him. I'm not leaving your side, you hear me? I get even the slightest suspicion and Ill get the police on you instantly. Oliver nodded. this means it's Jessica. I knew it. they rushed out of the hallway, but Jessica was no where to be seen. I told you! they ran through the hallways in search of her. He heard hyperventilating coming from her Ivan's in-law's room. He rushes in. Jessica? Where are you? he looked behind a large painting to find a hidden door. He rips it open. we found you out! Murderer. Jessica rocks back and forth in the fetal position. Suddenly a yelp of pain echoes from the hall. Ivan runs out, Oliver! he screams seeing his brother pinned to the wall. A spike penetrating his chest and holding him up against the wall. His feet dangle as Ivan falls to his knees. He sees a note on the end of the spike. It reads Kill Jessica. He runs back into the room, only to see Jessica still rocking and hyperventilating. how did you do that? You killed my brother! there was no answer. Suddenly, Jessica stopped she could only gasp for air as she clutched her chest and held her left arm. Ivan reaches out to her as the woman collapses. heart failure of course. Justice I guess. he said. Ivan stood up and walked out to the front door. Ivan. a voice spoke. He looked everywhere around him. Hello? Ivan. the voice spoke once more. Sonya? Is that you? Ivan. it called out. Sonya how is this possible? Ivan it's me. but you died. he said. Ivan come to my room. Ivan followed the voice's instruction. There he saw Sonya's body on the bed, the way he had left her. He looked and saw her hand twitch. Slowly she began to sit up. Ivan jumped back into a wall. She turned to him, her eyes were distant, empty almost. Blood that had oozed from her mouth was now dry. Her wedding dress turned a dark maroon from her slice wound. I...van. she said. Sonya? This can't be just another one of your tricks. Fantastic wasn't it? That little act of yours, that crying it was so hilarious. she laughed. but you had no pulse I even checked. he said genius huh? Quite a bit of magic there, the pulse-stopping "trick" is done with a rubber ball about the size of a golf ball. This hangs down inside the sleeve of the performer to the exact height needed for the ball to be used to close the artery.

but, but, you were slashed across the throat. make-up, you said it yourself I can do amazing things. Ivan stood still mouth gaping. what honey? she asked as she reached her hand at him, come here, let's be together. but then who killed everyone? Sonya sighed. isn't it obvious? It was me. she giggled. but, but, why? your mother was rude to me first, then I had to 'kill' myself to lower suspicion, and after that it just became fun. Ivan's face filled with disgust. now now darling don't look like that. she placed her hand on his cheek. He pulled away. That's just wrong. he started walking away when he looked back. She was standing inches away. He faced her and backed away slowly, Sonya dives and hugs Ivan. I did it for us, we can love without relatives getting in the way. you are just plain crazy, he gently pushed her away, I'm calling the police. Sonya took two steps back frowned and looked at her feet. Ivan picked up the phone in the bedroom, and it worked. so what did you cut the lines earlier? he scoffed, Sonya remained silent and still. He turns around, Hello? Listen my wife has killed my whole family and friends I need you to send some officers to arrest her at- Ivan gasps. He looks down to see a blade through his chest. So-Sonya. he stutters. he says as he falls to the ground, blood spills and stains the carpet. Sonya picks up the phone. cancel that dispatch sir. Have a nice day. Sonya hangs up the phone. She walks outside and steps into her car. Tears began to flow from her eyes as she drives away.

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