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Teacher: Lourdes Arroyo

Team#12: Orly Patricia Hotels and travels

16 June 2009

Introduction: My name is Patricia and my name is Orly we talk about travel and hotels. This story starts in a caffe. P- Hi Orly its amirade to find you here, how have you been? O- Fine thanks and you? P- Im fine the other day I was remembering when we were in Cancun!! Do you remember? O- Yes I remember, this happened last February P- Oh yes, we decided to go on holiday to Cancun and I remember that the day when were left the city it was raining, but when we landed in Cancun the sun was shining!! O- Yes, and the warm breeze was blowing from the sea and we took a taxi to the hotel. And when were checking in someone tapped me on the shoulder!! P- Oh yea!! Your face changed completely, you had the biggest smile Id ever seen!! O- Jajaja yes, yes, I couldnt believe my eyes! It was my ex boy friend at the same hotel. P- Jajaja yes but at was not the only thing because the hotel was beautiful. O- Yes the Sheraton hotel its good because the rooms are very big and comfortable. P- Yes but its the most expensive hotel I have been to!!

O- Mmm but I think that the price is fair because it has a balcony and a wonderful view of the sea swimming pools there is also comfortable sofa and fan. P- Ok I accept this!! And you forget that have private lift, wardrobe, 400 meters in the air, and the most important its the restaurant. O- Do you remember when we went to Xcaret? P- Yes we saw a lot of animals!! O- Like monkeys, tigers, dolphins, turtles and others. P- Yes, we saw with dolphins, but liked the flowers! O- Me too P- It was a fantastic experience because I never think swam with this type of animals, because I thought that they would be dangerous but they were beautiful. O- The only bad thing in this trip was that we lost our ticket!! P- Yes it was terrible, we had to buy other tickets but it was good because you could be with your ex boy friend more time and we went snorkeling and saw hundreds of beautiful fish. O- Jaja yes it was getting dark when we returned to our a wonderful day P- Yes it was very romantic. O- Yes we felt very sad when the holiday ended but it was fantastic!!

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