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Multiple Choice Question:

1. A B C D 2. A B C D 3. A B C D 4. A B C D 5. A B C D 6. A B C D

Electrons and Cathode Rays

Millikans oil-drop experiment was designed to measure the speed of an electron the charge of an electron the mass of an electron the charge to mass ratio for an electron. Which of the following is not part of the electron gun in a CRO? deflection plates control grid heated cathode cylindrical anode Which of the following is not a property of cathode rays? They are deflected by electric fields They are deflected by magnetic fields They have mass They are electromagnetic waves. When a beam of cathode rays enters a uniform magnetic field the subsequent path of the beam in the field is straight parabolic erratic circular In a cathode ray tube, the brightness of the trace on the screen is controlled primarily by the grid voltage anode voltage heater voltage deflection-plate voltage When an electron of charge e and mass m is accelerated by a voltage V, the square of the electrons speed is given by 2eV / m 2e / mV 2V / em 2em / V

7. A B C D 8. A B C D 9. A B C D

A cathode ray oscilloscope may be used to measure which one of the following properties of an electrical signal. the range the speed the frequency the direction A typical display on the screen of a CRO is a plot of voltage against time frequency against time q and mass m amplitude against time velocity against time Thermionic emission involves the release of which of the following particles from the surface of a metal. protons electrons positive ions negative ions.

10. A B C D

J. J. Thomson measured which of the following in his work on electrons of charge q and mass m ? qm q/m q but not m m but not q

11. A B C D

Which of the following is credited with discovering the electron? Thomson Edison Millikan Stoney

t impedance of CRO is:

1 M 1 K

100 1

CRO displays:
AC signals DC signals Both ac and dc signals None of the above

CRO uses:
Electrostatic deflection Magnetic deflection Electro- magnetic deflection None of the above

CRO fluroscent screen uses the phosphorous isotope:

P31 P32 P30 None of the above

Lissajous figure is used in CRO for:

Phase measurement Frequency measurement Amplitude measurement None of the above

Lissajous figure at a 45 degree angle means:

Straight line Circle Oval None of the above

The difference between the spectrum analyser (SA) and CRO is:
CRO and SA both measures time domain signal CRO and SA both measures frequency domain signal CRO measures time domain signal and SA measures frequency domain CRO measures frequency domain signal and SA measures time domain

Digital storage oscilloscope is more preferable because:

Digital display Storage Both the above None of the above

Saw-tooth voltage of a CRO means:

Fly back time + sweep time Only fly back time Sweep time + fly back time Only sweep time

Defection sensitivity of CRO depends on:

Deflection voltage, separation between the plates and plate length Only deflection voltage Only separation between plates Electron density

1. With an oscilloscope you can: a. I). c. c.

Calculate the frequency of a signal.

Find malfunctioning electrical components. Analyze signal details. All the above.

2. The difference between analog and digitizing oscilloscopes is: a. b. Analog oscilloscopes do not have onscreen menus. Analog oscilloscopes apply a measurement wItage directly to the display system. while digital oscilloscopes first convert the voltage into digital values. c. Analog oscilloscopes measure analogs, whereas digitizing oscilloscopes measure digits.5. On an oscilloscope display: d. Analog oscilloscopes do not have an acquisition system.

3. An oscilloscope's vertical section does the following: a. Acquires sample points with an ADC. b. c. d. Starts a horizontal sweep. Lets you adjust the brightness of the display. Attenuates or amplifies the input signal.

4. The time base control of the oscilloscope does the following: a. b. Adjusts the vertical scale. Shows you the current time of day.

c. Sets the amount of time represented by the horizontal width of the screen. d. Sends a clock pulse to the probe.

6. All repeating waves have the following properties: a. b. c. d. A frequency measured in hertz. A period measured in seconds. A bandwidth measured in hertz. All the above.

7. If you probe inside a computer with an oscilloscope, you are likely to find the following types of signals: a. b. C. d. Pulse trains. Ramp waves. Sine waves. All the above.

8. When evaluating the performance of an analog oscilloscope, some things you might consider are: a. The bandwidth. b. c. d. The vertical sensitivity. The ADC resolution. The sweep speed.

9. The difference between digital storage oscilloscopes (DSO) and digital phosphor oscilloscopes (DPO) is: a. b. The DSO has a higher bandwidth. The DPO captures three dimensions of

waveform information in real-time. c. The DSO has a color display. d. The DSO captures more signal details.

1. To operate an oscilloscope safely, you should: a. Ground the oscilloscope with the proper threepronged power cord.

b. a. b.

Learn to recognize potentially dangerous electrical components. Avoid touching exposed connections in a circuit being tested even if the power is off. All the above.

2. Grounding an oscilloscope is necessary: a. b. c. d. For safety reasons. To provide a reference point for making measurements. To align the trace with the screen's horizontal axis. All the above.

3. Circuit loading is caused by: a. An input signal having too large a voltage. b. The probe and oscilloscope interacting with the circuit being tested. c. d. A 10X attenuator probe being uncompensated. Putting too much weight on a circuit.

4. Compensating a probe is necessary to: a. Balance the electrical properties of the 10X attenuator probe with the oscilloscope. b. c. d. Prevent damaging the circuit being tested. Improve the accuracy of your measurements. All the abow.

5. The trace rotation control is useful for: a. b. c. Scaling waveforms on the screen. Detecting sine wave signals. Aligning the waveform trace with the screen's horizontal axis on an
analog oscilloscope.


Measuring pulse width

6. The volts per division control is used to: a. b. c. d. Scale a waveform vertically. Position a waveform vertically Attenuate or amplify an input signal. Set the numbers of volts each division represents. 7. Setting the vertical input coupling to ground does the following: a. b. c. d. Disconnects the input signal from the oscilloscope. Causes a horizontal line to appear with auto trigger. Lets you see where zero volts is on the screen. All the above.

8. The trigger is necessary to: a. b. c. d. Stabilize repeating waveforms on the screen. Capture singleshot waveforms. Mark a particular point of an acquisition. All the above.

9. The difference between auto and normal trigger mode is: a. In normal mode the oscilloscope only sweeps once and then stops. b. In normal mode the oscilloscope only sweeps if the input signal reaches the trigger point: otherwise the screen is blank. c. d. Auto mode makes the oscilloscope sweep continuously even without being triggered. All the above.

10. The acquisition mode that best reduces noise in a repeating signal is: a. b. c. d. Sample mode. Peak detect mode. Emlope mode. Averaging mode.

11. The two most basic measurements you can make with an oscilloscope are: a. b. c. d.
Time and frequency measurements. Time and voltage measurements. Voltage and pulse width measurements. Pulse width and phac.:e shift measurements.

12. If the volts/division is set at 0.5, the largest signal that can fit on the screen (assuming an 8 x 10 division screen) is: a. b. c. d.
62.5 millivolts peaktopeak. 8 volts peaktopeak. 4 \Jolts peaktopeak. 0.5 volts peaktopeak.

13. If the seconds/division is set at 0.1 ms, the amount of time represented by the width of the screen is: a.
b. C. d.

0.1 ins.
1 ms. 1 so9cond. 0.1 kHz.

14. By convention, pulse width is measured: a. .A.t 10% of the pulse's [ T -peak (pk-pk) voltage.

C, d.

At 50% of the pulse's peak-to-peak (pk-pk) voltage. At 90% of the pulse's peak-to-peak (pkt-pk) voltage. At 10% and 90% of the pulse's peak-to-peak (pk-pk) voltage.

15. You attach a probe to your test circuit but the screen is blank. You should:
a. Check that the screen intensity is turned up.

I:'. a. b.

Check that the oscilloscope is set to display the channel that the probe is connected to. Set the trigger mode to auto since norm mode blanks the screen. Set the wrtical input coupling to AC and set the volkidivision to its largest value since a large DC signal may

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