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Strategic analysis of an organization has a very important role in any organization. The firm will not be able to achieve their objectives if the company fails to do some planning and strategies. For this purpose, this report is based on the strategic analysis of Nike Inc. it will help to analyze the internal as well as external factors for the firm which they are facing. There are some strategies like SWOT Analysis, PEST Analysis, Porters Five forces Model and many other models to explain this concept. (Tena, 2007) SWOT analysis methods help the Nike Inc. to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities through internal and external analysis. Porters Five forces model helps the Nike to see the opportunities for some substitution in the market, able to view the new entrants, and can check the demand for new products into new and existing markets. Differentiation strategies, cost advantages and competitive advantages are also the ingredients of these strategic strategies. Nike Inc. was incorporated by the Bill Bower and Knight in the year 1962 by making partnership. Its initial name was Blue Ribbon Sports. Now Nike Inc. has made their brand name well recognized in all over the world by doing some extra efforts. (Pankaj, 2001) It came up with Low-cost and good quality products for the European people. Today, Nike is famous in all over the world and distributing their products globally. Part of 40 percent of its total sales, comes from the products like Athletic shoes, and Sports Kit and the distribution of these products is in more than 100 countries with traditional and non traditional theme. (Asin, 1996) If the Nike Inc is enjoying the sound position globally, it is just due to some strategies. The company has some importances and weaknesses which need to be focused on the base of strategies. Nike Inc. needs some competitive strategies to differentiate their products and maximize profit opportunities.

Comai, A. & Tena, J. (2007) Early warning systems for your competitive landscape. Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals,. Volume 10, Number 3, Ghemawat & Pankaj (2001), Distance still matters. The Hard Reality of Global Expansion Harvard Business Review V-79(8), pp; 132 Treat, J., Thibault, G. and Asin, A. (1996) Dynamic competitive simulation: war gaming as a strategic tool. Strategy and Business, Second Quarter, pp 46-54

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