Evaluation of Efficiency of Solar Still A Case Study

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Hitesh N Panchal Lecturer, CIT Changa Engineerhitesh2000@gmail.com Amrish J Patel Lecturer, CIT Changa Amrishjpatel@yahoo.co.in Prof. Minesh A Patel Asst. Professor, CIT Changa

Gajanan S Patange Lecturer, CIT Changa patangegs@yahoo.co.in

Abstract: Solar energy is allowed into the collector to heat the water in single slope solar still. The water evaporates only to condense on the underside of the glass. When water evaporates, only the water vapor rises, leaving contaminants behind the slope of the glass directs the condensate to a collection trough, which in turn delivers the water to the collection bottle. Thermal Modeling of single slope basin type solar still is prepared analytically for the evaluation of its performance characteristics by applying energy balance equations. Half hour interval is taken for readings and due to readings different graphs are plotted. At what time max efficiency, Max mass flow is achieved, that is also found.

1. INTRODUCTION When sun radiation is coming on the solar still so glass cover is heated. And due to heating of glass cover temperature of the water inside the solar still is increased and it forms vapor. Such vapor has low density so goes upward and stick to glass cover means it condenses. And due to slope it will go downward and collect in glass. The water produced due to solar still is called pure water. Construction and operation of a single basin solar still used to convert the brackish water into potable water is very simple [1]. Solar distillation is one of the available methods for water distillation, and sunlight is one of several forms of heat energy that can be used to power that process. Sunlight has the advantages of zero fuel cost but it requires more space (for collection) and generally more equipment [1,2]. Solar distillation has been used to produce low yield, but safe and pure supplies of water in remote areas. For households without access to potable water. Some researchers used single slope solar Stills for many useful purposes. Hanson et al. [4] proved that their single basin stills were very successful in removing non-volatile contamination from the water. Their stills were also successful in removing bacteria. Potoglou et al. [5] employed a solar still for dewatering of olive mill wastewater over a series of consecutive days. Also Meukam et al. [6], showed in their experimental study the possibility of using solar energy for alcohol distillation. 2. THERMAL MODELING OF SOLAR STILL Thermal modeling is very important for the solar still. Because it predicts its performance.

Here fig,1 shows the thermal modeling of overall Fig.1. Thermal Modeling of Overall solar still solar still and fig2. represents the thermal modeling of glass cover.

Fig.2. Thermal Modeling Glass Cover

3. EXPERIMENTAL SET UP For the evaluation of the efficiency of solar still, we have made a set up of a solar still, which is as shown

in fig.3. important information for the solar still is as given below.. Date of Experiment: Venue Weather Condition 17 March, 2008. Terrance of CIT Sunny day

radiation is more than diffused radiation so if temperature of the water is increased so it is due to the direct radiation. At noon time (after 12:00) such kind of radiations are produced and when such radiation impinged on any opaque body it produces reflection at opposition direction. So any solar application use direct radiation. Diffused radiation has less intensity as compared with direct radiation. When such radiations are come to earth but when such radiation strikes with earth they may be reflected and transmitted. Summation of direct and diffused radiation is called global radiation. They are measured by pyranometer. Slope is also a good parameter which affects the performance of solar still. If slope is selected in range so pure water is falling very fast.

plot of solar insolation and distilate output against time

solar insolation and distillate output against time

Fig,3. Set up of Solar still

s olar ins ola tion

1500 1000 500 0 0:00 -500

For the evaluation of efficiency of solar still, certain instruments were used, like pyranometer, digital anemometer, bottles etc. where pyranometer is used to measure the global radiation of sun and digital anemometer is used to measure wind speed. Because wind speed is also affect the performance of solar still. And to eliminate the manual error in anemometer, digital anemometer is used. And to collect the pure water, bottles were used to measure the condensate water. And hourly interval is taken for the measurement of temperature and radiation. And efficiency is measured in terms of distilled water output. And also measure at what time the radiation is higher and distilled output is higher. Inner glass cover is properly placed so it minimizes the loss and increase the temperature so distilled output will be increased and efficiency is also increased. In appendix, table 1 represents the data which we got through experiment on solar still with standard conditions. Specification of solar still is as shown below. Basin Area in m2 = Glass Area = Glass Thickness = Number of Glass = 1.5 1.50 4 1


9:36 Time



Fig.4 the graph between solar intensity and distilled output.

distillate output 1200 1000

solar insolation

800 600 400 200 0 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 distillate output

distillate output

Fig.5 the graph between solar insolation and distilled output.

Plot of above glass cover against distilled output
70 60 50


40 30 20 10 0 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 Distilled Output (ml)


Slope of Glass = 330 4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION As we know there are two types of radiations which are emitted from the sun. one is direct radiation and other is diffused radiation. And intensity of direct

Fig.5 the graph between solar insolation and distilled output.

efficiency 70 60 50 efficiency 40 30 20 10 0 -100:00 4:48 9:36 time 14:24 19:12





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Fig.6. Efficiency versus Time 5. CONCLUSION As it seen from the graphical representation of pre-heated water and normal water, the amount of heat flow by radiation, convection and evaporation is depends on the temperature difference between water and transparent cover (Tw-Tg). System performance can be increased by proper utilization of the latent heat of condensation for further distillation. So if we use pre-heated water so the proper utilization of latent heat of condensation is achieved and efficiency is increased. Max. Efficiency is obtained by solar still is 58.78 % at 14:00 hours and minimum is 9.34 % at 10: 30 hours in pre-heated water. Max. Efficiency is obtained by solar still is 44.10 % at 14:00 hours and minimum is 6.3 % at 10: 30 hours in normal water 6. REFERENCES 1. M.A.S. Malik, G.N. Tiwari, A. Kumar and M.S. Sodha, Solar Distillation, Pergamon Press, UK,1982. P. Namprakai, J. Hirunlabh and T. Kiatsiriroat, Ethyl alcohol distillation in a basin solar still, Renew. Ener., 11 (2) (1997) 169175 K. Srithar and A. Mani, Comparison between simulated and experimental performance of an open solar flat plate collector for treating tannery effluent, Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transf., 30 (2003) 505514. K. Srithar and A. Mani, Analysis of a single cover FRP flat plate collector for treating tannery effluent, Appl. Therm. Eng., 24 (2004) 873883 .Karlsson and A. Roos, Modelling the angular behavior of the total solar energy transmittance of windows, Solar Ener., 69 5. ACKNOWLDEGEMENT We are very thankful to Mr. Vijaykumar Chaudhary, HOD Mechanical Engineering Department, Dr. Y. P. Kosta, Principal, CIT Changa for giving us guidance for the research. We are also very thankful to Mr. Jeet Patel and its team for help in readings.





5. 6.

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