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Holes Comprehension Questions

Week 7 Chapters 39- 44

1. Where are the two boys? What is their physical condition? 2. What does Zero tell Stanley about the shoes? 3. What did Sam give Gladys Tennysons daughter? What kind of sickness did she have? What had made her sick? How does this part of the story connect to Zeros? 4. Where did Stanley find the shovel and the jars? What was unusual about how he found them? 5. Why did Zero go to the homeless shelter? What does Zero tell Stanley about why he stole the shoes? Why didnt he know they were famous? How did he find out? What did he do after he found out? How did he get caught by the police? 6. How many onions do the boys think they have eaten by now? 7. How does Stanley feel? Why? Why isnt he mad at Zero? Why does he think it happened? 8. Why does Stanley ask Zero if he wants to dig one more hole? 9. What does Zero remember about his life with his mother? What is something that Zeros mother did that Stanleys mother also did? 10. What is the new plan? What do they take with them? 11. Describe what happened to Zero and his mother. 12. What does Stanley do while Zero sneaks into camp? What does Zero bring back? 13. What does Stanley find? 14. Who catches them?

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