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Estimating Concrete and Rebar

Course objectives
Correctly setting up an estimate Calculating the perimeter Setting up the concrete foundation takeoff Calculating concrete labor and material costs

Concrete takeoff for foundations

3 methods to use
building line center line sectioning

Provide HO #1

Building line estimates

Used for small projects (residential) fast, easy problem counts corners twice

Add perimeter (48 + 48 + 26 +26) = 148.0 ft. or 2(L + W) 148.0 ft x 8.0 ft x 0.83 ft = 982.72 cf.

Breaks construction down into smaller pieces More accurate More time consuming Use where large volumes of concrete required, but unusual angles, etc.

Sectioning red 2) 24.33 ft x 8.0 ft x 0.83 ft = 323.10 cf. blue 2) 48.0 ft x 8.0 ft x 0.83 ft = 637.44 cf. sum = 960.54 cf

Centerline length
Avoids adding corners twice Most common method in commercial wk
Useful for conc., rebar, walls, etc.

Formula to know:
Outside Building line length or perimeter (4 * thickness or width of any given strip)
SOL = Po (4T)
Complete in-class activity #1 calculate the amount of footing concrete required

distance from centerline of the construction line to the building line

= 10 inches (0.83 inches)

Centerline length method

Building line length = (perimeter) = 148.0 ft Distance from centerline to bldg. line = 148.0 ft (4*.83) = 144.67 (true perimeter) 144.67 ft * 8 ft * 0.83ft = 960.59 cf.

Centerline length caveat

Only works if all walls and offsets are 90

Quick estimating tip

Short cut for estimating concrete in any footing Multiply the cross-section in square inches by 0.000257. Gives CY/lineal ft Multiply that result by number of lineal feet in the footing

Quick estimating tip illustrated

Given: A footing 7-in deep and 22-in wide is 160-ft long. Calculate the yards of concrete reqd.

(7" * 22")*160' * .000257 = 6.33 CY

DO NOT Convert inches to decimals except when part of next foot (e.g., 38-7)

Estimating footings (pads)

Estimating footings (pads)

List the description or title from schedule
Provide HO#2

Calculating Rebar
Rebar weight per linear foot See text (pg. 133 for splicing req.

Calculating formwork
2 Types
Structural (concrete) formwork
Foundations Walls Columns Beams

Flatwork (flat concrete work)

Sidewalks Driveways Slabs

Structural (concrete) formwork

Formwork measured in SFCA

Measuring concrete walls

Use centerline length * height *2

Refer to HO#1 Calculate the formwork and concrete required for the wall

Labor placing concrete in foundations

50 - 7 0 CY/8 hr day (direct from truck to footing)

How is labor calculated?

Quantity of Work Rate of Production

Duration =

Using HO #1 calculate the duration of the footing installation

(0.35 labor hours/CY use a price of 35$/hour/man

Course objectives
Correctly setting up an estimate Calculating the perimeter Setting up the concrete foundation takeoff Calculating concrete labor and material costs

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