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Obelia Medusa is a genus. It belongs to the phylum Cnidaria and class Hydrozoa.

There are two types of colonial form of Medusa, Polyp and Blastostyle. The size of Medusa is about 3mm in diameter. Medusa is umbrella-shaped and resemble like jellyfish. The umbrella is flexible, Medusa swims by jet-pulsing as the umbrella flexing in and out. It usually can be found attaching to rocks in sea water. It has twenty to thirty tentacles. The tentacles are concentrated with cnidocytes battery to sting and subdue the prey. At the base of each tentacle is tentacular bulb. It is the site of intracellular digestion and cnidocyte formation. Besides, Medusa also has eight statocysts at each base of tentacle. It has manubrium just beside the cavity. It has a mouth and is surrounded by four oral arms. Extracellular digestion is occurred at stomach. There are four radial canals extend from the stomach to the circular ring canal. The gonad is located below each radial canal. Medusa reproduce sexually. Egg and sperm fertilize to become zygote. The zygote then become a ciliated planula larvae and then develops into a new polyp.

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