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Grade 11 Biology Week 1 Lesson 1

Unit: Louisa Creek Revegetation Project Lesson Overview A representative is introduced to the class where he will talk about an upcoming project they have. The Louisa creek revegetation school project. He identifies the environmental importance of this habitat and asks the students if they can help. He outlines the restraints for the project o Native plants o Location- urban industrial area o Donation of plants Teacher Introduces class wiki where students will collaborate on suitable native plants for the project and where they will present their final nursery proposal Students are to research and work on the project during class time using school laptops (1 between 2) Students are given a handout with the scaffolding framework of this project and examples on how to write a winning proposal. Students continue to work on identifying plants that are suitable for the revegetation project through the use of resources published by James Cook University, Government agencies and other reputable sources. Students use the Wiki-site to add, remove, debate and collaborate on the subject using the knowledge learnt from previous lessons.

Length: Runs over 2 weeks and covers 5 lessons 45 mins each. Assessment/Teachers notes By the end of the lesson students will have; Identified environmental conditions of Louisa Creek (soil type, sun exposure, temperatures, water, and urban industrial development). Have images of the location (aerial and creek view) from Google maps, Louisa creekwatch website etc. A plan of attack for identifying suitable plants for the project. Be familiar with the wiki site and its safe, legal and ethical conditions.

The list of plants will have been checked by the Louisa Creekwatch

By the end of this lesson students will have; A list of plants they have identified as suitable for the revegetation project Submit the list to the Louisa Creekwatch representative. Assessment: Teacher will be able to see which students have been participating in the task via the wiki-site As the tasks is being completed in class time students have no excuse not to participate By the end of the lesson students will have;

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representative. The task is now to locate local nurseries and make a list of nurseries they would like to approach for the donation of plants. Students need to identify nurseries that grow large amount of their specific plants, if they stick such plants, all this information can be sourced through email contact or via their websites. Students are to begin the planning process for their proposal This lesson is dedicated to the writing of the proposal. Students will use the scaffolding criteria sheet on how to write a winning proposal for its basic design This is a collaborative task and I have asked that students work in groups of 4-5 students and each write 1 proposal to send to a nursery. The allocation of nurseries is to be done by the students

A list of approved plants for the project A list of nurseries they would like to approach Assesment Teacher will be able to see which students have been participating in the task via the wiki-site

Each Individual student is required to post a PMI on the task on the class wiki page. Outlining what they found positive about the task, negative about the task and interesting about the task. The representative from Louisa Creekwatch comes in and thanks the students for participating in this project. He invites them to the actual revegetation planting day that will be occurring the following weekend.

By the end of the lesson students will have; 4-5 proposals in total, 1 completed for each group Sent the proposals off via email where possible and via fax or mail if its not possible Assessment Teacher can see how each group has understood the task and has an understanding of how to critically analyse the task and write a winning proposal that fits the criteria. By the end of the day students should have; Completed a PMI on the subject Hopefully accepted the invitation to join the planting day Assessment Teacher is able to see students reflections on the project and she can review the topic for next year.

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