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Salesman Workbook Data

System Information

Workbook Name: SALESMAN

Worksheet Name: weeklysales
System Purpose: To maintain wekly sales data for each representative, and
to calculate sales to date, the monthly bonus for each salesperson & monthy total
for each representative

End of the Month Sales: Each cell value in this calculated by addin gthe Sales to Date to the Monthly Total
Monthly Bonus: Each cell value in this calculated by multiplying Monthly Total by the Bonus
Sales To Date: Each cell value in this range is carried over from the End of Month Selas column
Month No: This cell value is incremented at the start of each new month

Sales Data:

Bonus Rate
Month No:
Weekly Sales
Rep Name Sales To Date 1 2 3 4 Monthly TotalMonthly Bonus
Andy 135 54 5 6 12 77 385
Bindi 459 32 43 28 33 136 680
Katie 357 23 33 150 166 372 1860
Misba 540 32 77 1660 19 1788 900
Ali 489 44 54 0 59 157 785
Amy 333 20 56 39 78 193 965
Pete 336 21 100 9 -7 123 615
Rhiannon 453 33 54 402 68 557 2785
Gareth 330 27 44 33 18 122 610
Total 3432 286 466 2327 446 3525 9585
n & monthy total

he Monthly Total

h Selas column

End of Month Sales

Rep Name Highest Sales
Lowest Sales
Andy 58 16 42
Bindi 64 44 20
Katie 84 77 7
Misba 45 32 13
Ali 48 42 6
Amy 78 75 3
Pete 30 23 7
Rhiannon 80 66 14
Gareth 82 65 17

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