Eric Hobsbawm Primitive Rebels

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EE SSS File Copy PRIMITIVE REBELS Banditry Mafia Millenarians Anarchists Stctlian Fasc The City Mob Labour Sects Ritual Sermons &* Oaths ] HOBSBAWM © 1959 E. J. Hobsbawm Published by the University of Manchester at Te Unrversiry Press 316-324, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9NR First published 1959 Reprinted 1963 Reprinted with the addition of a new preface and minor amendments, 1971 ISBN 0 7190 0493 4 Made and Printed in Great Britain by Butler & Tanner Ltd., Frome and London CONTENTS PREFACE TO THE First Eprt1on page v PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION vii I Inrropucrion r IL Tue Sociay Banorr 13 I Marta 30 IV_Mrurenarranism I; LazzaRerrt s7 ‘V_Mrttenartrantsm II: THe ANDALUSIAN ANARCHISTS 4 V1 Moenarranis IT: Tue Srcran Fascr anp Peasant (CoMMUNISM 93 Mos 108 WII Tue Lanour Secrs IX _Rrrvat m Socran Movements 150 Aprenpix: In THerr Own Voices 175 1. A letter from Pasquale Tanteddu, outlaw and bandit (Sardinia 1954) 2. The brigand Vardarelli helps the poor (Apulia 1817) 3._A Bourbon brigand examined (South Italy, early 1860s) 4. Donato Manduzio confutes a false apostle (San Nicandro, early 19308 5. A peasant woman on the good society (Piana dei Greci, Sicily 1893) 6. A Commune unpoisoned by Cities (Ukraine 1918) 7. The peasants distrust governments (Ukraine 1917) 8, The Will of the Tsar (Poltava 1902; Chernigov 1905 g. Conversation of Giovanni Lopez, cobbler (San Giovanni in Fiore 1955) 10. Two strike sermons (Loray, North Carolina 1929) 11, A Lincolnshire unionist: Joseph Chapman (Alford 1899) 12, The ‘Men of Decision’ recommend a brother (Lecce, Apulia 1817) 13. Some secret oaths (Britain 1830s, Naples 1815-20, Paris 1834) Nors on FurtHer Reapinc 194 Gsocrarxican INDEX 195 Inpex or Names 199 Supjecr_ INDEX 202

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