Art and Science of Intuition

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Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

Camronn and Antonia speak about The Intuitive Awakening program in this transcript. The Intuitive Awakening program is part of the Genius Awakening suite. Come check it out at!

The Art & Science of Intuition


Today were talking about intuition, and the title of this call is The Art and Science of Intuition. A lot of people have different concepts of what intuition is, so Id like to just ask you guys to sort of clarify what is intuition. What are we even talking about in the first place, when were talking about the art and science of intuition? We can talk a little bit about peoples impression of what intuition is, because theres pretty much nothing but nonspecific information out there. I looked up a bunch of definitions about intuition not too long ago, and I couldnt find anything that was specific at all. A lot of people said it was a sixth sense, a gut feeling. Some people believe its a supernatural voice thats talking to you. Theres a lot on womens intuition or mothers intuition, so it almost feels like its gender specific in that case. Some people feel that its just a nudge in your mind, which kind of sounds like a gut feeling too, but thats a little more with your unconscious mind is talking to you. Some people feel that intuition is just like the universe telling you or letting you know when something bad is about to happen. I remember a story I heard about a girl who had been a hairs breath away from being one of Ted Bundys victims. She said that she was approached by him at a college, which was sort of his MO, was to pretend like he was crippled somehow, put an arm brace on and ask a girl to take his books to his car for him, as if he was a student himself. Then he would clobber them over the head with his brace, and that was how he captured women.


Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

She said that as she walked up to his car, something just didnt feel right about it. She dropped his books, mumbled, Im sorry, and ran away. She said she felt horrible about it for years, that she had been so awful to this crippled guy. Years later when she saw his face on the news, that that man had been a serial killer and rapist of women, she realized that she had come that close to being one his victims. Something just didnt feel right. She felt that it was God protecting her. In that case, she attributed her intuition to essentially God or the universe warning her from a bad situation. Thats pretty common, a pretty common definition of what intuition is. Host: Yeah. I remember Mark Victor Hansen, whos one of the authors of Chicken Soup for the Soul, he was sort of a protg of Buckminster Fuller. Buckminster Fuller was one of his mentors. He was traveling with Buckminster Fuller and they got on a plane and Bucky said, Lets get off this plane. They did, and later on they found out that the plane that they had been on crashed. On some level, Buckminster Fuller, it sounds like, had some kind of an inkling that there was a reason to get off the plane. Those are some fascinating explanations of what intuition is. Theres a lot of stuff out there that sounds probably pretty unlikely, like its more likely sort of cognitive bias is happening. What are weis there a real component to it? Is it all just cognitive bias? What is going on? Yeah. Addressing whether or not its a cognitive bias is pretty important as well. Because some people are really put off by the concept of intuition, based on their believing its just confirmation bias. Really, some people feel its just an excuse to be prejudiced. If you have an intuition about somebody and then it ends up you were right because they gave you evidence, and you can point and go, See there? Right there. Thats how I knew. Then it just looks like, Was that truly intuition or is that just you retrospectively or retroactively


Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

confirming whatever your bias originally was? To follow with that, an excuse to be prejudice, it could also look like just an excuse to be judgmental as well. Host: Right. Now lets get into some of the science. I know you guys are very scientific about this and open-minded, but not so open-minded that your brains fall out. Whats the real intuition? What is it that were talking about here in the context of this call? How do you guys define intuition?

Camronn: In a really basic way or basically to state this, intuition is simply sophisticated pattern recognition. The process that your mind uses to recognize patterns in this way was kind of identified by Carl Jung when he was doing some of his work on psychological types. He identified a couple types that used something that he called intuition and other researchers after him have confirmed his observations, and kind of increased the specificity of the description. The thing is, it is pattern recognition, but the pattern recognition process is happening in your unconscious mind. Some part of your brain is looking at all this information in a couple different sources and collating it together, finding patterns, finding connections. Youre not aware of any of that going on. What happens is that once your unconscious reaches a conclusion of some kind, it just passes that conclusion to your conscious mind. All you have is the answer. You dont have any of the processing, the logical deduction and so on that tells you how you got that answer. Its really very understandable that people would ascribe some sort of mystical significance to these flashes of insight that theyre getting from seemingly nowhere. Antonia: You could really see how this sprung up over time. In the past, when there were a lot of predators around, when we hadwe

Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

really lived in that fight or flight? Fight or freeze mechanism. There we go. When there were a lot of predators around, you didnt really have time to stop and go, Oh, that grass looks like its mushed down there, in sort of this semi this many inches pattern, and it looks like it sort of followed how many ever feet. That might be something that crunched that grass, and therefore it might be an animal thats around that might be wanting to munch me as well. If you got a gut reflexive intuition based on pattern recognition, you saw that munched grass, you saw that things were just a little off, having that instant knowledge that your subconscious collated and sent to your conscious mind was a lifesaver, originally. It makes complete and total sense that our minds would have developed this mechanism to get us out of bad situations quickly. Over time, however, we apply it to different situations. Were no longer in a situation where were constantly dealing with predators of that sort, but we deal with all sorts of other situations. Situations where having that instant information is just as powerful, just as important. Intuition coming from that place makes a lot of sense. Host: Okay. It sounds kind of like what basically happens is your conscious mind and maybe the input coming from your five senses is like taking its bundling up a question into a package, like a FedEx package, and then its shipping it off to your unconscious mind. Your unconscious mind is working out the answer and then it ships back the package with the answer in it, and there it is with the nice pretty little bow on it but you didnt really see what went into the formation of that. Is that accurate?

Camronn: Its a good description. Theres actually two different kinds of intuition that have been identified, and thats a really good description of one of the kinds. The other is more geared

Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

towards recognizing patterns emerging in real time, and that basically the two different types of Intuition are Extraverted and Introverted, or in other words, directed outwards or directed inwards. The kind thats directed outwards we refer to as Exploration, because its very possibilities oriented. Basically its your unconscious gauging patterns that are emerging in real time as theyre happening around you, having that outward observation. The Introverted kind, called Perspectives, thats more about gaining insight and perceiving inner patterns, things going on in your own mind and inside the mind of others by proxy. The description of the FedEx package, essentially asking a question of your own conscious, thats more how the Introverted version works, how Perspectives works. Exploration doesnt really give you that lag time, because it happens right away. Theres no back and forth process. Its just, Heres whats going on. I dont know how I know it, I just know it. Antonia: Right, and so obviously a form of intuition that is more outwardly demonstrated, that extraverted form, thats going to look behaviorally very different than the Introverted or inward form. When youre expressing extraverted intuition, or as Camronn said, we call it Exploration, generally what that is, is youre pushing a lot of buttons in life. Youre trying to figure out the pattern of how something works while its actually happening. That means a lot of testing, a lot of toggle switches, a lot of button pushing. This could be in people, youre trying to figure out how somebody ticks. You kind of push their buttons a little bit, just to see how they respond. As they respond, youre immediately taking in the pattern of who they are, of their behavior. Extraverted Intuition or Exploration looks very almost

Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

mischievous sometimes, but its a test iterate process on the outside world. The Introverted Intuition type, the type that you guys called the FedEx package that you send to your unconscious mind and it gives you some information and shoots the answer back to you in a nice little package, thats more thoughtful and contemplative. It goes inward, so thats usually a quiet time. Thats a time when you go inside your mind and basically allow your unconscious mind to make those or form those patterns for you. Behaviorally, the two look very different. Camronn: Yeah. What Im about to say is a little beyond the scope of this call, but there are actually a total of eight mental processes that people use. Intuition, both forms are two of those processes. Of the eight, though, the extraverted form of intuition is the quickest thought process that people have access to. The Introverted version is obviously has benefits as well, but it does operate a lot slower. Host: Okay, so you guys have mentioned people who have intuition as a strength. I guess people who have intuition as a strength, we would refer to those as Intuitives. What percent of the population are we talking about and what does it mean when somebody doesnt have intuition as a strength? People who are highly intuitive make up approximately 25 percent of the population. What we mean by highly intuitive is we mean that they either lead with intuition, this mental process, its something theyre using all the time. Its their primary way of interaction with the world, or theyre guided by it. Its something that they reference a lot for information. People who are either leading with intuition, either form, either the extraverted or the Introverted form, or are guided by either of those forms of intuition, make a very small percentage of the population, only 25 percent. Now that


Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

sounds pretty high, but really when youre looking at just two different stylesand so the other style would be a full 75 percent of the population, that 25 percent is relatively small. Going into that other 75 percent, how do they do it, right? If that 25 percent is doing it through that pattern recognition software, mental software, how is the other 75 percent doing it? Theyre basically taking information in through verifiable, concrete information. They do that through their five senses. They take in information that they know they can rely upon. Theyre not allowing their mind to just sort of come up with an answer. Thats not as reliable to them as knowing whats actually happening in the world. They are far more comfortable using their five sense and collating the information their five senses give them, as opposed to defaulting to that Intuitive preference. Camronn: Right. Another way to put it is everyone gets those flashes of insight from time to time. People that have developed intuition as a strength, that 25 percent of the population, theyre the ones that, to a large degree, trust and cultivate those flashes of insight. The other 75 percent of the population does get them from time to time, but they dont know where this information is coming from so they dont trust it, for understandable reasons. To them its really important to be solid in what you know, and to know how you arrived at your conclusions. Instead of paying attention to these insights, they ignore them and thereby dont build that strength up, dont build up that ability. Instead, they focus on what they can directly observe with their senses. Both strategies have enormous advantages and one is not better than the other, but it leads to two very different kinds of people.

Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition


Okay, so 25 percent of the population has intuition as a strength. In a sense, it sounds like the other 75 percent are really focusing on the five senses, and thats their strength. You could say that intuition, in a sense, is a sixth sense, which is how it has been referred to. Its the sixth sense of pattern recognition. Its not actually a sense in the same way that the five senses work, its more of a processing mechanism that the unconscious mind has. Intuitives then are generally spending more time focusing on that pattern recognition mechanism and Sensors. The other 75 percent of the population are focusing more on the five senses for information.


Right. The reason why we have the hubris to say science of intuition is because there is scientific evidence for this. If you hook somebody up to an EEG machine that has an intuitive preference, and whats that?

Camronn: An EEG machine that has an intuitive preference? Thats a pretty cool machine. Antonia: Shut up. (laughter) You know I meant the person.

Camronn: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Antonia: Dont pay attention to him. He doesnt know what hes talking about. All right. If you hook a person with an intuitive preference up to an EEG machine and you put them in a state of pattern recognition, their entire brains light up like a Christmas tree. It really is, when you lead with intuition, it really is something that puts you in a flow state. We have a very good friend at UCLA named Dario Nardi, who has done these experiments. Hes hooked people up to the EEG machine, hes watched their brain patterns as he puts

Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

them in positions or states where theyre using their intuition or this pattern recognition, and it does their entire brains light up. Now, whether they lead with that Extraverted Intuition or the Introverted Intuition, that makes a difference. If they have a preference for Extraverted Intuition, then they need to be doing that kind of activity in order for their brain to light up, and vice versa. Its just the opposite with people who have a Sensory preference, who rely on their five senses. When you hook them up to an EEG machine and you put them in a situation where they are thinking about the past or thinking about situations that theyre currently experiencing, where theyve got their senses engaged, their brains light up like a Christmas tree. Really using that sophisticated technological machinery, it really shows that the brains are responding to these different kinds of information gathering techniques, and thats why we call it the science of intuition. Host: Okay. Just to explore a little bit about what the alternative to intuition looks like, tell me a little bit about what Sensors what does their lifestyle generally look like, just to contrast first? What kind of a life does a Sensor live and what emotional states are they generally seeking? Tell me a little about that.

Camronn: We described the thought processes that Sensory people use a little bit. They like information that is solid. They like to be able to verify where their knowledge comes from. They like to be sure of things. As a main way of interacting with the world over a lifetime, thats going to create a person that looks for security, safety, comfort and stability. People that use that ability, the Sensory preferences, tend to lead stable lives. They tend to be driven by a desire for


Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

comfort, and thats not, Ive got to be comfortable all the time, bring me grapes on my Barcalounger. Its just, theyre looking to create that in their lives, so they tend to create very comfortable surroundings. They tend to live in one place for a long time. They tend to be stable and kind of the backbone of society. Antonia: They have a real talent for contentment. In a moment when things are good, they will experience that moment fully. Thats important to them, to be able to fully experience a moment of contentment. Thats really a talent, especially if youre coming from an Intuitive perspective, and this is one of the major contrasts between the two. If youre questioning in your mind right now, Do I have an Intuitive preference? Do I lead with intuition or am I guided by it? this is one of the best ways to determine whether or not you are Intuitive. When you have a moment of contentment, when everything should be right, are you still a little restless? Do you climb summits just to get to the top of it, feel for one second, That was awesome, look at what I did, and then instantly go, Whats the next summit? Theres a restlessness that Intuitives have, based on fundamentally when just peel it down, that pattern recognition, that makes them want to know, Whats the next pattern? Whats the next piece of information that Im missing? Intuitives do not have a talent for being content. They have a talent for being restless. The reason why I call it a talent is that restlessness means a lot of innovation. It means a lot of reinventing the wheel, when other people would not understand why you would want to do that. When you reinvent the wheel, sometimes you get just like the best, most awesome wheel ever. Its an Intuitive generally, who wants to do that. They want to see how they


Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

can make what they have, turn it even better. Host: Yeah, its fascinating. If youre listening to this, you may have guessed that the three of us sitting here have an Intuitive preference. We are we have intuition as a strength in various ways. As you describe what the life of a Sensor would be like and what the things are that they are generally moving toward: comfort, safety, security, stability; when I hear that, I immediately go, Aw, man. I respect that. Because like Camronn said, they make up the backbone of society. At the same time, to me that sounds completely boring, you know? Just not at all exciting. I, for myself, I definitely identify with the experience of climbing to the top of a summit and immediately going, That was awesome. Whats next? What are we doing next? If you identify with that, you might be an Intuitive. What are some other ways that someone might know that theyre or might be able to tell if theyre an Intuitive? Camronn: Intuitives okay, actually, let me say this a different way. Sensors and Intuitives tend to have different natural communication styles. I mean very different. Intuitives speak in abstractions and patterns and principals. Sensors tend to talk in concretes and specifics, and about realities. Everyone has the capacity to talk about both, of course, but we all have a strong preference for one or the other. Since Sensors are such an enormous majority of the population, most Intuitives have learned how to speak in Sensory terms and they have to do it the bulk of the time in the world when theyre interacting with others. Theyre having to kind of speak in these concrete specifics, and it doesnt feel natural to them. It feels unnatural. One of the common experiences that Intuitives have is that they feel like they know the people around them quite well,


Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

but the people around them dont know the Intuitive very well. Theyre probably not aware of that. Say Im an Intuitive and I have this group of friends. I might feel like I know them very well, but I might feel like they dont know me that well at all. Antonia: Yeah. An excellent illustration a friend of ours came up with is that its like being left-handed in a right-handed world. Youre a person just like everybody else is a person, but youve got this manual difference that makes everything just a little different. If youre a left-hander and youve ever tried to use right-handed scissors, it just doesnt work. If you have tried to use a can opener and youre left-handed, a right-handed can opener, its just really complicated and difficult. You learn to sort of figure it out. You learn to try to make yourself a little ambidextrous, but you know you still have a preference for left-handedness. Since the numbers are pretty much kind of the same, theres a much smaller percentage of left-handed people than right- handed, its really an apt illustration for showing how Intuitives basically learn to sort of be ambidextrous when it comes to that Sensor-Intuitive split but they always, always, always have a preference for intuition. If a left-handed person runs into a pair of left-handed scissors, the relief is palpable. Theyre like, Oh, my gosh. Im so glad that I have left-handed scissors and I can actually cut and I dont have to struggle. When Intuitives meet another Intuitive, thats the same sense of relief that they get, because now they can speak in their language. They can speak in abstractions and ideas, and they know the other person will basically understand where theyre coming from. Camronn: The question was basically, how do you know youre Intuitive or Sensor? What are the experiences that Intuitives have? Because of that kind of communication difference, the experience Intuitives have is that they feel that and they


Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

might be right that they know the people around them better than the people around them know the individual, because theyve learned how to translate because theyve had to. Whereas the Sensors havent learned how to speak in an Intuitive style because they haven't had to, because they pretty much always have someone around that speaks in the way they understand. Antonia: Right, exactly. You get a little kind of mentally ambidextrous, but you still definitely have a preference. We were talking about some of the parallels. What does that mean, a left- handed person is like an Intuitive person? I use the example of scissors, can openers. They had a very hilarious bit on gravy ladles, how the spout is always on the wrong side, so you end up pouring gravy all over you if youre left-handed and youre using a right-handed gravy ladle. Some of the parallels for Intuitives is that Intuitives, when theyre on a job, as soon as theyve mastered their job theyre bored. Now they want something else. Whereas most people, once theyve mastered their job, theyre relieved because now they can do it really efficiently and effectively. But for an Intuitive, the second they master it, its over and now they want something else to master. Its a major, major bedrock of the Intuitive personality type. Intuitives are always looking for something new, instead of sticking with what works, which seems sort of counter-intuitive but its very much a part of that restlessness in wanting to find the next best thing. They tend to approach life as an experiment. Its all a test iterate process. It feels like, when theyre seeking advice, most other peoples advice doesnt seem to really work for them. Those are some of the parallels. If you are an Intuitive, that is your right-handed scissors. Getting to a job, mastering it and being bored, and the relief is when you have a job where you


Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

can continually master a new trade. Thats you finding your left-handed pair of scissors. Those are some of the ways that you can really identify whether or not youre an Intuitive. Host: I love the illustration of left-handedness versus right- handedness. Ive tried Im a right-hander, and Ive tried using left-handed scissors before, and I can tell you what happens. They just dont cut. It doesnt they dont work. I imagine its the same for left-handers trying to use right-handed scissors. They just dont cut. If you an Intuitive in a Sensor world and youre trying to do things the Sensor way, youre trying to live the Sensor lifestyleand the Sensor lifestyle is generally, you go to high school, you graduate, you go to college, you get a degree, you get a good job, you settle down, white picket fence, get married, few kids, grandkids. Just contentment, stability, security. Its almost a template for life. My experience has been that for Sensors, that works great. Thats fantastic for them because they love, sort of, the security that that template creates, because its tried and true. If its not broke, why would you try to fix it? It works for them. As an Intuitive, that would not work for me at all, just the same way that left-handed scissors would not work for me at all. Since the world, since 75 percent of the population has this sensory preference, 75 percent of the people who are giving you advice are going to give you the advice that says, Just be safe. Just be secure. Just do this. Just follow this template. For an Intuitive, the template is a prison. Its something that youve got to break out of. That would be intolerable for us. What I find is that one of the things thats really important to me is to give myself permission to be different than 75 percent of the population, to give myself permission rather than trying to fit into the sensory life template, to actually design my own lifestyle. Because Intuitives are never going to be happy with


Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

the lifestyle thats been lived before. We need to create something thats never been done before, and design our own lifestyles. How can people give themselves permission to carve out their own lifestyle? Antonia: Thats an absolutely excellent question. As you can imagine, if youve got those ratios, 75 to 25, most people who are Intuitive were raised by at least one if not both Sensory parents. The information theyve been given their whole life from parents and then from teachers and then from classmates and friends Most people run into other Intuitives. Again, like I said, that feeling of relief is palpable, that they can just kind of connect to the broadband and exchange ideas. Most Intuitives feel like they dont really have a choice. They have to live that template type life, and they get a lot of feedback that says that. They get comments like, Why arent you having kids? Youre old enough, why arent you settling down and having kids? Or, Its time to grow up. Its time for you to go get a responsible job. You get a lot of feedback that says that where you are in life, if you try to break the mold, youre somehow immature. Somehow youre less developed than other people. Its very difficult for an Intuitive to give themselves permission to break the mold, because they havent been given permission by anybody else. Its not really its not anybodys fault. Its not because anybodys out to get anybody else. Its just a matter of lack of information and ratios of numbers. Now, again, I just want to reiterate before we go on, Sensors are not against Intuitives and Intuitives are not against Sensors. Both are absolutely vital to keep the world going, and they should be working in cooperation with each other. Obviously, having stable foundation is how Intuitives get to


Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

break the molds, because who created it in the first place? Whos keeping it going? Obviously we need both of them really. Theyre both incredibly important. Its just at this point, our observation has been that theres a greater need for Intuitives to understand who they are, what they are and that they have permission to break that mold. What ends up happening is once an Intuitive discovers that they are Intuitive, they realize a couple of very profound truths. First of all, there was never anything wrong with them. Theyre not wrong to be the way that they are. The second thing is that even though theyre different, theyre not alone. Theres a percentage of population out there thats just like them, and that they feel an incredibly important and vital role on the planet. They help get innovation going. They help progress continue. Theyre the ones that keep it so that the world really doesnt ever stagnate. Thats a very vital role. Now, obviously you cant have too many people doing that. Thats why the population is only 25 percent. Its almost perfectly designed. But you need to be able to give yourself permission to be that innovator. Obviously we need as many innovators in that 25 percent as we possibly can have. So just understanding that you are different but not alone and that you have full permissionfull permission to break the mold, is incredibly important, incredibly important for people to understand that. Host: Its reminding me of the scene in the movie The Matrix where Neo finally gets to meet Morpheus, and he pulls out a blue pill and a red pill. The blue pill basically means you go back to the safe, secure, stable life that you were living, thinking that youre just like everyone else. The red pill takes you into a whole new world where everything youve ever experienced in the world all of a sudden makes sense and you see the bigger picture now and understand it, and now you


Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

have freedom and you can live a completely different life. Antonia: Yeah. Thats a great illustration as well, because it felt like Neo, before he took the red pill, he resented his life. He resented the place he worked, he resented the people he worked with, he resented everybody else for feeling like they were just part of the system. When he finally took the red pill, now he understood what was going on. Now he realized that nobody was out to get anybody else. Its just that was the situation everybody was in. He had a lot more compassion for people. He ended up becoming the superhero, a superhero that saves others, because he finally understood what was going on. When Intuitives do not understand that theyre Intuitive, they dont understand that this is just a basic natural process of basically humans having a perfect percentage of stabilizers and a perfect percentage of trailblazers, what ends up happening is that they try to force themselves into the mold and they get really resentful. They start to see other people as the enemy. Everybody else is an idiot, everybody else is plugged in. Whats wrong with everybody else? Really, thats not the way it is at all. Once you understand youre Intuitive, now you realize this is how it should be. Everybodys filling the role that they should be filling, except for the Intuitive. Weve mentioned that 25 percent of the population is Intuitive or has one of the types of intuition as a strength, 75 percent has sensing as a strength. Weve talked about this before, and Im going to pretend like I wasnt part of this conversation again, or these conversations that weve had many times. How many Intuitives are actually living as Intuitives and how many are actually conforming to what were calling the Sensor life template? What percentage would you say, roughly?


Camronn: Thats a really good question. I dont have a precise number for you, but the percentage of Intuitives that have actually figured


Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

out how to live with their preference and work with it as opposed to trying to pretend like theyre Sensory, that percentage is low. Most of them have not figured that out. Most of them do feel like theres something wrong with them, and that everyone else is basically fine but something about them just isnt right, its off. Instead of capitalizing on their gifts, they do end up trying to imitate the Sensor approach to life and generally end up doing a bad job of it, because its really not who they are. Host: If youre an Intuitive and youve grown up like I have, my whole life with both of my parents have a Sensory preference, the advice that Ive gotten my whole life was this sort of, Settle down, play by the rules, and do everything the way that they did in their lives. You now have permission, you can now give yourself permission Im sure its probably making a lot of things make sense from your life history, if you review your life history and you see those moments where people have given you that advice and something felt off about that for you, its probably starting to make a little bit of sense. You can kind of probably see how you got to where you are now, and look at how much of that life template you have been trying to live and how much youre trying to conform into it right now, and give yourself the freedom and permission to step into something new. Whats next? What do we need to know next about this? We called this teleseminar, The Art and Science of Intuition. Weve covered a lot of the science elements of it, that this is something that is verifiable by scanning machines, that intuition isnt woo-woo. Its advanced pattern recognition. The reason why we call it art is clearly there is an art to living as an Intuitive, all right? If you know that youre Intuitive and youve been sort of going with the molds and youve had the experience of not having permission to break out of it, youre



Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

not living as an Intuitive very artfully. Its probably something that feels very itchy, confining and like a prison. The art of living as an Intuitive is being able to fully embrace that preference, breaking out of the mold, designing new molds, going out there and basically shaking up the world, making it completely different, but the way that you feel that it needs to be. Now, you and I had this conversation before, and we were talking about what some of the possibilities are. If everybody thats Intuitive knew that they were an Intuitive and they knew everybody else was a Sensor and they fully embraced both of those, what would the world look like? All right, so what kind of world would we be in if everybody knew what their preference was, gave themselves and each other full permission to be as we are? What would the world look like? You would have people giving other people permission to break the mold, because they knew that that was who they were designed to be. You would have those trailblazers giving the people who more are suited towards stabilizing the world full permission to be doing that. The only way we can do it is by identifying each other and supporting each other. You mentioned Heroes, the TV show Heroes, and how all of the people who had superhero powers basically were in hiding. Do you remember that? Camronn: Yeah. The TV show Heroes, its canceled now, but it was a pretty good show. I enjoyed it because the way that it started was you would see these very normal people living normal lives, who all of a sudden discovered that they had superpowers and they didnt quite know what to do about it. They didnt know what to think, didnt know who to tell. Over time, as the show moved forward, they started finding each


Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

other. They started seeing other people who had superpowers and they came together and sort of started to cluster into groups, because they had something in common that they could share with each other, they could talk about. They could give each other advice, they could help each other use their powers more effectively. I think that really does parallel a lot with intuition. If you are an Intuitive, you have superpowers that most of the world doesnt have. The stuff that you can do with pattern recognition that just comes really automatically to you and its fun and its the stuff that lights you up when you do it, most people cant do that. When you realize that, when you recognize that you have a gift thats different, to me You were talking about what the world looks like. The world that I see is one where the 75 percent of the population who has the Sensory preference, they enjoy maintaining the status quo. They enjoy what I call keeping the current machine running. Theres a machine, a system in our world. We have systems of government, we have religious systems, we have family systems, we have social systems. We have ways of doing things that are customary and the people with the Sensory preference, they enjoy and theyre very good at keeping those machines running. People with an Intuitive preference want to test the boundaries. We want to stretch the envelope. We want to try something thats never been done before. If 75 percent of the population is keeping the current machine running, thats going to make sure that nobody gets hurt basically. Not that people wont ever get hurt, but its making sure that this ones not going to break. Then with 25 percent of people innovating, coming up with new stuff, reinventing the wheel, challenging the status quo, challenging assumptions, challenging long held beliefs, that makes room for progress.


Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

I see, from my perspective, the job of Intuitives on the planet is to drive human progress forward. If everybody was an Intuitive, which sounds like it would be great, the way that we tend to describe it is it would be the best summer ever. Then it would all be over, because we would not have prepared for the winter, we would not have done anything to keep the current machine running. Wed build a new machine and wed keep building. Wed keep reinventing the machine, and it would never have an opportunity to stabilize because its constantly morphing into something else. Antonia: Right. Going back to what you were talking about with Heroes, what I thought was so awesome about that is essentially what the superheroes were doing is that they were cross-pollinating. They were mentoring each other. They helped each other get better at their powers, just by the fact that they were communicating with each other. Camronn and I have done a lot of coaching. Weve coached a lot of people, both Sensors and Intuitives, and weve noticed that with the Intuitives that weve coached, just by having the opportunity to talk to them about what our life experience has been, getting their life experience from them and giving them permission to be who they are, they supercharge. In that minute, in that instant, they go, Oh! I have permission to be like me and there are more like me? Thats all they need. They just take off. Its really incredible. That Intuitive cross- pollination happens when we work with each other and we find each other.

Camronn: I was talking with a gentleman this last weekend, and basically just in the five minutes or so we were talking, discussed the Intuitive-Sensor difference. He was an Intuitive. His entire demeanor changed. His posture changed, his face lit up, and he said, I feel about two inches taller. He actually was, because he was standing up as opposed to slouching a little bit like he had been before. It was just like a light bulb went off


Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

that he had been waiting for for a very long time. Antonia: Exactly. This has become something thats sort of a passion project for us, personally. We see so many different weve seen so many Intuitives living a life that is uncomfortable for them, is not bringing any happiness, is basically that itchy prison of a life that they dont want to continue leading. The work that we do with Intuitives, it gives them an ability just like finally, again, Im going to use the word permission, to live the life that they were really designed to do. Now, that doesnt mean its easy, but it definitely is in their strengths. Theyre so much more in their element if theyre living that kind of life. We realize, what sort of spawned from this, and in an, Oh, duh, moment, is that most of us if we think about what our lives would have been if as little kids we had an Intuitive mentor that said, All right. Youre showing signs of pattern recognition. Youre Intuitive. You need to not be living life like everybody else. If as a little kid we had had that and then somebody to basically coach us through our lives and teach us how to be the best Intuitive possible, I cant even imagine what my life would be like right now. I cant even imagine. Can you? No. I just imagine having someone there saying, Go for it. The stuff that you want to do, all these ideas that you have, all the curiosity that you have about the way the world works lets figure it out. Lets make something out of this. Lets do it. Somebody sort of nurturing you and supporting you and mentoring you, or me in this case, through that process, would have been my life would be completely different from how it is now. Although, Im catching up. Right. Quickly. Yeah. Very quickly. Having this not only the understanding about being an Intuitive, but also weve started to create an


Antonia: Host:


Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

Intuitive community where we can have Intuitive conversations. One of the things, I grew up in a small town, and my typical sort of the archetypal vision that I have or memory that I have of what it was like, was I would have some big idea that I wanted to share with somebody and I was really excited about it and I couldnt hold it in. I couldnt contain myself. Id share it with somebody who had a Sensory preference, which was most of the people in the small town I grew up in, and the reaction that I tended to get was Wow. Youre real smart, arent you? It was just like I felt so deflated, because I had this precious diamond that I wanted to share with this person, and they didnt realize. They thought it was a rhinestone. Antonia: Again, I want to pose the question, Just imagine from the time that you were a little kid, you had a mentor that helped you understand what it meant to be Intuitive and gave you permission to be a little different than everybody else. What would your life be like? Pretty different. Pretty different. Pretty powerfully different. We realize that that is an imperative that the world needs. I dont know of any other Intuitive mentorship program. I know of a lot of other personal development programs, and a lot of them are designed and made by Intuitives. They hit an element of it, but I dont know any single program that integrates all of these different areas of life that Intuitive really struggle with. We designed one. We decided that this was absolutely important for people to have. Normally, our coaching, our one-on-one coaching and profiling sessions are about $500.00. People pay us $500.00 for our coaching sessions and profiling sessions, which isnt always in everybodys price range. We feel really strongly about the Intuitive awakening, though. We feel really strongly that people need a true Intuitives need a true mentorship program.


Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

We decided to put together an eight-week course called The Intuitive Awakening: Supercharging Your Inner Trailblazer. Eight different weeks, and each week we will cover another topic that we feel has the highest leverage point for Intuitives, has the highest, strongest leverage point. Well be going over things like relationships. How do you find somebody whos a really good romantic match for you? Or how to strengthen the current relationship you have? Are you both Intuitives? Or perhaps you have a relationship with a Sensor. How to make your communication better. What about your family? Your other friendship relationships, how to boost them up. Camronn: One of the most important things that we cover is how to find other people that have an Intuitive preference in your community, in your group of friends, and how to form a tribe. Intuitives have a very primal fundamental need, and I dont say need lightly. I mean that very specifically. Its a need to have conversation with other Intuitives and kind of allow themselves to communicate in a way thats natural to them and explore their way of seeing the world. This need, for most of us, is so chronically unmet that were not even aware its there. But once you start spending some time with other people that have an Intuitive preference, light bulbs go off and you start to feel like a human being, more so than you ever have before. How to find other Intuitive people in your community and group, and how to create a tribe is one of the most important things that were going to cover. Host: What Ill be teaching, primarily, is going to be about how to identify exactly where you are in your personal development process, in your evolution as a human being on the planet, and how to identify the next critical step for your growth. Were going to talk about how to move forward in life. Again, as


Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

Intuitives, we like to climb those summits and as soon as we get to the top, immediately look for the next summit. Im going to explain to you what that path looks like, what those summits look like, and how to know, at any time, what the next summit is for you. Were going to take some questions now. Our first question comes from Mao, who is in Costa Rica. Hi, Mao. Thanks for joining us here on the call. He says, Hey, guys, glad to be a part of this. As an Introverted Intuitive, I react very aggressively to some peoples button pushing because it feels like theyre coming from a negative place, like theyre not doing it to recognize patterns, but to do harm and push negatively. Could it be that my brains recognizing the harmful pattern, or is it that Im just not understanding where theyre coming from as Extraverts? I ask because it doesnt always come off in a negative way when people are testing me, only sometimes coming from certain persons. Camronn: Hey Mao, this is Camronn. Its a good question. Honestly, I would say actually the answer is probably a little of both. There are times when people are doing their button pushing and it comes across a little harsher than they might intend. There might be no negative intent there at all, and youre just kind of picking up on maybe some clumsiness. People that have the Introverted version of intuition as a strength have a real strong sensitivity to others. It can be very intensely sensitive, actually, so it can be easy to pick up on someone elses interaction as being a little bit harsh. The other thing is that there could be some non-altruistic intent that youre picking up on. Its a little of both. I would say try to reserve judgment, and just acknowledge that other people do have a very different process. If you have Introverted Intuition as a strength, youre not going to be a button pusher as much. Youre going to be kind of getting answers to your questions internally, as opposed to externally,


Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

so youre not going to need to prod people and things to get more information. What other people are doing isnt necessary for you, so it is going to take a little bit of a stretch to really see where theyre coming from. Antonia: Another element isactually, two things. First, remembering that everybody fundamentally has positive intent really helps. That nobody is trying to hurt anybody else, theyre all coming from a positive place, even if they do hurt, its generally them trying to defend something about themselves. Understanding that people generally have positive intent really helps in understanding where other people are coming from. The second thing I was going to say is there are other elements of our personalities beyond being Intuitive that really inform who we are and how the criteria we use to make decisions. Understanding what our decision-making criteria are, that goes beyond intuition. Intuition is just a way that we understand information. Its just a way of taking it in, recognizing patterns, understanding whats going on. How we decide the value of that information goes beyond our Intuitive preference, and thats a part of those other elements of our personality. Okay. Thanks Mao, for the question. Were going to take two more, really quickly. Edwards in New York. He asks, What is the number one thing that an Intuitive can do to improve his or her overall life? Thats a pretty mighty question, there, Edward. Thanks for that one. Were going to do our best to answer that one in a short period of time, and we have one more well take.


Camronn: Hey, Edward. This is Camronn again. Thank you for the question. Thank you for wording it that way, because that makes the answer easier. Theres lot of things that Intuitives can do to improve their life dramatically, lots of little bits and pieces that need to be different than kind of the life template that we hear about from parents, friends, family, teachers and


Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

so on. There is a shortcut, though. Theres one way to handle all those little bits of things you need to do different, and thats association. You need to find other Intuitives and have a lot of association with them. Because just by doing that, a whole bunch of other stuff is going to get handled. Youre going to find yourself falling into your own processes more, youre going to find yourself trusting your natural thought patterns, and kind of right-sizing your life to fit your style, because youre seeing how other people similar to you are adjusting their lives. Thats going to, by default, give you permission to do the same thing yourself. That is the one thing that I would recommend above anything else. Antonia: I would agree with that. You actually said the word that I was going to say, is the number one thing, and Ive said it a 100 times so I was just going to be repeat, but that is permission. Giving yourself permission to be different is one of its the first domino. As soon as you give yourself permission to break the mold, all the other things fall into place. I would say number one is permission, and then absolutely Id piggyback onto Camronns answer and say community. Getting association, getting a tribe together, getting community, then you get that cross-pollination.

Camronn: If I want to be perfectly honest, the best thing an Intuitive could do to improve their life is sign up for our program. I just didnt want to be cheap. Either answer is good. Antonia: Yeah. I would100 percent sincerity, sign up for our program. Seriously. Come, be a part of our mentorship program. Thats one of the biggest, highest leverage points you can do right now as an Intuitive. All right. Thanks guys. As Antonia and Camronn have just said, the number one thing



Genius Awakening Presents: The Art & Science Of Intuition

an Intuitive can do to improve his or her overall life is to find a tribe of Intuitives, and thats what its all about. Thanks for joining us, and well talk to you soon. Camronn: Bye. Antonia:

Bye. Thank you.

The Intuitive Awakening program is part of the Genius Awakening suite. Come check it out at!


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