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The High Cost of Illegal Immigration in the U.S. and New Hampshire.

There are an estimated 12 million illegal aliens the United States. There are an estimated 15,000 illegal aliens in New Hampshire. Illegal aliens across the nation cost the taxpayers an estimated $113 billion per year, and $123 million in New Hampshire. Illegal aliens in the U.S. murder an estimated 4,830 people per year, and kill an estimated 4,745 in auto accidents. Twenty percent of inmates in federal prisons are illegal immigrants. More Americans are killed by illegal immigrants in one year than were killed in both Gulf Wars. The U.S. House and Senate will be debating another amnesty bill which, if passed, will grant citizenship to 12 million illegals. Supporters of amnesty insure us that the bill will include border enforcement. We were told the same thing in 1986 when Congress granted a one time amnesty to three million illegals while promising to secure the borders. The illegal aliens got the amnesty while we got more illegal aliens.

Take action:

Call your members of Congress, today and demand that

they not support any bills that grant amnesty to illegal aliens.

Estimates United States New Hampshire Illegal Immigrants 12 million 15 Thousand Annual Cost $113 Billion $123 Million Murders 4,830 (nationwide) Automobile Fatalities 4,745 (nationwide) Federal Prison Population 20% (nationwide)
U.S. Senator: Hon. Kelly Ayotte D.C. Office: (202) 224-3324 NH Office: (603) 622-7979 U.S. Senator: Hon. Jeanne Shaheen D.C. Office: (202) 224-2841 NH Office: (603) 647-7500 U.S. House Member: Hon. Carol Shea Porter D.C. Office: (202) 225-5456 NH Office: (603) 641-9536 U.S. House Member: Hon. Ann Kuster D.C. Office: (202) 225-5206 NH Office: (603) 226-1002

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