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Aberfeldy footbridge

Description Application Type Where composites used and why

All composite footbridge over a golf course bridge T h i s i s t h ew o r l d s f i r s t ma j o r a d v a n c e dc o mp o s i t ef o o t b r i d g e .1 4 . 5t o n n e s of composite materials are contained in the bridge. Maunsell worked closely with Dundee University whose final-year bridge engineering students provided the bridge erection team. A unique method of erection of towers, cables and deck was used which needed no site craneage. This was made possible by the lightweight components. The bridge was completed by the addition of GRP handrailing and a wear-resistant deck finish, providing a life to first maintenance of over 20 years. The minimal foundations and rapid site assembly meant that the solution was very cost effective for the client. Key benefits from using composites are: Fully bonded composite structure Light and durable Erected without craneage. The bridge is a cable-stayed structure with a main span of 63m and two back spans. It is stayed from two 18m-h i g h A s h a p e dG R Pp y l o n s u s i n g Parafil cables Kevlar aramid fibres sheathed in a protective low density polyethylene coat. The 113m-long fully bonded lightweight deck was assembled on site in only 8 weeks. Bridge is designed to carry live loading of 5.6 kN/m. The dead weight of the bridge is 2.0 kN/m including 1.0kN/m ballast. Wind and temperature design loads were to BD37/88. Load tests on parapets to verify strength Strength tests on cable/deck connections Studies demonstrated that dynamic response can be controlled by calibrating the magnitude and distribution of the mass of the deck and tailoring the damping of the parapets, cables and surfacing. Deck 600mm wide longitudinal ACCS panels stiffened by edge beams and cross beams. Parapets non-ACCS sections Parapets pultruded GRP sections Cables Kevlar-49 fibres sheathed in low density polyethylene Deck pultruded GRP sections GRP E-glass fibre and isophthalic polyester resin Light weight, durability, minimal disruption to golf course

Nature of service environment and design loads

Development and proving trials

Geometry of composite Type of composite used

Special requirements of composite Performance in service

Deck had to be strengthened with GRP pultruded plates in 1997 due to overloading causing cracking on deck surface. Within first year, bridge withstood hurricane winds, unprecedented snowfall and flooding to above deck level spans no damage was caused. Primary structure of bridge performing very well after 10 years. There have been some superficial weathering effects which do not affect the structural performance of the bridge - erosion of surface layer of parapets and handrails exposing fibre these were non-ACCS sections and illustrate how important the detailed specification of resin and manufacture is in practice. The ACCS GRP panels have weathered

extremely well. Connections between parapet rails and posts have worked loose. Many post-to-deck connections are loose. These are due to the movement cycles of the deck and could be avoided by giving the parapet connections greater movement capacity or by reducing deck displacement by means of a stiffer cable system. Both parapets and primary structure have been affected by mould and moss growth due to standing surface moisture similar effects can be observed on masonry structure in the area, due to the damp climate. A future strategy might be to consider the colour of the composite used to minimise the visual impact of the mould growth, the use of mould-inhibiting additives in the resin system, detailing to avoid water traps, and a maintenance regime to ensure that drainage paths are kept clear of leaves and other debris.

Aberfeldy Bridge was visited by a BRE Engineer in Sept 2002, although no full structural survey was possible. Visually very impressive from a distance, the bridge's appearance is marred by a heavy build-up of algal growth, in particular to the handrails but also to the masts and sides of the deck which will be more difficult to clean. Some damage was noted to one of the end handrail posts. The cantilevered handrails are very wobbly and can be moved laterally by several tens of millimetres. Parts of the handrails also rattle when walking over the bridge. Some of the components are poorly fitting and seem to have loosened up considerably with gaps of 15 to 20mm in places. As a result of this the line of the parapet is crocked. Glass fibres were visible on the tops of some of the handrails and a number of end caps to the posts were missing. The bridge is very lively even at a gentle walking pace and soon develops a highly noticeable bounce. The Kevlar cables appeared to be under quite low tension and the dynamic problem exhibited is clearly partly a result of the low mass of the system. A sign indicates that the bridge is for the use of golf club members only. In spite of this the bridge is apparently much admired by the locals. Joining technique used Further information Bond and toggle type mechanical connectors. Maunsell Structural Plastics
Maunsell House, 160 Croydon Road, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 4DE Tel: 0181 663 6565 Fax: 0181 663 6723

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